Three Costly Mistakes to Avoid in Your Divorce!

divorce lawyer avoid mistakes

Listening To Advice From Friends And Relatives Not Always Wise In Divorce. Choose The Right Divorce Lawyer For Your Case!

divorce lawyer mistakes

No one expected that they would later be involved in a divorce when they married. But unfortunately, not all marriages are “forever”.  Clients facing a divorce generally want it to be fair, drama free, inexpensive and quick.

As a Dayton, Ohio, family law lawyer for 40 years, I have lots of experience helping people in all kinds of divorce situations from relatively simple cases to complex high conflict cases. Here are some tips based on the experience that I have gained.

What are the 3 Top Costly Mistakes to Avoid in a Divorce?

  1. Choosing the right attorney
  2. Ignoring the divorce complaint
  3. Listening to advice from friends and relatives

Choosing the Right Attorney

Divorce law is an extremely complicated practice area. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to find an experienced divorce lawyer that you have interviewed and to whom you can relate. Interview several. Take the time to get recommendations from family and friends who have gone through a divorce in your area.  Read online reviews. Not all attorneys are the same. Avoid at all costs the “generalist” … Read More... “Three Costly Mistakes to Avoid in Your Divorce!”

Blast From The Past: Lingo You Might Not Know From the Divorce World

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: This “Blast from the Past” was originally posted on the Ohio Family Law Blog on August 15, 2008. I have updated it to add 9 new terms. This glossary is not a substitute for talking with your divorce lawyer about any of these divorce terms and the implications with your case.

What’s A Deposition? Common Divorce Terms [And Their Definitions]

divorce terms

If you find yourself involved in a divorce, custody case or other family law litigation you may run across some unfamiliar divorce terms. Here are some common ones with a short basic definition:

  • AFFIDAVIT – Information provided under oath.  Often times pertaining to current finances, debts and assets.
  • CORROBORATING WITNESS – In a non-contested divorce proceeding in Ohio, you will need to bring a corroborating witness for the final non-contested hearing. That witness will have a narrow role to briefly corroborate the facts surrounding the grounds for your divorce.
  • BAILIFF – The judge’s assistant who helps with the court docket and often oversees the decorum in the courtroom.
  • CONTEMPT – An action requesting the court to punish a person for violating a prior Court order.
  • CONTINUANCE – A delay or postponement of a scheduled court appearance.
Read More... “Blast From The Past: Lingo You Might Not Know From the Divorce World”

Are Divorce Lawyers Just “Love Undertakers”? [A Rebuttal]

divorce lawyers love undertakers

Divorce Lawyers Should Not Assist Clients With Mental Health Issues Says NYC Attorney

divorce lawyers love undertakersA well respected New York City divorce lawyer by the name of Val Kleyman recently sent out a newswire to divorce lawyers warning them “to be careful not to cross over into the role of personal therapist for clients. This is a common problem that does not get enough attention” Attorney Kleyman said. He added, “helping someone deal with their emotions, feelings and mental health is a very serious undertaking and must only be done by professionals who are trained and experienced doing this.”

While I agree with most of that, here is the point he made that hit me hard. “Divorce lawyers are the love undertakers. Unlike marriage counselors and therapists whose job it is to save relationships and help people heal, our job is to bury dead marriages quickly and efficiently before their toxicity spreads any further,” says Kleyman.

WOW, I have to disagree with Attorney Kleyman a bit on this one.  This seems far too limited of a view of our role as a divorce lawyer in my opinion.  I have been practicing family law and divorce work in Dayton, Ohio for 40 years. … Read More... “Are Divorce Lawyers Just “Love Undertakers”? [A Rebuttal]”

Blast From The Past: 10 Tips To Cut Your Attorney Fees

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts about attorney fees from back on August 8, 2009! The advice rings as true now as it did then…We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Tips To Reduce Attorney Fees And Save On Divorce Costs

attorney fees-divorceI would like to share some constructive fee-cutting suggestions for you to consider implementing after you have done your “due diligence” in selecting the right attorney for you and your issues. Many of the cases I have handled over the last 30 years are family law matters which are engagements typically based upon the number of hours spent in the representation.  The amount of time to complete these cases varies based upon many factors, including the nature of the issues, contentiousness of the parties, and the cooperation level existing between both counsel.

Recently, I have been asked by several clients what they can do to help reduce their attorney fees. Certainly, this is an excellent question especially with money being so tight and all of us having to deal with our poor economy.  Each attorney would … Read More... “Blast From The Past: 10 Tips To Cut Your Attorney Fees”

Blast From The Past: Divorce Lawyer: Should I Hire a Male or Female?

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorite divorce lawyer posts from back on January 5, 2013! The advice rings as true now as it did then…We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

How Gender Of Your Attorney Will Have Very Little Impact On The Final Outcome Of Your Divorce

divorce lawyerThere are many factors to consider when selecting your divorce or custody lawyer.  One of the common concerns is whether or not a divorce litigant will be better off having a male or female divorce lawyer representing him or her.

Some people think that if they want an “aggressive” divorce lawyer, they need a male; but if they want someone who is “compassionate,” they should hire a female divorce lawyer.  Should the lawyer be a feisty “take no prisoners” divorce lawyer or does it make sense to have a “nice person” approach in the courtroom?  I’ve heard some men say that they would prefer to have a woman represent them because an aggressive female attorney can soften the harshness of husband’s arguments against his wife.  For example, a male … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Divorce Lawyer: Should I Hire a Male or Female?”

The Times of the Year When Most Divorces Occur

divorce holidays

Do Major Holidays Impact Your Marriage And Lead To Divorce?

divorce holidaysWeather, and holidays affect our moods, but do divorce rates spike with the seasons? According to researchers in the state of Washington, the peak months for divorce filings occur in March and August, which is the period following summer and winter holidays.

Many couples tend to steer away from filing for divorce around Christmas or Hanukah, and also around summer vacation time. These are typically special times for families and couples going through difficult times are hopeful that holiday/vacation time is a time to help mend a troubled relationship and to have a new start. People often approach the holidays or a vacation trip with high expectations, but these times can be very stressful and emotionally charged. When the occasion doesn’t live up to their expectations, the unhappiness festers.

According to the research done by University of Washington sociologists the two peak months for divorce filings are March and August. Many couples, at least with children, opt for August as it is after summer vacation and before the kids head back to school.

March Is The Time For Divorce According To Study

But why March? The holidays are well … Read More... “The Times of the Year When Most Divorces Occur”

Divorce: The Important Role Schools Can Play for Your Kids

divorce school teacher

School Can Be Safe Place For Children Going Through Divorce Or Separation

divorce school teacherWhen a couple divorces, the children are obviously affected by the change in living circumstances. All children react differently. Some may experience severe emotional responses. Others may be somewhat relieved as there is not that constant tension between their parents. In all cases however, there will a period of adjustment. Your child’s emotional and social well-being are at stake and how they are able to cope can have an impact on their learning.  Parents should not overlook their children’s teachers and how the school can help make the transition and adjustment easier. Often when going through a divorce parents are overwhelmed and stressed and providing the support for their children without any help can be difficult.

During a separation and a divorce it is good to maintain as normal of a routine at home, but no matter how hard you try to do that, it is just not the same as it was before. When your children go off to school, it is often conceived by them as their safe place. It offers a routine and a constant that isn’t changing. Be sure to be open with … Read More... “Divorce: The Important Role Schools Can Play for Your Kids”

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