Child Study: Fathers In-Kind Support For Child

Recent Child Support Study Shows That We May Be Overlooking the In-Kind Support Low-Income, Non-Custodial Fathers Actually Provide

child in-kind support fathersIn a recent article published in The Journal of Marriage and Family, a study of the child support provided by approximately 400 low-income, non-residential fathers suggests that “in-kind” support, that is, support in the form of something other than money, is not typically considered even though it constitutes about one quarter of the total support given. Click here to read the in-kind support study,

Most courts only acknowledge formal or informal support provided (i.e. money paid either directly or indirectly to the mother). The authors of this study argue that many of these low-income fathers provide gifts, food, everyday essentials and services, yet are still labeled “dead-beat dads” because their in-kind support goes unseen by the child support system. As a result, the authors argue that policymakers cannot cure the issues within the system until they have an accurate picture of the situation.

Therefore, the study set out to determine how much in-kind support is being given by these fathers and what their motivation behind giving it is.  In their research, the authors interviewed roughly 400 low-income fathers of different races from … Read More... “Child Study: Fathers In-Kind Support For Child”

Divorce In Another Place: A Quick And Painless Divorce

Looking to Divorce Somewhere Other Than Where You Live? Why You May Want to Reconsider

divorce destination ohioIn a previous article written on July 25, 2015, titled, “Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce“, I discussed the U.S.’s first “divorce hotel” in Saratoga Springs, NY which offers a weekend retreat where a couple can indulge in fine dining and relaxing spa treatments, all while their divorce is being finalized.

Headed by Netherlands-based company, DivorceHotel, the newest trend in separations is to offer a “destination divorce” where couples can vacation and end their marriage simultaneously.  While the idea may seem appealing at first glance, several factors should be carefully considered before you decide to pack your bags.

Getting a divorce in a place other than where you live is nothing new.  For years, people have been traveling outside of their home state to take advantage of “quickie divorce” policies in other locations. In the past, some couples headed to Nevada, while others went a bit further traveling to countries such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic to take advantage of the fast and inexpensive divorce options offered.  Quick and painless, for many the process seemed like a no-brainer.

However, today the … Read More... “Divorce In Another Place: A Quick And Painless Divorce”

Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce

DivorceHotel – A Relaxing Getaway to Get Away from Being Married! Hotel Resort Provides Quickie Divorce Package

divorce DivorceHotelIn September 2014, a luxurious resort in upstate New York became the first hotel in the United States in which you can check in married on Friday, and check out single on Sunday! The Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs has paired with Netherlands-based company, DivorceHotel, and is now officially catering to the needs of those looking for a vacation and a divorce all at the same time.

While this is a somewhat novel concept for the U.S., hotels across Europe have been providing hundreds of “quickie divorces” to couples since 2012.  DivorceHotel, seeks to offer a friendlier and more affordable separation process compared to the typical contentious and lengthy litigation proceedings that usually accompany a divorce.

The divorce package costs anywhere from $5000 to approximately $12000 and includes 2 separate rooms (however the couple can stay together if they so choose), an attorney for each spouse and a mediator who works with the couple at the hotel. Upon arrival, the spouses are greeted with a “welcome package” complete with information booklets, sparkling water, red wine and dark chocolates. The biggest … Read More... “Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce”

Child Support: Should Step-Parents Income Be Considered?

Ohio Law Says Step-Parent’s Income Cannot Be Considered When Determining The Amount Of Child Support Owed

child support incomeGenerally speaking, we as a society tend to be of the mindset that if you decide to have a child, then you should be the one to take care of it…period. In reality, however, the issue is not so cut and dry.  Different circumstances and factors come into play which, in the end, can alter who ultimately provides for a child.  Take, for example, adoption.  While the adoptive parent is not the natural, he or she ultimately chooses to become the child’s caregiver and supporter.  What should happen though, in a case where a person is not the biological parent and does not necessarily choose to be financially responsible for a child, as is often the case with step-parents?  When a person with children from a previous relationship remarries, should the new step-parent be on the hook for child support even when their new spouse is not the primary caregiver?

In Ohio, the answer is no.  According to Ohio Revised Code 3103.03(A), the statutory duty to pay child support is only imposed on biological or adoptive parents.  Therefore, when a couple with … Read More... “Child Support: Should Step-Parents Income Be Considered?”

Social Media In Divorce – Prenuptial Agreement Provision

Avoid Post Divorce Disputes – Don’t Forget To Include Social Media Clause in Your Prenuptial Agreement!

social media divorce prenuptial agreementIn the past, we’ve written multiple articles relating to social media. I have linked to some of them at the end of this article.  Now, I would like to focus on an issue that may evolve during a marriage and can expand exponentially after a divorce; social media disputes between couples. This type of ugly dispute has led many in the legal world to conclude that some couples need a “social media clause” in their prenuptial agreement (s).

If you’re connected to the world via social media, you’ve seen this happen.  Let’s say a mid-30’s married couple has a nasty fallout ending in a divorce.  You’re friends with both of these individuals on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and maybe follow them on Instagram as well.  After their divorce, things get even nastier.  Now, instead of fighting amongst themselves in private and attempting to resolve issues, they’re broadcasting these “differences” on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  These problems can be about anything, even complaining about child splitting time, each other’s parenting skills, or even extending into alimony or child support.

In … Read More... “Social Media In Divorce – Prenuptial Agreement Provision”

Children, App Technology, and Messaging Safely

How vulnerable Are Children In Today’s App Technology-Driven Internet World?

New Certified Messenging Chat App For Children Provides Safe Monitoring For Parents And Encourages Responsible Social Media Development

children app safetySummer is coming.

These are the words that children ages 6-17 dream of hearing everyday as they’re leaving school.  Ten to fifteen years ago, summer meant baseball, bikes, and adventures outside with your friends.  The recent changes in technology have also brought about changes in interest among younger individuals in our population.  Today, summer means iPads, TV’s, computers, and video games.  Technology has brought about more advanced innovations at a cheaper price. This allows for easier access to extremely advanced technology. Think for a second, when was the last time you saw a child on an iPad, a tween with an iPhone, or a teenager paying more attention to their phone than their surroundings.  This means your children, and your neighbors children can work those new computers, navigate your complicated phone, and dazzle with online gaming faster than you could ever hope to.

With advancement in technology, comes advancement in vulnerability.    Our society will always maintain a small population of predatory individuals who attempt and succeed to deceive and infiltrate the … Read More... “Children, App Technology, and Messaging Safely”

Mother’s Day – Valuable Tips For New Stepparents

The Challenges of Blending Families – Important Advice For Mother’s Day

Patience Is Key When Stepmothers And Grandmothers Are Raising Their Grandchildren As Their Own Says Author Kate Fogerty

mother's day ohioNOTE: I was considering writing a new article about Mother’s Day so I began by looking through the Ohio Family Law Blog archives. Some advice is timeless. This one from seven years ago is still on point. Here is a reprise of “Mother’s Day – A Very Special Day!” We wish all Mother’s and Grandmother’s a wonderful Mother’s Day filled with smiles, laughter and joyous memories!

Naturally Mother’s Day is a special day for families and especially for mothers. In this day and age however, there are often multiple females who may play a key role in a child’s life. Stepmothers and grandmothers raising their grandchildren as their own are now quite the norm. These women need to be recognized on Mother’s Day.

Stepmothers are often portrayed in a negative light. It is important to look at all sides, as a step mom often has to walk the tight rope. She has to carefully navigate the road so that she is an integral part of her new child … Read More... “Mother’s Day – Valuable Tips For New Stepparents”

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