Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce

DivorceHotel – A Relaxing Getaway to Get Away from Being Married! Hotel Resort Provides Quickie Divorce Package

divorce DivorceHotelIn September 2014, a luxurious resort in upstate New York became the first hotel in the United States in which you can check in married on Friday, and check out single on Sunday! The Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs has paired with Netherlands-based company, DivorceHotel, and is now officially catering to the needs of those looking for a vacation and a divorce all at the same time.

While this is a somewhat novel concept for the U.S., hotels across Europe have been providing hundreds of “quickie divorces” to couples since 2012.  DivorceHotel, seeks to offer a friendlier and more affordable separation process compared to the typical contentious and lengthy litigation proceedings that usually accompany a divorce.

The divorce package costs anywhere from $5000 to approximately $12000 and includes 2 separate rooms (however the couple can stay together if they so choose), an attorney for each spouse and a mediator who works with the couple at the hotel. Upon arrival, the spouses are greeted with a “welcome package” complete with information booklets, sparkling water, red wine and dark chocolates. The biggest … Read More... “Divorce: DivorceHotel Provides Vacation And A Divorce”

Divorce: Summer Holidays for Those Newly Divorced

The Struggle Of Divorce During the Summer Holidays – How To Juggle The Roles And Responsibilities In Your Life

divorce summer holidaysMemorial Day, Labor Day and 4th of July are holidays that celebrate different aspects of American culture. Memorial Day honors those who fought to defend our principles and ideals, Labor Day honors our work ethic, and 4th of July honors our fight for independence. We don’t consider them “big holidays.” They are, for most of us, times to be outdoors, watch some fireworks, and eat lots of good food. They also give us an extended weekend.

For a newly divorced person, however, these holidays can take on great significance. You, too, have been fighting for your principles, working hard, and struggling with your newfound independence. No three holidays in our calendar reflect your struggle as these three do. Since we do not have a specific holiday that honors those who have been through the struggle of divorce, adopt these as your three days. Memorial Day honors your fight to preserve your ideals and principles. Labor Day represents your struggle to juggle all the roles and responsibilities in your life, and the 4th of July, like divorce, is about freedom and … Read More... “Divorce: Summer Holidays for Those Newly Divorced”

Social Media In Divorce – Prenuptial Agreement Provision

Avoid Post Divorce Disputes – Don’t Forget To Include Social Media Clause in Your Prenuptial Agreement!

social media divorce prenuptial agreementIn the past, we’ve written multiple articles relating to social media. I have linked to some of them at the end of this article.  Now, I would like to focus on an issue that may evolve during a marriage and can expand exponentially after a divorce; social media disputes between couples. This type of ugly dispute has led many in the legal world to conclude that some couples need a “social media clause” in their prenuptial agreement (s).

If you’re connected to the world via social media, you’ve seen this happen.  Let’s say a mid-30’s married couple has a nasty fallout ending in a divorce.  You’re friends with both of these individuals on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and maybe follow them on Instagram as well.  After their divorce, things get even nastier.  Now, instead of fighting amongst themselves in private and attempting to resolve issues, they’re broadcasting these “differences” on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  These problems can be about anything, even complaining about child splitting time, each other’s parenting skills, or even extending into alimony or child support.

In … Read More... “Social Media In Divorce – Prenuptial Agreement Provision”

Narcissist Spouse In A Divorce – Steps To Recovery

A Book Review of “Will I Ever Be Free of You? – How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family”, Written by Karyl McBride, Ph.D.

Last week we posted an article written by child psychologist, Dr. Gregory Ramey, “Narcissism: Is it all about you? ”  I thought posting it back-to-back with this book review would emphasize the troubling aspects of narcissist personality traits from the varying perspectives of two (2) psychologists.  Publisher’s Note – R. Mues

narcissist divorceNarcissism is defined as a personality disorder that goes beyond mere selfishness and vanity.  It is a prevalent cause of marital and family problems.  Narcissists do not have the capacity to love, understand other persons’ emotions, or feel empathy toward others.  They are grandiose in their need for praise and attention; they overestimate their abilities; and, they diminish persons around them with emotional abuse.

