Domestic Relations Court In Greene County Hires Nidiffer

An Introduction to Greene County Domestic Relations Court Staff Attorney Justin C. Nidiffer

domestic relations court greene county ohio
Justin C. Nidiffer

On February 9, 2015, I traveled to the Domestic Relations Court of Greene County, Ohio to interview Justin C. Nidiffer, the newly hired Staff Attorney for the named Court.  Justin advised me that he had completed an internship with the Court during his last year in law school and that he was so very pleased with that experience.  It was apparent to me that the Domestic Relations Court was very satisfied with Justin’s performance as the Court hired him as their very first Staff Attorney to commence his position on January 1, 2015.

What will Justin’s responsibilities be?

  1. He will be reviewing new cases filed with the Court and examining the pleadings and Financial Affidavits of the parties.  He will then be preparing and filing the Court’s Temporary Orders of Custody and Support.  He will be working closely with Judge Steven Hurley, Magistrate Cynthia Martin, and Magistrate Kimberly Combs.
  2. He will be conducting Case Management Conferences with the attorneys involved in each case.  If a Guardian ad Litem or a Family Investigation is needed, he will prepare the Entry regarding same.  He will
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An Interview with Michael Newsom, Fatherhood Coordinator for the Montgomery County Child Support Enforcement Agency

Michael Newsom Montgomery County Child Support Enforcement Agency

Let us first look at some important statistics published by the National Fatherhood Initiative.

The Effects of Father Absence in the Home of Minor Children:

Children of Father-Absent homes are:

  • Five times more likely to live in poverty.
  • Three times more likely to fail in school.
  • Two times more likely to develop emotional or behavioral problems.
  • Two times more likely to abuse drugs.
  • Two times more likely to be abused and neglected.
  • Two times more likely to become involved in crime.
  • Three times more likely to commit suicide.

Compare the facts with children having Father’s involved in their lives:

  • Better cognitive (“knowing and perceiving”) outcomes.
  • Higher self-esteem and less depression as teenagers.
  • Higher grades, test scores, and overall academic achievement.
  • Lower levels of drug and alcohol use.
  • Higher levels of empathy and other pro-social behavior.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Michael Newsom, an employee of the Montgomery County Child Support Enforcement Agency (“CSEA”).  Historically, Michael (“Mike”) commenced employment with the CSEA in November of 2000 as a Supervisor at the Agency’s Call Center.  He later became an Intake Unit Supervisor and in November of 2010, he became the Fatherhood Coordinator with the Agency.  An alternate title for Mike … Read More... “An Interview with Michael Newsom, Fatherhood Coordinator for the Montgomery County Child Support Enforcement Agency”

Child Support: Should You Talk To A CSEA Ombudsman?

Interview With Montgomery County CSEA (Child Support Enforcement Agency) Ombudsman Anne Bissacco

Child Support CSEA OmbudsmanOn May 28, 2014, I had the opportunity to spend time with Anne Bissacco in an interview for this Ohio Family Law Blog Article.  Anne is the Ombudsman and Customer Relations Supervisor for the Child Support Enforcement Agency (“CSEA”) for Montgomery County, Ohio.  What is an “ombudsman”?  Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the word as follows: “A public official appointed to investigate citizens’ complaints”.  This is exactly the role that Anne performs.  She listens to complaints and works to find solutions for identified problems.

Questions that I posed to the Ombudsman included the following:

Q. How long have you been working for the Child Support Enforcement Agency?  In September of 2014, Anne will have completed thirty-four (34) years of service with the Agency.  For those of us with longevity with the Court, Anne was hired by Judge Arthur Fisher, a former Juvenile Court Judge, as he wanted a person with an accounting background at the Agency.

Q. What is your education and training for holding this position?  Anne graduated from Carroll High School and began to work for the Agency in the Auditing Department in 1980.  Subsequent to … Read More... “Child Support: Should You Talk To A CSEA Ombudsman?”

