Blast From The Past: Tips on Dealing with Your Divorce Lawyer [And Why it Matters]

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHERS NOTE: Having recently completed 4 very lengthy high conflict cases over the last few months, I find myself reflecting about the facets of the attorney/client relationship in each. In a different way, each was exceedingly grueling. So I decided to reread several of my past blog articles on this topic. Below is one from 4 years ago which I like a lot.
I would now add another piece of advice to it – “Extreme perseverance may be required to obtain your goals”. While disentangling the parties quickly is always the goal, unfortunately that may not be possible in all cases. At the initial conference, I typically explain to clients that a divorce often is more like a marathon race than a sprint. Work closely and communicate well with your divorce lawyer to understand where your case is headed and all of your options! Stay strong and be prepared to persevere as necessary!

How To Get The Best Outcome From Your Divorce Lawyer

divorce lawyer best outcome

So, you have selected your divorce lawyer. Here are some tips for how to deal with him/her to hopefully achieve the best outcome possible.

  1. Be Candid and Honest – Don’t ever leave your divorce lawyer in the
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The Truths Behind Some Ohio Child Support Myths

ohio child support

Ohio Child Support: 8 Common Myths Debunked

ohio child supportMost parents are familiar with the concept of child support. Nonetheless, there are many myths and inaccuracies people believe to be true that are in fact false. If you pay or receive Ohio child support, you should take the time to learn the truth! Here are some common myths about the payment of child support in Ohio.


Both parents in Ohio have an obligation to support their children. There are many situations where mothers in Ohio are ordered to pay child support.


Child support in Ohio is generally calculated based on gross incomes of the parties, number of children, daycare or childcare expenses, health insurance costs, and the amount of time each parent spends with the child. The child support guidelines in Ohio are not uniform with those in other states. In addition to these factors, the court may consider any unusual needs of your children. The guideline calculations are a starting point in determining Ohio child support. They are not absolute amounts for each and every case. Unusual … Read More... “The Truths Behind Some Ohio Child Support Myths”

Are You Looking for a Supervisor of Parenting Exchanges in the Dayton Area?

parenting time exchanges dayton

Dayton Ohio Parenting Time Exchanges Begin This Summer

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: We posted a blog about the great work being done through the Dayton Mediation Center 12 years ago. Click here to read it. They keep expanding their work and the services offered. Now they are rolling out a new program offering to supervise exchanges of kids between parents and caregivers. A great service as these exchanges can often be troublesome!

Dayton Mediation Center Offering Program To Supervise Custody And Parenting Time Exchanges

parenting time exchanges daytonParenting time exchanges can be difficult in many cases. I have posted several articles here about the subject because it can be such a problem. Previously on the Ohio Family Law Blog in 2020, I posted one about suggestions for making parenting exchanges go well. Click here to read it. In 2022, I wrote another one about tips for smooth parenting exchanges for divorced parents. The content in them is very worthwhile to read again!


I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Raven Cruz Loaiza, the unit coordinator for the recently established Mediation Response Unit (MRU) in Dayton Oh. The Mediation Response Unit is a program under the umbrella of … Read More... “Are You Looking for a Supervisor of Parenting Exchanges in the Dayton Area?”

April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Help Strengthen Families and Prevent Child Abuse

child abuse prevention child welfare

Help Promote Child Abuse Prevention with these Programs and Activities

child abuse prevention child welfareApril is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This month and throughout the year, Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues, encourages all individuals and organizations to play a role in making the Dayton, Ohio community a better place for children and families. There are many ways that each of us can help!

We all need to help promote the social and emotional well-being of children and youth and prevent child maltreatment within families and communities. Protective factors are the strengths and resources families draw on during difficult times to shield them from life’s stresses. Research shows that when parents possess protective factors, the risk for neglect and abuse diminish and optimal outcomes for children, youth, and families are promoted. It is important that parents have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to care for their children. Major protective factors include knowledge of parenting, knowledge of child development, parental resilience, social connections, and concrete supports.

In support of these efforts, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau, Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, together with Child Welfare Information Gateway, and the FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based … Read More... “April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – Help Strengthen Families and Prevent Child Abuse”

Tips For Texting During a Divorce

texting divorce

Helpful Tips Regarding Texting with your Spouse in a Divorce

texting divorceTexting has become for many of us, a fast and easy way to communicate. However, when you are going through a divorce, it is important to rethink about texting your soon to be ex. In the past, I have addressed this issue, but I think it is important to designate a blog to specifically address texting and how it can impact your separation/divorce.

Did you know that the court recognizes text messages as admissible evidence? The judge’s final decision regarding alimony, custody, distribution of debts and assets, etc. may be influenced by texts that have been presented as evidence. You must be careful what you put in either an email or a text, or it may come back to haunt you. On the same note, while it might be tempting to post a snarky comment regarding your spouse on social media, such as instagram or facebook, don’t do it. Your spouse could use these posts against you in your divorce  trial.

Below are some tips regarding texting with your spouse.

Texting is a fast way to respond to someone, but think carefully before you fire off a response … Read More... “Tips For Texting During a Divorce”

Did Your Ex-Spouse Take the Easter Baskets? Resurrection After the Crucifixion of Divorce…

easter divorce jesus christ


I was searching through all my past blog articles looking for ones that I had written about divorced folks and the Easter holiday. I had forgotten about this one. I originally posted it on April 11, 2009. Actually, it was probably my most meaningful one. I reread it and made a few slight revisions, but my advice 14 years ago was right-on-point! Please spend some time and reflect on ways that you can move forward positively and “resurrect” your life. your family, co-workers and friends will welcome the “new you”, but most importantly, do it for yourself – you deserve it!

Feeling Paralyzed After Divorce? Let Easter be your Resurrection of Life

easter divorce jesus christHolidays for those that have become divorced can be very difficult times. Easter is no exception. Have old memories of good times and happiness morphed into feelings of anger, regret and pain? We all know that Easter, in its most religious meaning, is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some European countries stop the daily ringing of the church bell on Thursday in memoriam of the death of Jesus Christ. The daily tradition begins once again the early morning hours of Easter … Read More... “Did Your Ex-Spouse Take the Easter Baskets? Resurrection After the Crucifixion of Divorce…”

Division of Household Goods in an Ohio Divorce

divorce household goods

Dividing household goods in a divorce…can’t decide so flip a coin?

divorce household goodsA few minutes ago, I happened to hear that old 2006 song, “Give it Away” by George Strait. I listed to the lyrics again and thought, “Why can’t division of household goods in most divorce cases be this easy”?

Here are the lyrics that I am referring to:

She was stormin’ through the house that day
And I could tell she was leavin’
And I thought, “Aw, she’ll be back”
‘Til she turned around and pointed at the wall and said

“That picture from our honeymoon
That night in ‘Frisco Bay
Just give it away”
She said, “Give it away”

“And that big four poster king sized bed
Where so much love was made
Just give it away”
She said, “Just give it away”

Just give it away
There ain’t nothing in this house worth fightin’ over
Oh, and we’re both tired of fightin’ anyway
So just give it away


And I said, “Now honey
Don’t you even want your half of everything?”
She said, “Give it away
Just give it away”

Just give it away
There ain’t nothing in this house worth fightin’ over
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