Tips for Divorce Lawyers Dealing with Grey Divorce Matters

grey divorce retirement

Grey Divorce Matters

How Should Divorce Lawyers Tackle Grey Divorce?

grey divorce retirementMore and more couples over age 50 are divorcing these days. Today about one in four people are going through “grey divorces.” I have witnessed this trend expand exponentially over the last 30 plus years.

Assisting divorce clients who are over 50 has some unique challenges. It seems that in the majority of these cases one spouse perceives the divorce request as coming out of “left field”. Most are long term marriages and most often it is the wife who decides she wants out. I have written about this topic previously. Click here to read a blog article I wrote in 2010 with psychotherapist Donna Ferber LPC. LADC, “Sudden Divorce Syndrome: Reality or Myth?”  This 9-year-old post is worth rereading today because it sheds light on some of the challenges individuals over age 50 face post-divorce.

Divorce can certainly be difficult for individuals of any age. However, it can be especially paralyzing to those divorcing in later life. An interesting study abstract has been published in June 2019 in The Journal of Health and Social Behavior titled “Depressive Symptoms Following Later-Life Marital Dissolution and Subsequent Repartnering.” Click here to access … Read More... “Tips for Divorce Lawyers Dealing with Grey Divorce Matters”

Blast From The Past: FOMO: Does it Impact Decisions to File for Divorce?

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is another great post about the role FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) plays out in daily and family life It is written by Donna F. Ferber from back on February 28th, 2015! Donna is a psychotherapist in private practice for 30 years in Farmington, Connecticut. She is a licensed professional counselor, a licensed alcohol and drug abuse counselor and an educator. In her private practice, Donna specializes in issues related to life transitions and has been a guest contributor to the Ohio Family Law Blog since 2010. We have enjoyed collaborating on several articles over the years. We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

The Role FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Plays Out In Daily and Family Life

fomo divorceTechnology has created a glut of new words and expressions. It also has “repurposed” old words; a mouse is no longer just a rodent in my basement. A crash is not a vehicular accident, a chip is not just used for scooping up onion dip and a pad is not just a monthly required feminine product.

Electronic communication has … Read More... “Blast From The Past: FOMO: Does it Impact Decisions to File for Divorce?”

Legal Separation in Ohio: What Does it Legally Mean?

legal separation divorce court order

Everything You Need To Know About Legal Separation In Ohio [But Were Afraid To Ask!]

legal separation divorce court orderEnding a relationship can be frustrating. Likewise, understanding the process involved can be confusing. In Ohio, there are only three ways legally to terminate a marriage: divorce, dissolution, and annulment. While those three ways are the only methods to terminate a marriage legally, a couple can also seek what is known as a “legal separation.”

What is a legal separation?

Black’s Law Dictionary  defines separation as “an arrangement whereby a husband and wife live apart from each other while remaining married, either by mutual consent (often in a written agreement) or by judicial decree.” A legal separation involves a court order where the spouses remain married but live separately. The court order allows the court to issue orders concerning division of property, spousal support, and visitation and custody when there are minor children involved. With a legal separation, unlike a divorce or dissolution, the marriage is still intact.

How do I get a legal separation?

A common misunderstanding is that individuals can simply declare they are separated and do not need to file anything in court when they wish to pursue a … Read More... “Legal Separation in Ohio: What Does it Legally Mean?”

Keep Your 2019 Calendar if You Might be Divorcing…

divorce calendar child support

Can A Past Calendar Of Daily Events Make All The Difference In Divorce Cases?

Don’t Throw Away Calendar From The Past. Document Of Events Can Be Important In Divorce And Custody Issues

divorce calendar child supportIt’s a new year. Out with the old and in with the new! The New Year’s Eve party blowers and hats are put away and you are ready to start a fresh new year. Getting organized is a priority for many. If you are like me you have had your calendar for the upcoming year purchased in November and have been diligently recording doctors appointments as well as other upcoming events.

