Child Support and Visitation: Should One Be Dependent Upon The Other?

Should Child Support Payments And Visitation Rights Remain Independent Of Each Other In Ohio?

Recent New York Ruling Says Child Support And Visitation Are Linked And Dependent Upon One Another

child support visitation ohioAs a general rule, the payment of child support and visitation are two completely, separate issues in the eyes of the Court.  Visitation rights are granted where it is in the “best interest of the child” to have such in place.  They are not dependent upon the amount or payment of child support.  Likewise, child support is determined according to the Child Support Guidelines and has very little to do with visitation.  As a result, paying child support does not entitle a parent to visitation.  And, if a parent has court-ordered visitation, it cannot be withheld because they have failed to pay their child support.   However, in a recent case out of New York, the Appeals Court there held that support payments should have been suspended where the child was not required to abide by the ordered visitation schedule.

In its opinion, (click here to read) the Appellate Division, Second Department, found that Robert Coull had not seen his 13-year-old son in approximately 5 years due, in large … Read More... “Child Support and Visitation: Should One Be Dependent Upon The Other?”

Divorce: College Costs – A Ticking Time Bomb?

Parents Facing A Divorce Grapple With College Costs For Their Child

divorce college ohioOn September 5th, we posted a blog article about the necessity to be clear and precise in your divorce or dissolution documents if you chose to include a college expense provision.  Truthfully, since my two sons have already graduated from college, I have not paid close attention to these escalating costs.

I recently saw a very interesting article in the online version of the Dayton Daily News addressing the increasing cost of a college education throughout Ohio and particularly the increasing costs of the room and board portion.  That article also referred to a very interesting chart from the U.S. Department of Education (which I have a link to below) showing a breakdown of the present room, board and tuition costs at most Ohio college and universities.  Those costs are staggering! Nearly every college or university in Ohio saw an increase in room and board rates of nearly 30% between 2002 and 2015.

Having handled divorce cases for over 34 years, I see parents fighting over some petty and nominal costs yet agreeing to divide future college educational expenses with very little consideration.  Did you know that the total … Read More... “Divorce: College Costs – A Ticking Time Bomb?”

Kim Davis: Adherence to Moral Conscience or Violations of the Law?

Will The Law Protect Clerk Kim Davis and Her Refusal To Issue Marriage Licenses For Same-Sex Couples?

kim davis same-sex marriageNo doubt, in the last few weeks or so, you’ve encountered the name Kim Davis in conversation around the water cooler or dinner table.  It is also of little doubt that you’ve confronted staunch opinions regarding the Kentucky clerk of court who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Various media outlets, as well as some individual social media enthusiasts, compare Kim Davis to Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King, Jr. – an outspoken activist of her time, doing what she believes is right to uphold her moral duty to God and her conscience.  Others, particularly those same-sex couples seeking a marriage license, find fault in Kim Davis’ failure to adhere to the oath of office she took when she secured her position as clerk of courts.

Still, this did not keep U.S. District Judge David Bunning from jailing Kim Davis and holding her in contempt of court after investigating her argument that her “conscience will not allow” her to comply with the Supreme Court’s recent ruling legalizing gay marriage.  Judge Bunning did attempt to give Kim Davis a break, explaining that … Read More... “Kim Davis: Adherence to Moral Conscience or Violations of the Law?”

College Expenses And Divorce

Child’s College Expenses Problematic Upon Divorce. Why it’s Important To Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

college expenses divorceWith the importance of higher education becoming more apparent every day, it is not uncommon for divorcing couples to decide to provide for their children’s college expenses. In Ohio, like many other states, domestic relations courts cannot ordera parent to pay these costs because the duty of support generally ends once a child reaches the age of 18 (or in some situations at 19) .  Nevertheless, the parties can negotiate a division of the college expenses and incorporate it into a separation agreement.

