Animal Protection: New Bill Would Shield Pets From Abuse

Should Domestic Violence Protection Orders Protect the Family Pet Or Animal Against Abuse?

animal protection abuseA bill introduced in August 2013 would amend domestic protection order laws to include your furry friend.  The new (potential) law seeks to add “companion animal” to protective order abilities.   The new bill seeks to add the language…

The court may include within the scope of a protection order issued under this section any companion animal that is in the complainant’s or alleged victim’s residence and may issue additional orders as it considers appropriate for the protection of the companion animal, including any listed in division (D)(1) of this section. (SB 177: 2013)

This new added language grants courts the power to protect a victim’s animal from abuse.  This became a hot issue recently with 71% of women who entered battered or abuse shelters reporting that their batterer killed, injured, or was abusive to their animal companion.

The new bill would grant judges the ability to order a multitude of protections regarding pet abuse.  This may seem silly and excessive to some, but to pet owners this is long overdue.  The language that would be added by the new bill includes the following…

The court

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Divorce and Your Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction

Consider Allocation Of Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction When Filing A Divorce Decree

divorce mortgage interest tax deductionIn Ohio, and elsewhere, you may be able to deduct the interest paid on the mortgage on your principle residence when filing your tax return.   A deduction is simply the lowering of your taxable income.  For example, if you make an adjusted gross income of 70,000 dollars and have paid 10,000 dollars in mortgage interest throughout the year, you’re taxable income before other deductions would be 60,000 dollars.

Regardless of whether you’re single or married, you’re able to claim your mortgage interest deduction on your itemized return.  When you file your return, you’re also required to list your filing marital status.  The IRS requires that you claim your marital status in accordance with your marital status on the “last day of the year.”  So you must have been married on December 31st of the year to file as “married” for that year.

There are two types of deduction schedules you’re able to file, an itemized or a standard deduction.  It only makes sense to file an itemized deduction only if your deductions exceed your standard allowance, which in 2013 reached $6,100 for an individual filing as a … Read More... “Divorce and Your Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction”

Parents Behavior During Divorce Can Often Lead To Child Favoritism

Behavior Dangers: Poll Reveals Financial Or Marital Stress Can Affect Parents Behavior Toward Their Child

parents behavior child childrenA recent 60 minutes “vanity fair poll” discussed numerous situations in which parents discussed their feelings, and opinions regarding their children.  The poll consisted of calling 1,000 adults nationwide and polling their opinion.

Some of the results were obvious, for example 90% of the parents polled stated that of all their children, they did not maintain a favorite, and all were equal in their eyes.  An article in Psychology Today discussed the dangers of not treating your children equal.  Stating often, a child personality and behavior play a large role in favoritism, in that parents often pick their “best” child.  This is also significant because once a child maintains the “favorite” role; this attention can mold their personality and behavior.

Another point the article makes is how stress, often financial or marital, can affect the way individuals approach their children, often creating a favorite, and reducing the ability to either mend a relationship or to show your true affection.

Another topic the poll considered was the “behavior blamed on parents” question, asking which behavior can most likely be blamed on … Read More... “Parents Behavior During Divorce Can Often Lead To Child Favoritism”

Internet Becomes First Choice For Attorney Searches

The Most Popular Way To Find An Attorney Is Through Internet Searches According To Survey

internet attorneyA recent survey conducted by Thomas Reuters (published by found that today more individuals prefer using the internet to find an attorney than any other method.  Of the individuals surveyed, 38% preferred to use the internet as a first choice to find their next attorney.  This percentage rose from 7% in 2005 to the current 38% in 2014.  The second choice, asking a relative or friend, dropped from its 2005 percentage of 69% to a mere 29%.

The advancement of the internet as a tool to find attorneys should come as no surprise.  The internet is booming in the United States and has continued to rapidly spread among all age groups in usage and access.  The United States ranks second worldwide in internet subscriptions (behind China) but ranks number one in the world with mobile access to the internet.  The full list can be seen here.   These numbers have been increasing drastically over the past few years, but are not the only significant impact on individuals using the internet to find attorneys.

One other large factor in this increase must be attributed to … Read More... “Internet Becomes First Choice For Attorney Searches”

International Divorce: Hague Convention Abduction Report Issued

Hague report lists countries who are not compliant; seek experienced International Divorce and Abduction Attorneys as early as posibile.

International Divorce Hague AbductionThe U.S. Department of State Office of Children’s Issues has now submitted its annual report pertaining to compliance problems on international abduction matters for 2013. This “compliance report” identifies countries that are “Not Compliant with the Convention” and countries that show “Patterns of Noncompliance with the Convention”.   This 51 page report lists cases that have remained open and active for 18 months or more after the convention application was filed.  The report also lists countries with Convention enforcement concerns.

Highlights include:

  • Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras were determined to be “non-compliant” with the Convention.  Both Costa Rica and Guatemala demonstrated non-compliance in the areas of judicial and central authority performance.  Honduras demonstrated non-compliance in the areas of judicial, law enforcement, and central authority performance.
  • Brazil and the Bahamas have showed “patterns of noncompliance” with the Hague.  Bahamian courts improperly treat Hague cases as custody matters, not in an expedited fashion that is required.   Brazil’s issues seem to center with the long court review process, problems locating the child and all the permitted appeals.
  • Four countries were categorized as “Countries with
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Adoptees Can Access Original Ohio Birth Certificate Says New Ohio Law

New Ohio Adoption Law Helps Adult Adoptees Find Their Original Birth Parents

adoptees law birthA new law in Ohio will unseal records for about 400,000 Ohio adult adoptees.   This law, Senate Bill 23, was signed by Gov. John Kasich on December 19th. This new law will unseal records and allow these adoptees to find out who their birth parents are.  This is done by allowing adult adoptees to access their original birth certificates, which list their birth parents.

According to Adoption Network Cleveland founder and Executive Director, Betsie Norris, this legislation was the sixth attempt to address this issue in the past 25 years. “Birth parents, adoptees, adoptive parents and adoption scholars and professionals all testified in favor of this bill,” she said. “There was no stated opposition, and we are also thrilled that the bill had such overwhelming support in the Ohio Legislature.”

The previous law regarding this type of discovery was very convoluted.  Essentially, one law had three separate requirements depending on your age and the time period in which you were adopted.  Previously for the adoptees, anyone adopted prior to 1964 had to pay a 20 dollar fee and make a request in order to receive their … Read More... “Adoptees Can Access Original Ohio Birth Certificate Says New Ohio Law”

Adultery in the Military

Is Adultery A Crime Under The Uniform Code Of Military Justice?

The Legal Ramifications For Military Members Who Commit Adultery

adultery militaryAdultery is fairly common in our society.  Frequently, adultery is the grounds for many legal separation and divorce actions; however, “marital fault” is not typically given a great deal of attention by our legal systems.  There are some steps individuals can take to help ensure their asset protection from adultery, such as prenuptial agreements, which may limit the ability for one spouse to take part in the estate once the divorce commences.

A research report conducted by the Associated Press found that nearly 22% of men have strayed during their married lives, and nearly 14% of women have done the same.  Even more say that if they could have an affair, and never have the risk of being caught, they would (Men = 74% Women = 68%).

These numbers are staggering, but not totally surprising.  Adultery isn’t a crime, and individuals are more often than not free to act on these urges with no legal ramifications (outside prenuptial agreements).  Things get a bit more complicated if these individuals are members of our nation’s military.

It is often a misconception … Read More... “Adultery in the Military”

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