Divorce, Employment And Marriage – An Analysis
Studies have often attempted to examine the intricate details of divorce by indicating what causes it, which party causes it and how can it be prevented. Below is an analysis of the National Institution of Health’s study by Liana C. Sayer of The Ohio State University about how the changing spectrum of society can affect marriages. First, we’ll review two theories, then compare these and evaluate an opinion based off of these theories.
Institutional Perspective
The study on divorce and employment is broken into two theories, the first of which is considered the “Gendered Institutional” theory. This theory seeks to classify marriage as it has been traditionally, where the male is often the breadwinner and the female is often the caretaker of the home and children. This view is often referred to as the codified version of marriage (as most states don’t allow same-sex marriage). This is a very traditional view on marriage as it looks to shifting of these roles since the 1980’s.
Prior to the 1990’s, female employment in the market was still considerably low. Men dominated the market and females often stayed home and took care of the house and … Read More... “Divorce: How Employment Affects Men’s and Women’s Decisions to Divorce”