The term “narcissism” comes from the Greek myth of Narcissus, a handsome young man who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water.  But, when he reached out to touch his reflection in the water, he shattered the reflection.  He became so self-absorbed with himself that he lost all interest … Read More... “Narcissist Spouse In A Divorce – Steps To Recovery”

Divorce: Spouse Missing? Send Summons On Facebook!

Will Serving Divorce Papers Via Facebook be Allowed in Ohio?

divorce facebook ohioJustice Matthew Cooper of the Manhattan, New York, Supreme Court is setting precedent which is likely to be a game-changer should the rest of the country follow suit.

In a recent decision, Justice Cooper gave Ellanora Baidoo the green light to serve her elusive husband, Victor Sena Blood-Dzraku, divorce papers through his Facebook account.

The couple, both from Ghana, were married in a civil ceremony in 2009.  Shortly thereafter, the relationship began to unravel when Blood-Dzraku refused to fulfill his promise of participating in a traditional Ghanaian wedding ceremony.  As a result, the couple parted ways and only remained in contact via social media and the occasional phone call.  Nevertheless, Blood-Dzraku apparently does not want a divorce as every attempt to find him has failed.

Baidoo’s attorney, Andrew Spinnell, explained that Blood-Dzraku is nowhere to be found.  The last known address for him was vacated in 2011, the post office has no forwarding address for him, no billing address linked to his prepaid cell phone exists, the Department of Motor Vehicles has no record of him, and even efforts by a private investigator hired to find him have failed. In … Read More... “Divorce: Spouse Missing? Send Summons On Facebook!”

Gray Divorce: Division of Retirement Assets Disparity

Be Sure To Hire A Divorce Attorney With Experience In “Gray Divorce” Cases

gray divorce divisionAn interesting article published in the Arkansas Business Journal discussed the issue of divorce with retirement age individuals.  As a founding member of the International Academy of Attorneys for Divorce Over 50, I personally am quite familiar with the unique issues that often arise in these “gray divorce” cases. When discussing the financial background of many couples aged 50-60, the typical equal asset allocation can be problematic.

These couples are more likely to have combined their retirement planning and savings. Over the past 5 generations, the workplace demographics have shifted.  Often, many couples who marry today both pursue a career path and develop their own separate retirement accounts.  In the 1950’s and 1960’s, married couples often relied financially on the men in the relationship to be the primary “breadwinner”.  This means that when a retirement account is discovered during the divorce process, and it’s distributed equally, each party will be left with 50% of their retirement assets even though they are often only a few years away from retirement.  Fair, right? Maybe not.

Let’s consider this scenario of Mary and John.  Mary and John … Read More... “Gray Divorce: Division of Retirement Assets Disparity”

Divorce Representation Without A Lawyer On The Rise

Representing Yourself in a Divorce? No Way! Why Retaining Legal Counsel Is Worth It!

divorce representationCourtrooms all across the country are seeing an increase in the number of unrepresented parties on their dockets.  Whether it’s due to the failing economy, the rise in popularity of television shows such as “Judge Judy” which encourage the legal “do it yourself” attitude, or perhaps the belief that the courts will take it easy on those who represent themselves…the amount of people trying to navigate their way through the legal system without a lawyer is on the rise.

While it is easy, (and perhaps self-serving) for a family law attorney to claim that it is in a person’s best interest to hire a lawyer for their divorce or child custody matter, the courts’ decisions in cases where a party appears on their own behalf speak for themselves. Family law is filled with rules and procedures, nuances and intricacies…many of which differ depending on which county, district, state, etc. you are filing in.  So, before you decide to go it alone, consider the following Ohio cases in which people chose to do so:

  1. Hutchinson v. Hutchinson – In this Montgomery County case, the wife chose to
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