So, it just makes sense to throw away that calendar from the past year. But wait! If you are in the midst of a divorce, or even contemplating if that’s a road you are going to take, getting rid of the previous calendar is a huge mistake. After all it is basically a documented story of your and your family’s daily life.

In a divorce  proceeding, especially if there may be custody issues, you will be asked to reproduce your children’s past events, such as health history, sports events, other activities they are involved in, as … Read More... “Keep Your 2019 Calendar if You Might be Divorcing…”

Postnuptial Agreements in Ohio – What is the Current Status?

postnuptial agreements premarital agreement estate planning


Finally Ohio has joined 48 other states and is now permitting postnuptial agreements to be executed and recognized. This is extremely significant news for married couples in Ohio! Click the following blog articles about this law change. Also, please see our new Postnuptial Agreements help page by clicking here.

Will Ohio Allow Postnuptial Agreements And Amendments To Premarital Agreements? Proposed Changes Underway

postnuptial agreements premarital agreement estate planningOhio has long recognized premarital agreements. A premarital agreement is a legal contract entered prior to marriage and in contemplation of marriage by two individuals to address the ownership and division of their property and property interests in the event of death or divorce. However, Ohio is in the minority in that Ohio has historically not allowed postnuptial agreements, which are agreements entered into between spouses after they are married. I wrote a blog article on postnuptial agreements on December 31, 2011. Click here to read it.

There are a couple of exceptions to this rule. Ohio Revised Code Section 3103.06 states that a husband and wife cannot, by any contract with … Read More... “Postnuptial Agreements in Ohio – What is the Current Status?”

Are You and Your Spouse Continually Fighting Over Money?

financial counseling financial therapy money issues

Financial Counseling Could Save Your Marriage

Fighting Over Money Issues Can Lead To Divorce According To Studies. Is Financial Counseling The Answer?

Many couples tend to argue and fight over money and other financial issues. According to many studies, fighting over money issues is one of the top 3 reasons couples end up divorcing. Those arguments can be about a myriad of “money” issues including:

  1. Spending and Savings habits
  2. Whose money is Whose?
  3. Who is in Control?
  4. The Value of Budgeting
  5. Past, Present and Future Debts

Financial Counseling To The Rescue?

As a lawyer primarily focusing on divorce work for over 40 years, I can tell you that I see the “marriage casualties” everyday which excessive debt accumulation and living over one’s means can cause. Research from TD Ameritrade shows that people would rather discuss sex, politics (and about everything else), before money and financial issues. Even when the couples have gone through pre-marriage counseling, money issues can swamp the parties often causing divorce. So, what do you do if you find yourself in this situation?

Recently, I have noticed a fairly new trend to offer folks financial therapy or counseling. Have you heard of the Financial Therapy Association (FTA)? … Read More... “Are You and Your Spouse Continually Fighting Over Money?”

Blast From The Past: New Year’s Eve: Single not Sad

new year's eve single

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Congratulations! We have all made it through Christmas and now New Year’s Eve is just a few days away. I have been considering what to post this week that was timely and relevant. I remembered the great piece we posted 9 years ago that Donna Ferber had written for her first book, From Ex-Wife to Exceptional Life: A Woman’s Journey through Divorce. I received a lot of compliments about it then.  I reread it and loved it as much now as I did the first time. Her sage advice warrants a repost, so here it is.

Tips On How To Make New Year’s Eve A New Beginning After Divorce

new year's eve single

Many of us actually prefer to stay home on New Year’s Eve or spend the night with friends rather than get all dressed up to trudge through snowy, icy weather, only to eat and drink too much! Yet, the fantasy of this night still seems to hold many captive. The notion of “being alone” on New Year’s Eve makes an otherwise strong, capable, independent adult feel like a gawky 13-year-old wallflower! How is it that one can be spending New Year’s Eve with friends, family, and children, but … Read More... “Blast From The Past: New Year’s Eve: Single not Sad”

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