LEGAL ALERT: Sealing a Divorce Court Case File in Ohio May Now be a Bit Harder

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Clear And Compelling Evidence Must Be Presented To Obtain An Order To Seal Records In Ohio

divorce case sealGoing through a contentious divorce can be a horrible experience! In addition, the Courts require that lots of personal information be submitted as part of the process. But who wants all that “dirty laundry” to be online for anyone to view? There may be a lot of reasons why it could be harmful to the parties to allow public access to the filings, pleadings, decisions and Court Orders.


The typical remedy is to file a motion requesting the Court to seal the entire file (or at a minimum the very sensitive ones) — meaning that the public cannot access the contents of the Court proceedings. In Ohio, as in most states, that decision comes down to the Judge’s view on the merits of your request. Typically the Judge almost has unlimited discretion to decide to seal or not seal a case file.


In Ohio, as in most states, the court systems are “open” proceedings. [That is not true for Juvenile Court where the proceedings are generally closed.] The Rules of Superintendence for … Read More... “LEGAL ALERT: Sealing a Divorce Court Case File in Ohio May Now be a Bit Harder”

How to Tell Your Children About Your Filing for Divorce

divorce children filing

Filing For Divorce? Break The News To Your Children With These Recommendations

divorce children filingHaving been a divorce lawyer for over 40 years, I am asked this question frequently. I always appreciate the question. It shows appropriate concern and insight about the importance of handling this matter correctly.

My advice is to spend time reading materials from counselors and psychologists on the subject more qualified to address it. There are a ton of resources available online or books on the topic. Planning ahead is important – don’t just drop this “bomb” in an off-hand nonthought-out manner.

Here are some suggestions the professionals often recommend:

  1. Both Parents Tell the Kids Together

    While this may not be possible in many situations, it certainly is usually the best approach if you and your spouse can present a civil “united front”. That will hopefully show your children that both parents will continue to be in their lives going forward. Also, doing it together prevents one parent from unintentionally (or intentionally) placing blame.

  2. Plan What You Will Say

    Avoid the thought that you need to explain EVERYTHING. Sharing the “truth” is not important. The objective is to provide the children  reassurance and loving support. Generally, you

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30 Humorous or Interesting Quotes About Divorce

divorce lawyer humor

Divorce Lawyer: A Collection of Quotes That can be Helpful In Times of Divorce or Stress

divorce lawyerOf course, divorcing is not a laughing matter, but humor can be helpful on occasion. You can thank my daughter-in-law, Bambi, for this post if you like it. She started me thinking about this blog by sharing a comment from a customer in the boutique, Eclectic Essentials, she and my youngest son Colin own in the Oregon District in downtown Dayton.

She called me on the phone and said, “A new customer came in the shop and told us he was redecorating his house after his divorce, and he loved our store.” She said the middle-aged man said to her “You know I found out that I am allergic to marriage.” She looked at him puzzled and he went on to say, “Yup. I always break-out in a nasty divorce!” She thought that as a divorce lawyer that I would like the story. She was right and it made me laugh!

That was the impetus to the theme of this blog and my sharing some of the other interesting or humorous “divorce quotes” that I have enjoyed over my 40+ years as a … Read More... “30 Humorous or Interesting Quotes About Divorce”

How To Fix A Miserable Marriage

fix miserable marriage divorce

Before You Can Fix A Broken Marriage Learn What Needs To Be Fixed!

fix miserable marriage divorceYou take your vows anticipating the good, the hopeful, the uncomfortable-but-not-insurmountable conflicts. What you don’t anticipate is struggling to figure out how to fix a miserable marriage. And yet, sometimes it’s a slippery slope from happy to just-a-shift-in-priorities to growing apart to unhappy…to miserable.

Would you even know the 12 signs of a bad marriage without reading about them or learning about them in therapy? Granted, there is an infinite spectrum of subjectively interpreted happiness and unhappiness. And what’s happy/unhappy for one person/couple may not be so for another. But, if you’re going to learn how to fix a miserable marriage, you need to first recognize the signs of issues you want to “fix.”

