Should Child Support Payments And Visitation Rights Remain Independent Of Each Other In Ohio?
Recent New York Ruling Says Child Support And Visitation Are Linked And Dependent Upon One Another
As a general rule, the payment of child support and visitation are two completely, separate issues in the eyes of the Court. Visitation rights are granted where it is in the “best interest of the child” to have such in place. They are not dependent upon the amount or payment of child support. Likewise, child support is determined according to the Child Support Guidelines and has very little to do with visitation. As a result, paying child support does not entitle a parent to visitation. And, if a parent has court-ordered visitation, it cannot be withheld because they have failed to pay their child support. However, in a recent case out of New York, the Appeals Court there held that support payments should have been suspended where the child was not required to abide by the ordered visitation schedule.
In its opinion, (click here to read) the Appellate Division, Second Department, found that Robert Coull had not seen his 13-year-old son in approximately 5 years due, in large … Read More... “Child Support and Visitation: Should One Be Dependent Upon The Other?”