By Robert L. Mues   |   March 15th, 2025
A Name change after divorce in ohio
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Reclaim Your Identity: The Ultimate Guide to Name Change After Divorce in Ohio!

Name change after divorce ohioIf you are a woman going through a name change after divorce in Ohio,, you may be thinking about reverting to your birth name, also referred to as your maiden name. Or perhaps you want to assume another former name such as from a previous marriage. Once you are divorced, it is not an automatic change. Also for men going through a divorce, even if you would like your ex-spouse or soon to be ex, to forgo your surname, this is not a change you can request the Court to do. It is the wife’s decision.

If a woman wishes to revert to a different surname, then it should ideally be done at the time of the final hearing. Under the Ohio Revised Code, Section 3105.16 the Court has the authority to restore a former name if that is your request. It is simple to complete by filing a Restoration of Former Name Entry then (or some Court’s allow a 30 day window to file this entry).

Once the divorce is final, and if you then decide that you want to change your name, you can still do so, but it is a separate legal proceeding. This requires filing an application with the probate court in the county you are living. Also, you will need to publish the notice in a local newspaper, as well as appear at a hearing in front of a judge. At this point you will be mailed a certified court order copy if the court grants the change. Doing this through Probate Court is more costly and can be more of a headache.

Should I Change My Name?

A lot of women struggle with the decision as to keep their ex’s surname, or to change it. For some women it is an easy answer. Yes, if I change my name, I will be regaining my identity and independence I had before marriage. For some it helps to ease the emotional distress associated with a difficult union. For others, it is difficult to make the change for many reasons. It is a hassle to go through all the steps, which will be addressed in this blog. Or maybe you have built a reputation in your line of work and don’t want to lose that identity.

April Masini, who is the author of “AskApril”, a relationship advice forum and also the author of four relationship advice books, states “If a woman changes her last name after a divorce, and her kids see that there now two homes, one parent in each, less to go around and mom’s got a different name than we do, there’s more upset, more confusion and more transition, as well as an unearned feeling of loss from the name change. However, if the marriage was so bad that the name change is liberating, in spite of the transition the kids go through as a result, it can be a positive change”.

So, after weighing the pros and cons of changing your name, again, make sure that is part of the divorce proceedings in order to avoid the extra steps and costs of changing it later. Once you do make the decision to change your name after divorce in Ohio, there are a lot of steps that you will need to do.

Steps for Name Change After Divorce in Ohio

Go to the BMV.

Obtaining a new driver’s license by going to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles is very important. In order to obtain a new driver’s license you must provide a copy of your legal name change Order. You will need either a certified copy from probate court, or a copy of your final divorce decree.

Go to the Social Security Administration Office.

Also you will need to get a new Social Security Card by either visiting the local Social Security Office or you can print out Form SS-5 from the Social Security website. Again, you will need to provide documentation. Notifying the Social Security Administration is something you would want do before filing a tax return so that the IRS computers will be able to match your number with your changed name. This is wise to do so that there are no complications and that you receive credit for all your social security earnings. To learn more, click here to go to the Social Security Administration’s website to learn more about this process

Additional Steps After Name Change in Ohio

Reach out to your insurance carriers, health, auto, homeowners, health etc. Be sure your employer has the updated changes so that they can change any tax and payroll information. This advice also goes for updating any financial institutions such as, mortgage, credit card, credit union, and banks. Utilities should be updated as well. Ensuring your name change after divorce in Ohio is handled correctly can save you time and additional legal fees.


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Name Change Restoration Process after a Divorce in Ohio

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