By Robert L. Mues   |   October 8th, 2022
divorce lawyer humor
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Divorce Lawyer: A Collection of Quotes That can be Helpful In Times of Divorce or Stress

divorce lawyerOf course, divorcing is not a laughing matter, but humor can be helpful on occasion. You can thank my daughter-in-law, Bambi, for this post if you like it. She started me thinking about this blog by sharing a comment from a customer in the boutique, Eclectic Essentials, she and my youngest son Colin own in the Oregon District in downtown Dayton.

She called me on the phone and said, “A new customer came in the shop and told us he was redecorating his house after his divorce, and he loved our store.” She said the middle-aged man said to her “You know I found out that I am allergic to marriage.” She looked at him puzzled and he went on to say, “Yup. I always break-out in a nasty divorce!” She thought that as a divorce lawyer that I would like the story. She was right and it made me laugh!

That was the impetus to the theme of this blog and my sharing some of the other interesting or humorous “divorce quotes” that I have enjoyed over my 40+ years as a divorce lawyer. I am sure I am showing my age because many readers will not even recognize some of the people quoted below.

Without further ado, here they are in no particular order…

  1. You know why divorces are so expensive? Because they’re worth it.” – Willie Nelson
  2. Marriage is the chief cause of divorce.” – Groucho Marx
  3. I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know her first name was Always.” –Red Skelton
  4. There are things in my life that are hard to reconcile, like divorce. Sometimes it is very difficult to make sense of how it could possibly happen. Laying blame is so easy. I don’t have time for hate or negativity in my life. There is no time for it.” – Reese Witherspoon
  5. My husband and I have never considered divorce… murder sometimes, but never divorce.”-Joyce Brothers
  6. Marriages don’t last. When I meet a guy, the first question I ask myself is: is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?” – Rita Rudner
  7. He taught me housekeeping; when I divorce, I keep the house.”Zsa Zsa Gabor
  8. I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.”Bette Davis
  9. Today, it is easier to get divorced in most states than to get a transmission repaired properly.”Dave Barry
  10. A divorce lawyer is a chameleon with a law book.” – Marvin Mitchelson
  11. I should have known something was wrong with my first wife. When I brought her home to meet my parents, they approved of her.”Woody Allen
  12. You can’t stay married in a situation where you are afraid to go to sleep in case your wife might cut your throat.” – Mike Tyson
  13. I’ve never been married, but I tell people I’m divorced so they won’t think something’s wrong with me.” – Elayne Boosler
  14. Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.”Oscar Wilde
  15. The difference between a divorce and a legal separation is that a legal separation gives a husband time to hide his money.”Johnny Carson
  16. In Palm Springs, they think homelessness is caused by bad divorce lawyers.”Garry Trudeau
  17. Ah, yes, divorce from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man’s genitals through his wallet.”Robin Williams
  18. Half of all marriages end in divorce—and then there are the really unhappy ones.” – Joan Rivers
  19. Don’t have regrets. You can learn something from every experience.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  20. Success is its own reward, but failure is a great teacher too, and not to be feared.”Sonia Sotomayor
  21. I wasn’t actually divorced. I was traded.”Tim Conway
  22. When I got divorced, it was group sex. My wife screwed me in front of the jury.” – Rodney Dangerfield
  23. Divorce isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce.”Jennifer Weiner
  24. The only grounds for divorce in California are marriage.” – Cher
  25. Divorce is the one human tragedy that reduces everything to cash.” Rita Mae Brown
  26. You don’t know a woman till you’ve met her in court.” – Norman Mailer
  27. The happiest time of anyone’s life is just after the first divorce.”John Kenneth Galbraith
  28. A lot of people ask me how short I am. Since my last divorce, I’m about $100,000 short.” – Mickey Rooney
  29. Take this marriage thing seriously – it has to last all the way to the divorce.”Roseanne Barr
  30. Our parents got divorced when we were kids, and it was kind of cool. We got to go to the divorce court with them. My mom won the house and the car. My dad got some luggage.”Tom Arnold

I hope a few of these made you think a bit and hopefully smile or laugh. In any event, I had fun writing this blog. This was a fun change of pace for me! Thanks Bambi for the great blog idea!

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30 Humorous or Interesting Quotes About Divorce

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