A Historical Perspective of No-Fault Divorce Laws in Ohio

no-fault divorce laws ohio

The Pros of a No-Fault Divorce Can Cause Positive Ripple Effects

no-fault divorce lawsThe 1970s-known for disco, bell bottom jeans, lava lamps, muscle cars, the Brady Bunch, Pong, and the first Concorde commercial flight-but what about divorce? In the 1970s a revolution took place in the United States. Not the British Invasion, but rather a divorce law revolution. In the 1970s alone, 37 states amended or repealed divorce laws, now allowing married couples to divorce under a “no-fault” system. Under the old, “fault-based” scheme, one party would have to be found guilty of adultery, abandonment, physical or emotional abuse, or a protracted separation period (at least 2 years), etc.

Generally, under this scheme, if an individual seeking a divorce could not prove that one of the previously listed grounds for divorce was present, American courts would not grant the divorce. Without evidence proving their partner was engaging in atrocious acts, an individual was forced to remain in their marriage. A policy argument in favor for the sweeping change in divorce laws is that under the prior “fault-based” scheme, individuals who wished to divorce often did so through perjury and falsification of evidence to get around the strict statutory requirements.

No-fault divorce lawsRead More... “A Historical Perspective of No-Fault Divorce Laws in Ohio”

Life in Ohio Post-Roe – The Next Baby Boom or Crash?

births abortion post roe

Post-Roe decision Could Impact Baby-Formula Availability With Addition Births Projected

births abortion post roeThe post-Roe rise in births in the U.S. will be in some of the worst states for infant and maternal health. The immediate effects of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization closed clinics shifting abortion access across the map almost overnight. Although it is too soon to see a rise in babies born to mothers who did not wish to have them. An economics professor, Caitlin Myers estimates there will be approximately 50,000 additional births nationwide. A trend quickly started on TikTok where “camping” became the code word for abortions.

Young women have been more scared than ever, to get pregnant. These children could start the next anti-abortion movement  but America is unprepared to care for them and their birth mothers. But, plans are set “To make Ohio truly the best place in the nation to have a baby and raise a family…. [after] families have seen their freedom to make their own healthcare decisions stripped away.” Said Ohio House Minority Leader Allison Russo.

In Ohio, where a six-week abortion ban is stalled pending a court battle Governor Mike DeWine has proposed eliminating the tax on diapers and baby … Read More... “Life in Ohio Post-Roe – The Next Baby Boom or Crash?”

Legal Alert: Planning for Parenting Time – Ohio’s Guide for Parents Living Apart

Alert Key Legal Update

Did You Know? Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor has Written a Guide About Planning Parenting Time Schedules for Parents Living Apart

parenting time schedule divorceLooking for a resource in Ohio to help you design a parenting time schedule that will work best for you, your Ex, and your children? I thought it worthwhile to share this resource with the readers of the Ohio Family Law Blog. This is not a new resource. It was published in 2019 by the Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor.

I was thinking about her the other day, since I knew she was retiring from the Ohio Supreme Court in January. She has served Ohio for 24 years in various elected State of Ohio offices – longer than any other woman in Ohio. In addition, Justice O’Connor has been passionate about child related issues throughout her career.

She introduced this resource as being “Ohio specific and it is intended to . . . foster fair and creative parenting schedules based upon children’s developmental milestones and best interests.”

Prenting Time Schedule Resource: How To Download “Planning for Parenting Time – Ohio’s Guide for Parents Living Apart”

This Planning for Parenting Time – Ohio’s Guide for Parents Read More... “Legal Alert: Planning for Parenting Time – Ohio’s Guide for Parents Living Apart”

Tips for Smooth Parenting Exchanges for Divorced Parents

visitation exchange divorce

Tips To Help Make Visitation Exchange Go Smoothly For You, Your Ex, And Your Child

Visitation Exchange Involving Children can often be Stressful after Divorce. Tips to make Parental Exchanges Trouble-Free for all!

visitation exchange divorceIt goes without saying that in most cases divorce is a difficult and an emotional time, especially when children are involved. Even though you may have worked out the details of “sharing” the children the actual exchange of the child/children can be a stressful time and can bring out the worst in the parents. Remembering what you both want is in the best interest of the children is so important! This blog article is going to offer tips to help ensure that the swap goes well.


