Sexual Assault and 20 Tips to Prevent It!

A Sexual Assault Occurs Every 2 Minutes

Sexual Assault” can be defined as, “any sexual contact or act performed on another without permission. The elements may include use or threat of force, inability of victim to give proper consent or both.”

sexual assaultAccording to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), a sexual assault takes place every two (2) minutes in the United States. Each year there are over 212,300 victims of rape, attempted rape, and sexual assault in the United States. Nine (9) out of every ten (10) rape victims were female. But, 3% of American men, or 1 in 33, have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. Approximately 2/3 of sexual assaults are committed by a person known by the victim.  In addition, 80% of sexual assault victims are under the age of 30.

Twenty (20) Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Sexual Assault:

  • Enroll in self-defense classes: Taking the time to take self-defense classes could be your most valuable investment of time and money to obtain peace of mind.
  • Carry a weapon: If the thought of a gun is offensive to you, obtain and carry with you pepper spray, mace, stun guns, or
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Parenting Tips on Gifts and Teens Who Don’t Want to Visit

parentingFor those of you who follow our blog, you already know that local child psychologist Dr. Greg Ramey is a frequent contributor.  Dr. Ramey is the vice president for outpatient services at Dayton Children’s and writes FamilyWise, a weekly parenting column in the Dayton Daily News that is distributed through the New York Times wire service. He is also a clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine.  From time to time, Dr. Ramey publishes in his Sunday column in the Dayton Daily News letters or emails that he has received from parents and his response to those questions in a Q & A format.

Here are a few dilemmas that I thought parents might find interesting. The first is from a mother who doesn’t approve of gifts that her children receive from their father, while the second letter discusses visitation issues for a teen who is resisting going to his father’s as it is getting in the way with his social life.

Parenting Tip: In Her House, Mom Can Veto Video Games

Q.  I dread this time of the year because of the constant conflicts with my ex-spouse regarding Christmas gifts for our two … Read More... “Parenting Tips on Gifts and Teens Who Don’t Want to Visit”

Parenting with an Uncooperative Ex

Parenting with an Uncooperative Ex: A Divorce Lawyer’s Perspective

Parenting Tips for dealing with an Uncooperative Ex Spouse!

parentingThis topic is an exceedingly broad one, but I will try to share my insights from my perspective as a practicing family law attorney for the past 34 years.  The original idea to write this article was that of Connecticut psychotherapist, Donna Ferber. I thought it was a great idea of hers to tackle this subject; from both a therapist’s perspective and a lawyer’s perspective.  Here is the link to Donna’s perceptive take about parenting with an uncooperative parent in her blog article, The Uncooperative Co-Parent, posted on her blog February 18, 2012.  In addition, she gave me permission to repost her article in this blog on February 29, 2012.

When the parties have children, while it might be desirable, it’s impossible to apply a “no contact rule” and completely disassociate themselves from their uncooperative ex spouse. The parties have to come to some sort of arrangement when they have children and when there is parenting time with their ex-spouse. Ideally, in parenting, parents should develop a direct channel of communication with each other and not use their children as messengers. … Read More... “Parenting with an Uncooperative Ex”

Grandparenting Styles: Taking the Quiz

Grandparenting Styles: Impressions By a Dayton, Ohio, Divorce Lawyer

Grandparenting Styles in Dayton OhioIt was truly a memorable Christmas. In the past we have usually managed to get the “family” together in Dayton, Ohio. But this year I locked the door of my law office; and my wife and I flew to Dallas to be with our son, daughter-in-law and our first grandchild – Hannah. We were fortunate enough to have been able to travel from Dayton, Ohio, to Texas to be in the hospital when Hannah was born five (5) months or so ago, but we haven’t visited in person since.

I wish we lived closer. Dayton and Dallas are a long way apart. Being proud parents (and now grandparents) we are thankful for all the photos, videos and texts we have received showing Hannah’s growth, almost on a daily basis. Hannah’s Mom and Dad have great jobs and have established a wonderful life there together. They are very happy!

Being a divorce lawyer who likes to be totally prepared, as well as a compulsive researcher, I figured that I needed to update my parenting knowledge base since my two (2) sons are now thirtyish and my baby caring skills are pretty rusty. … Read More... “Grandparenting Styles: Taking the Quiz”

Thinking About Staying In Your Marriage For The Benefit Of The Kids?

thinking_staying_marriag_benefit_kids.jpgOver the years Gregory Ramey, Ph.D., who is a local child psychologist and vice president for outpatient services at the Children’s Medical Center of Dayton, has allowed us to republish many of his “Family Wise” articles from the Dayton Daily News.  He included an interesting question and answer in his column published in the Dayton Daily News on Sunday, August 28, 2011, that caught my attention.  Here is the question and Dr. Ramey’s answer:


My parents fight all the time.  I know they are only staying together two more years until I leave for college.  I hate being at home.  Should I tell them to get a divorce?


Whether your parents stay married is their decision, not yours.  It’s inappropriate for you tell them to get a divorce, but you should discuss the impact that the family turmoil is having on you.  Don’t pick sides, offer advice or threaten them in any way.  Simply tell them how you feel living in a home with constant arguments.  Don’t forget to reassure them that you love them.

I shared Dr. Ramey’s advice with Donna F. Ferber, LPC, LADC, a licensed psychotherapist in Connecticut.  She, too, has kindly posted many articles … Read More... “Thinking About Staying In Your Marriage For The Benefit Of The Kids?”

Can My Child Choose Which Parent to Live With?

child_parent_live_with.jpgOnce upon a time in Ohio the answer was “yes”. But not any longer. There is much misinformation on the internet about this subject. So, I thought that a review of the child custody laws over the years might be both helpful and interesting. There has been movement away over the years from allowing a child to choose in a divorce which parent to live with. These past “age of election” laws were seen as placing too much pressure on children.

Title VI, Chapter 3, Section 8033 from the Ohio Annotated General Code of 1910 allowed children as young as 10 years old to choose their custodial parent:

“…the court shall decide which one of them (parents) shall have the care, custody….except that, if such children be ten years of age or more, they must be allowed to choose which parent they prefer to live with, unless the parent so selected…be unfitted to take charge of such children…”

Chapter 3109 of the Ohio Revised Code was enacted on January 1, 1974, which states in part:

“(A) Upon hearing the testimony of either or both parents and in accordance with sections 3109.21 to 3109.36 of the Revised Code, the court Read More... “Can My Child Choose Which Parent to Live With?”

ALERT: Ohio Licenses No Longer Threatened for Non-Payment of Child Support

child_support_law.jpgTucked deep into the recently passed state budget is a new provision that will reduce driver’s license suspensions of alleged “deadbeat” parents.  Currently, a parent owing more than a month in child support faces the possibility of the loss of his or her driver’s license and professional licenses. Under current law, neither the courts nor the Child Support Enforcement Agency can grant limited driving privileges for occupational purposes on a child support license suspension.

The new law, codified in Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3123, which went into effect on September 28, 2011,  provides that parents who pay at least half of their court-ordered child support will no longer face suspension of their driver’s or professional licenses. Another provision will allow parents to have prior suspensions for failing to pay child support removed from their driving record. Benjamin Johnson, spokesman for the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, said that under the new law, county child-support enforcement agencies must look back 90 days to see if a parent has paid less than 50 percent of his/her child support obligation. If so, a pre-suspension notice, giving the parent the opportunity to pay up will be sent. A parent who fails to … Read More... “ALERT: Ohio Licenses No Longer Threatened for Non-Payment of Child Support”

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