Do you know what’s making you miserable?

Have you and your spouse stopped talking? Do you fight all the time? Or have you stopped fighting altogether?

Has sex become a thing of the past or even something withheld as retribution or an expression of contempt?

Has one of you had sexual indiscretion or begun to push the limits of an emotional affair?

Is there verbal, emotional, or even physical abuse?

(As Read More... “How To Fix A Miserable Marriage”

Looking for an Online Parenting After Divorce Seminar? Have You Considered the eNew Beginnings Program?

Looking for an Online Parenting After Divorce Seminar? Have You Considered the eNew Beginnings Program?

eNew Beginnings Program is a Parenting Skills Program Designed To improve Parenting Quality

Parenting After Divorce: New eNew Beginnings Program Allows Parents to Learn on Their Own Schedule

eNew Beginnings Program divorceIt is an unfortunate statistic, but nearly half of the marriages in the United States fail, ending in divorce. Over one million children are affected by their parents divorce. These children are more likely to be at risk of experiencing mental health issues, struggling in school and at increased risk of engaging in risky sexual behavior, as well as for substance abuse.

Sharlene Wolchik and Irwin Sandler both professors of psychology at Arizona State University, led a study and adapted an in person parenting skills program into a web based program called The eNew Beginnings Program. It is designed to be asynchronous, which means a person can learn on their own schedule. The class can be taken anytime, any place where the learner has access to a computer, even on a smart phone. This web based program has 10 sessions. These sessions focus on interparental conflict and parenting quality.

Of course many parents are worried about the statistics and how their divorce will affect their children. Sandler reports, “This … Read More... “Looking for an Online Parenting After Divorce Seminar? Have You Considered the eNew Beginnings Program?”

Blast From The Past: What is a Divorce Retainer Fee Agreement and What is Its Purpose?

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorite posts about the definition of a Divorce Retainer Fee Agreement and it’s purpose, from August 8, 2020! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Divorce Retainer Fee Agreement

Divorce Lawyers Require A Retainer Fee On Start Of Your Legal Representation

retainer fee divorce lawyersSo, unfortunately you find yourself meeting with a divorce lawyer to discuss terminating your marriage. The conference goes well and after careful consideration you decide to hire the lawyer.


When the subject of fees and the attorney’s hourly rate comes up, you will likely hear the request for a “retainer fee“. Most all divorce lawyers  will require a retainer fee  at the inception of accepting your legal representation. Some, on the other hand will instead request a fixed fee amount rather than one based upon the amount of time and services provided. Fixed fee divorce representation is rare these days, in part because it is impossible to really gauge the number of hours which will be required, contested issues, or the level of … Read More... “Blast From The Past: What is a Divorce Retainer Fee Agreement and What is Its Purpose?”

Here are Some of the Worst Things that You Can Do After a Divorce!

post divorce checklist tips

Important “Don’t Dos” Post-Divorce Checklist Could Be Crucial In Healing From Painful Divorce Proceedings

Should you use a Post-Divorce Checklist? How about Tips to Avoid!

post divorce checklistTypically going through a divorce is a “bad” experience. Often times these are very long painful proceedings. A couple of years ago I posted a blog article titled “A Post-Divorce Checklist“. Here is a link to that article. Below is the flip-side to that post!

Here are 8 “Don’t Dos Post-Divorce.”


    If your Ex was not reasonable during the divorce, it is likely that his/her “reasonableness” level won’t have changed after the divorce is finalized! So, that means to plan accordingly. Try to plan way ahead so you can get your divorce lawyer involved if necessary. But always do your best to maintain a positive relationship with your Ex after the divorce.


    No matter how miserably you were treated during your marriage, never try to retaliate after the case is over! It likely will come back to bite you! I can share many many stories of former clients who thought that when the case was over that they

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