First of all be prepared and plan ahead so that your child has all that he or she will need at your ex’s house. It is a good idea to have clothes, toys, and school supplies at both residences, but there are certain items that will most likely need to travel back and forth. In order to make the transition easier, try to get everything ready in advance to reduce the stress. Make sure any medications are … Read More... “Tips for Smooth Parenting Exchanges for Divorced Parents”

Should I Stay or Should I Go? To Divorce or Not?

divorce month holidays

The perfect month For filing for Divorce is…

Divorce for the Holidays! The Perfect Time to File for Divorce?

divorce month holidaysThis is the time of year that many people have this exact question on their mind. If you are old like me, perhaps you remember this song by the British punk rock band The Clash from 1982. Or if not, maybe later from a Levi’s 501 jeans television commercial shot in a pool hall.

Here are some of its memorable lyrics:

“Darling you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I’ll be here till the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?

It’s always tease tease tease
You’re happy when I’m on my knees
One day is fine, and next is black
So if you want me off your back
Well come on and let me know
Should I stay or should I go?”

Click here to watch the Levi Jeans commercial including the song.

Why is January Often Referred to as “Divorce Month?”

There are many reasons that folks come in to my law office after the holidaysRead More... “Should I Stay or Should I Go? To Divorce or Not?”

Tips to Avoid Exhaustion After Your Divorce

divorce litigation tips

divorce litigation tipsI tell new clients to prepare themselves at the start of their divorce. My warning – A divorce is typically not a sprint but is usually a marathon! So, prepare yourself accordingly! So, how does one go about avoiding that “marathon”?

Here are my top tips to help you avoid total exhaustion after your divorce.

Tip One: Establish Your Top Priorities

I can’t tell you how critically important this truly is. Contested divorce litigation moves slowly and is very expensive! Some individuals come to the initial conference with a warrior’s mindset. They are often “hurt” and want to lash back by fighting everything. Please understand that there is really no “winner” or “loser” in divorce litigation. That “fight at all costs” approach is a mistake for most people. Why? Because litigating all the small issues will take forever and likely cost a fortune!

Some divorce lawyers may not agree with me on this. Many are willing to champion every fight their client wants. Others seem to have a form “checklist”. They start with the first item on the top of their checklist and won’t move on to item 2 until number 1 has been resolved. Yes. This is … Read More... “Tips to Avoid Exhaustion After Your Divorce”

What Do I Do if My Ex Refuses to Follow the Terms of Our Final Decree of Divorce?

contempt motion parenting time divorce

Filing a Contempt Motion Against Your Ex: The Pros and Cons

Your Ex Could be Held in Contempt Motion for Failure to Comply with a Divorce Court Order

contempt motion parenting time divorceDivorce cases can often continue to create headaches for the parties long after the Final Decree of Divorce has been issued. Sorry to perhaps be the bearer of bad news! Some individuals will refuse to follow Court Orders no matter what the issue or how clearly it is stated in the Court Order.

Some Ohio Courts are becoming more sensitive to that reality and are channeling “high conflict” post decree cases to a different docket so that they receive greater attention including scheduling periodic review hearings (especially if the issue pertains to parenting time).

But, let’s go back to the basics first.


The Court speaks through its Court Orders and Entrys. For example, the Final Judgment and Decree of Divorce sets out the specific terms the parties are Ordered to follow on each and every issue from parenting time to division of assets and debts. Technically,” contempt” is a disregard, or disobedience to the Orders or commands of Judicial authority.

For example, your Ex can … Read More... “What Do I Do if My Ex Refuses to Follow the Terms of Our Final Decree of Divorce?”

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