Name Change For Child – Disputes Between Unmarried Parents

General Factors Ohio Courts Consider When Unmarried Parents Clash Over A Child’s Name Change

name changeThe process of changing your child’s last name (name change) can be quite involved. If there is a dispute between unmarried parents as to their child’s surname, there are some general name change factors that Courts in Ohio consider.

Changing the Name of a Juvenile Child

Bobo v. Jewell, the court described their review process for determining the surname of a child born to unmarried parents.  The elements to be considered in a name change were:

  1. Length of time that the child has used a surname;
  2. The effect of a name change on the father-child relationship and on the mother-child relationship;
  3. The identification of the child as part of a family unit;
  4. The embarrassment, discomfort or inconvenience that may result when a child bears a surname different from the custodial parents;
  5. The preference of the child if the child is of an age and maturity to express a meaningful preference; and,
  6. Any other factor relevant to the child’s best interest. Courts should consider only those factors present in the particular circumstances of each case.

Timothy Bobo and Christina Jewell had a child while unmarried.  Their … Read More... “Name Change For Child – Disputes Between Unmarried Parents”

Parenting Time and Child Support In Ohio, The New Initiative

New Parenting Time and Child Support Project in Ohio To Increase Time A Child Spends With Both Parents, Even If They Are Divorced or Separated

parenting timeI have been practicing family law for 34 years. In my opinion the process by which the State of Ohio has gone about establishing child support orders in Juvenile Court without including any parenting or visitation provisions was patently unfair to fathers. I appreciate that taxpayers shouldn’t have to shoulder the burdens of paying welfare or other assistance for children when it is the joint legal responsibility for their mothers and fathers to do so. But is it fair to establish a child support obligation and not include any reciprocal provision for the fathers to have the right to visit their child(ren)? It is no wonder that there are so many uninvolved fathers out there. Psychologists will tell you that a child who has had both parents involved in his/her upbringing stands a much better chance to become a stable healthy adult. That is why I am very excited about this new, long overdue Ohio project!

Ohio’s New PTOC12 Project

This new statewide project in Ohio will try to increase the time a child spends … Read More... “Parenting Time and Child Support In Ohio, The New Initiative”

Visitation: Stepparents are Parents Too!

Stepparents are Parents too! Stepparent Visitation!

visitationI always like to talk about the connotations associated with the words we use every day. Whether they are positive or negative, the words we use can have a grave impact upon a person’s feelings. One such word that comes to mind is stepmom or stepdad. Generally, feelings associated with the word step anything can result in feelings of negativity. I am sure everyone remembers Cinderella’s EVIL stepmother! Being a stepchild, I understand why those feelings can sometimes arise. Blended families come with many obstacles. However, I also know why they can also be associated with very positive connotations and because of that I thank God every day for blessing me with my stepfather, my dad. In the spirit of Father’s Day, I would like to talk about laws in Ohio that have resulted in stepparent visitation and sometimes even custody!

Visitation and Ohio Law

Ohio has codified within its laws three (3) ways to seek visitation with a minor child. They include the following:

  1. Ohio Revised Code § 3109.051: “In a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, annulment, or a child support proceeding that involves a child, the Court may grant reasonable companionship or
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Support Payments and The Support Enforcement Agency

In Ohio, Do Support Payments Have To Be Made Through The Support Enforcement Agency?

support payments in ohioDo child support/spousal support payments have to be made through the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) or through the Ohio Child Support Payment Central (OCSPC)? This question is generally answered with a resounding “Yes”! There are many reasons for the involvement of the CSEA and the OCSPC.

What do the CSEA and OCSPC stand for? What role do they play in Support Payments?

Each county in the State of Ohio has its own Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) charged with keeping accounts and payment histories for each child support/spousal support order involving children or ex-spouses residing in that particular county. The Ohio Child Support Payment Central is an agency located in Columbus, Ohio. It was created by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services in response to Federal legislation mandating the implementation and operation by each state of a disbursement unit for collecting and disbursing child support and spousal support payments.

Why are these two agencies needed to provide oversight and collection of support payments?

Both agencies are vital and necessary as the State of Ohio has a vested interest in collecting maximal child … Read More... “Support Payments and The Support Enforcement Agency”

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