Generally speaking, a separation agreement is a contract and is therefore, binding on the parties involved.  So, if you decide to agree to be on the hook for your children’s college expenses upon divorce, it is extremely important that the language within your agreement clearly expresses your intent.

In many cases, the children of these divorcing couples have yet to reach the age of 18.  Therefore, these provisions providing for college expenses are quite often a future occurrence not set to happen for years after the divorce is final.  This can obviously produce many problems.… Read More... “College Expenses And Divorce”

Same-Sex Marriages: Should Judges Decline To Perform Same-Sex Marriages?

Judicial Performance of Same-Sex Marriages: Personal Beliefs Must Take a Back-Seat to Impartiality

same-sex marriages ohioEarlier this summer, the Supreme Court held that an individual’s right to marry a person of his or her choice to be a fundamental right under the United States Constitution. This ruling, highly publicized and long-anticipated, sparked expansive debate regarding Same-Sex Marriages across the country as citizens struggled to adapt their personal and professional lives in accordance with the Court’s intent to equally expand the rights of marriage to same-sex couples. Not long after, small businesses engaged in the “wedding industry” – perhaps, most notably a bakery in Colorado – announced that due to personal beliefs, they would not extend their services to same-sex couples that wished to marry. Debate and litigation continues to develop as courts begin to unearth whether the personal beliefs of business owners to essentially engage in discrimination violate the Supreme Court’s holding.

While the media likely anticipated backlash from United States citizens historically entitled to their personal beliefs and motives concerning same-sex marriages, it might not have anticipated the extension of similar concerns all the way to the judicial branch. On August 7, 2015, the Supreme Court of Ohio issued an Read More... “Same-Sex Marriages: Should Judges Decline To Perform Same-Sex Marriages?”

Child Study: Fathers In-Kind Support For Child

Recent Child Support Study Shows That We May Be Overlooking the In-Kind Support Low-Income, Non-Custodial Fathers Actually Provide

child in-kind support fathersIn a recent article published in The Journal of Marriage and Family, a study of the child support provided by approximately 400 low-income, non-residential fathers suggests that “in-kind” support, that is, support in the form of something other than money, is not typically considered even though it constitutes about one quarter of the total support given. Click here to read the in-kind support study,

Most courts only acknowledge formal or informal support provided (i.e. money paid either directly or indirectly to the mother). The authors of this study argue that many of these low-income fathers provide gifts, food, everyday essentials and services, yet are still labeled “dead-beat dads” because their in-kind support goes unseen by the child support system. As a result, the authors argue that policymakers cannot cure the issues within the system until they have an accurate picture of the situation.

Therefore, the study set out to determine how much in-kind support is being given by these fathers and what their motivation behind giving it is.  In their research, the authors interviewed roughly 400 low-income fathers of different races from … Read More... “Child Study: Fathers In-Kind Support For Child”

Divorce In Another Place: A Quick And Painless Divorce

Looking to Divorce Somewhere Other Than Where You Live? Why You May Want to Reconsider

divorce destination ohioIn a previous article written on July 25, 2015, titled, “Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce“, I discussed the U.S.’s first “divorce hotel” in Saratoga Springs, NY which offers a weekend retreat where a couple can indulge in fine dining and relaxing spa treatments, all while their divorce is being finalized.

Headed by Netherlands-based company, DivorceHotel, the newest trend in separations is to offer a “destination divorce” where couples can vacation and end their marriage simultaneously.  While the idea may seem appealing at first glance, several factors should be carefully considered before you decide to pack your bags.

Getting a divorce in a place other than where you live is nothing new.  For years, people have been traveling outside of their home state to take advantage of “quickie divorce” policies in other locations. In the past, some couples headed to Nevada, while others went a bit further traveling to countries such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic to take advantage of the fast and inexpensive divorce options offered.  Quick and painless, for many the process seemed like a no-brainer.

However, today the … Read More... “Divorce In Another Place: A Quick And Painless Divorce”

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