Dissolution: Out with the Old, in with the New?

Marriage Over and Thinking Divorce? Important Information About Ohio Dissolution Proceedings

dissolution divorceDo you and your spouse BOTH recognize that your marriage is emotionally and all but officially over? Have you been procrastinating moving forward with dissolution and terminating your marriage? Not a pleasant decision, but sometimes a necessary one. Well, there is still time to accomplish and complete that objective around the first of the year.

Ohio Law permits the filing of both divorce and dissolution actions. Before filing you really should know the basic differences. The primary distinction between divorce and dissolution is the amicable nature with fully agreed upon terms in a dissolution proceeding. In dissolution, both parties must agree to every aspect and term in the final agreement, down to the last penny. Various pleadings are prepared and signed by both parties and submitted to the Court for approval. To be clear, the FULL agreement must be negotiated and executed before filing. No Restraining Orders are available in an Ohio dissolution. The parties request in these papers that their marriage be terminated based upon there being “irreconcilable differences” between them. Ohio Law states that a hearing for dissolution must be set and held between 30 to 90 … Read More... “Dissolution: Out with the Old, in with the New?”

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