The Importance of Ohio Health Care Documents During the Coronavirus Pandemic [UPDATED]

health care decisions estate planning

Health Care Decisions During The Coronavirus (COVID-19).

PUBLISHERS NOTE: In the rush of the holidays, please do not overlook the importance of helping your family members review their estate planning and health care documents. Doctors are urging people to take this important step! This blog, first published on April 11, 2020, demystifies durable health care powers of attorneys and living wills. For the sake of your loved ones, please don’t put this off.

Coronavirus: Health Care Durable Power of Attorney Covers All Health Care Decisions

health care decisions estate planningA COVID vaccine is coming. So is the beginning of winter.  While a reason for optimism for 2021 exists, the winter of 2020-2021 will be unusually dangerous, with the coronavirus running rampant. Experts are pleading that individuals have their estate planning documents in order, especially power of attorney for health care documents and living wills (advanced directives). With many long-term care residents unable to meet personally with their loved ones, it is more important than ever that those loved ones know the wishes of an individual and can act on their behalf.


At least here in Ohio, by virtue of being a spouse or relative of someone does not give you … Read More... “The Importance of Ohio Health Care Documents During the Coronavirus Pandemic [UPDATED]”


Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This blog on the differences between dissolution and divorce in Ohio from April 21, 2018, is as meaningful today as it was when we originally posted several years ago. We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Marriages In Ohio Can Be Ended In One Of Two Ways, Dissolution Or By Divorce

Ohio dissolution divorce differenceA dissolution and divorce in Ohio is different than most states. In most states, those terms can be used synonymously, but they are alternate proceedings with different statutory regulations in Ohio. Marriages in Ohio can be ended in one of two ways – by divorce or by dissolution.


A dissolution proceeding is the quickest and easiest of the two methods to terminate your marriage, but in order to proceed with a dissolution there are certain considerations that must be met. Primarily, there must be a total and full agreement signed by both parties as to ALL terms of the dissolution. This means that both parties have to have a full agreement on all issues, including alimony, custody, child support, division of assets, debt allocation, division of … Read More... “Blast From The Past: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DISSOLUTION AND DIVORCE IN OHIO?”

Blast From The Past: What and How to Tell Your Children About Your Divorce

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: What is the best way to tell children about their parents divorcing? This is a frequent question I am asked. I can’t tell you how many times over the years that I have sent clients a link to this 2010 article from Connecticut Psychotherapist Donna F. Ferber. Surely sage advice for all times!

divorce children parents

One of the most difficult things you will ever have to do as a parent is tell your children that their parents are breaking up. It is important that you shift your focus from your loss to your children’s loss. Divorce is about the dissolution  of a husband-wife relationship. It marks a change  in the parent-child relationship. Staying aware of this difference will help you effectively support your children. In talking with your children, stay focused on their feelings about this experience. If you focus on the spousal relationship, your own feelings may get in the way of good parenting.

Here are some tips for explaining the divorce to your children:

  • If possible, both parents should be present. This illustrates to the children  that you will still be able to co-parent.
  • Tell them close to the time that one of the
Read More... “Blast From The Past: What and How to Tell Your Children About Your Divorce”

Blast From The Past: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month – How Can You Help?

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This blog is as meaningful today as it was when we originally posted it on October 14, 2017. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We have listed links to resources and past blog articles to assist those in need during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. Let’s all do our part to help erase domestic violence everywhere in our world!

10 Tips to Have an Informed Conversation About Domestic Violence

domestic violence awareness month

October is domestic violence awareness month. Unfortunately, at one time or another we have all come across situations of domestic violence . As a divorce lawyer, I see examples of its tragic effects all the time. In Dayton we are very fortunate to have the Artemis House resource to assist victims of domestic violence!

In order to help spread ddomestic violence awareness about this terrible situation, I have posted below the “10 Tips to Have an Informed Conversation About Domestic Violence” published by the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)  Also, at the end of this article, I have share links to some of the prior articles we have published on this topic on the Ohio Family Law Blog in the past. Let’s all do our part to … Read More... “Blast From The Past: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month – How Can You Help?”

Blast From The Past: An Experienced Family Law Attorney – PRICELESS!

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This blog is as meaningful today as it was when we originally posted it on August 22, 2008. Securing an experienced divorce lawyer (that you are comfortable with) is EXTREMELY important! If after your first consultation your gut tells you that you still have questions, keep interviewing other potential lawyers. You will recognize the “right” one when you meet him/her!

Why You Should Hire an Experienced Family Law Attorney

divorce family law attorneyGordon Gibb recently wrote an excellent article for about the importance of hiring an experienced divorce lawyer. He lasers in on the topic with his opening sentences. “If there ever was a more important role for lawyers and litigation professionals, it is in family law. Corporate law, environmental law, even real estate law has nuthin’ on the complexities and the drama that explodes from divorce petitions, custody battles-even who gets to keep the family dog”. 

He concludes with “Experts suggest that if your relationship looks as though it is coming apart and you’re considering divorce, the best couple of hundred bucks you’ll ever spend is by sitting down with a reputable family law firm for a consultation. In an hour, the family attorneys can give Read More... “Blast From The Past: An Experienced Family Law Attorney – PRICELESS!”

Blast From The Past: How to Ask for a Prenuptial and Avoid a Break-Up!

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHERS NOTE: More people are executing prenuptial agreements than ever before. Millennials are getting married at a later age, many have a lot of student debt and more assets.  The COVID-19 pandemic is causing people to be more aware of their mortality and planning for the future. I thought reposting this “blast from the past” from June 17, 2017, about prenuptial agreements was appropriate.

Prenuptial Agreements have increased in recent years says study…but why?

prenuptial agreements divorcePrenuptial agreements are daunting to bring up to one’s significant other and many individuals fear bringing up the topic. Many individuals worry that the prenuptial discussion will cause problems, such as making their significant other feel as if they are not trusted or as if there is an anticipation of a divorce in Ohio via a lack of commitment. However, research has shown that having a prenuptial agreement  may in fact strengthen a relationship. Did you know that According to a survey of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), 63 percent of divorce attorneys say they’ve seen an increase in prenuptial agreementsrecent years? This is NOT just a male thing either.  Forty-six percent of these lawyers also noted an increase in the number of … Read More... “Blast From The Past: How to Ask for a Prenuptial and Avoid a Break-Up!”

Blast From The Past: What Is Parental Alienation And Parental Alienation Syndrome?

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

Publisher’s Note: Here is an article originally posted on the Ohio Family Blog on November 15, 2008. Parental alienation continues unfortunately to be all too common in custody litigation. Domestic Relations Courts hear testimony about it daily. I thought this primer on the topic would be worth reposting today!

Does Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Factor Into Determination Of Custody In Ohio?

Parental Alienation Syndrome PASThere are a number of different factors and circumstances that have an effect on the determination of custody in Ohio. According to O.R.C. §3109.04(F)(1), the court must consider all relevant factors when determining the best interest of the child. One of those relevant factors under Section 3109.04 (F)(1)(I) includes whether either parent has continuously and willfully denied the other parent’s right to parenting time or visitation as ordered by a court. While visitation denials may be relatively easy to prove in court, that alone doesn’t amount to parental alienation.

Further, it is not uncommon for some amount of alienation to occur when parents first separate. Usually, the alienation subsides after the parents’ transition through the separation and move on with their lives. In some cases it doesn’t, and instead it continues and escalates to what has become referred … Read More... “Blast From The Past: What Is Parental Alienation And Parental Alienation Syndrome?”

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