Call The Police First When Facing Domestic Violence Issues?
In the last 4 years in Montgomery County the Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court has cited that they have seen a 40 percent increase in the number of civil protection orders. Anyone, man or woman, can go to court and ask for a civil protection order from another individual, if they feel threatened or endangered by that individual. There is not a fee involved to file the order, and the person filing can get a hearing immediately. The purpose of the order is to forbid the threatening party from contacting or going near the individual who feels endangered.
Of course there is no guarantee that the civil protection order will keep an individual safe from further harassment or even violence. The Montgomery County Relations Court is finding that issuing protection orders is consuming greater than half of the entire caseload. Chief Judge Denise Cross believes that in many cases the protection order serves it’s purpose and as a result the abuser does leave the victim alone. Judge Cross says that the first step for anyone who feels concerned for their safety is to call the police for help, and then go … Read More... “Increase in Domestic Violence Filings in Montgomery County in 2019”