We live in a world that is dominated by cutting-edge technology. By the time that the latest and greatest technology is released, manufacturers are already beginning their search to find the next best thing. Nowadays, the easier we can make it to accomplish things, the better. For many, this means making things more accessible online and limiting the amount of human interaction that a person must have: whether it be ordering a pizza online, scheduling and cancelling doctor’s appointments, or even ordering groceries to be picked up at your local Kroger. By completing these tasks on the internet, we are cutting out the middlemen: the receptionist that answers the phone, the employees who take phone orders, and the assistants that schedule appointments.
Machines have taken over jobs in assembly lines, production lines, and coal mines. Robots and machines are more cost efficient because employers don’t have to pay several employees to do a job that a single robot or machine can do on its own. They are also more efficient and can get jobs done in bulk, allowing them to complete a task much quicker than a human employee.
What’s next…Robolawyers?
As technolgy continues to increase, and smartphones turn into computers, it’s not far fetched to think that robots will take over occupations that iclude substantial amounts of research and paperwork: at the top of this list, lawyers. Already in court buildings, court reporters are becoming obsolete because rather than relying on the reporter to record everything that happens during a trial, courts are bringing in cameras to record the trial.
Will Lawyers Become Obsolete With The Success Of Robots Or Chatbox Technology?
Artificial intelligence will revolutionize the way that legal technolgy, marketing, and advertising is done. Thousands of people are already relying on Chatbot, technology that allows them to set up consulataions easily online (Mixon, 2017). In 2015, the “World’s first robot lawyer” was launched to help people fight parking tickets. This is a free service, called Do Not Pay and allows people to fight traffic tickets without having to speak to a lawyer. Clients simply answer a series of questions online and then a letter is generated that can help them fight their parking tickets (Mixon, 2017). To read the Mixon article, click here.
Although the efficiency of this company may make you skeptical, it is important to take into consideration that the company has experienced a large amount of success in a very short period of time. “Do Not Pay has won 160,000 out of its last 250,000 cases” (Miller, 2017). To read the Miller article, click here.
Which category of lawyers may take the hardest hit?
Eventually, all law practices may be online-based, minimizing the hassle of driving to the law firm, and completely eliminating in person meetings. But in the mean time, lawyers who prepare “business documents, contested filings, and estate planning documents should expect to be more impacted by robots than other categories of law” (Mixon, 2017). Currently, companies are competing to create online automation systems that will minimize excessive paperwork by creating these documents quickly online with the click of a mouse.
Will Conflict Resolution Technology Powered By Robots Help With Divorce Cases?
Divorce law may also see substantial changes. Last week it was announced that a Brisbane, Australia start-up company named “Evorce” received a $128,000 grant for its conflict-resolution technology powered by artificial intelligence. This pilot project help 1,000 Queenslanders through the process.
Founder Andrew Wright said “the robot supported platform has guided couples through seperation, parenting, and property agreements within 12 weeks at a fraction of the costs of engaging lawywers.” Evorce plans to export its service to both the US and UK with other Countries set to follow. Rather than relying on the knowledge and expertise of a lawyer, clients could rely on machinery that has extensive knowledge on prior legal cases and legal language, helping to minimize the possibilty of human error, which would result in a higher percentage of successful cases.
Are you interested in fighting the rise of robots? Do you want to ensure that you will still have a career in the future? Visit this link to find how to avoid being replaced by a robot!
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: I want to thank Jessica Robinson in our office for researching and writing this technology blog article! Nice job Jessica!
© 2017 – 2018, Ohio Family Law Blog. All rights reserved.

Attorney Robert “Chip” Mues has been focusing his legal practice throughout Southwest Ohio primarily in divorce and family law matters since 1978. Chip is passionate about family law and has proudly published the Ohio Family Law Blog since 2007. In addition, he previously managing the Dayton law firm of Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues LPA until it dissolved on December 31, 2024. He recently has founded MUESLAW in 2025. To learn more about him or MUESLAW, visit www.MuesLaw.com. Appointments are available in person, over the phone or by Zoom. Call us at 937 293-2141.