How Divorce Can Impact Children’s Financial Accounts

childrens financial accounts divorce

Children’s financial accounts during a divorce process..should you be concerned?

How Your Children’s Financial Accounts Might Be Impacted From Your Divorce

childrens financial accounts divorceNavigating the divorce process can be particularly challenging for families. While dividing assets is rarely easy in any scenario, determining how to divide accounts you started for your children during your marriage can raise additional questions and concerns.

Types of children’s financial accounts

There are several types of accounts parents open for their children. Some of the most typical accounts are 529 plans for education-related savings, joint checking accounts, trust funds, interest-earning accounts, and custodial accounts.

Education savings accounts (529 plans)

These plans are named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, are not deductible, and offer other tax advantages. 529 plans help families pay for future qualifying education-related expenses like tuition or post-secondary training.

In most cases, the custodial parent in a divorce should be the 529 plan account owner. Because these plans are considered assets of the account owner, how the courts handle these accounts during the division of marital assets is sometimes difficult to predict. In some cases, a judge will exclude 529 plans from the division of assets, in other cases they may require … Read More... “How Divorce Can Impact Children’s Financial Accounts”

Blast From The Past: A Post-Divorce Checklist

divorce estate planning social security

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts about moving forward with a post-divorce checklist from back on August 1, 2020! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Move Forward With These Important Transition Tips

divorce estate planning social securitySo you have are about to finish your divorce case. Now what? While there is a lot of information about divorce and the process itself online, there is much less about the “afterlife”. Presumably you have been considering this day for a long time, and have maybe even obtained some psychological counseling/therapy to help with the post-divorce transition.

Here are some suggestions to help you get moving forward in a positive manner and avoid divorce  paralysis that occurs in many cases.

  1. REVIEW ALL YOUR DIVORCE DOCUMENTS – Don’t just throw the divorce decree and orders in a drawer after the case is over never to see the light of day again. Be sure to make a checklist of all loose ends that are mentioned in the Decree that need to be completed and attended to such as filing quit claim deeds, changing titles
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Advocating for Your Mental Health as You go Through a Divorce is Really Important!

divorce mental health

Is A Contentious Divorce Impacting your Mental Health?

Do This To Safeguard Your Mental Health During Your Divorce Process

divorce mental healthTo put it mildly, divorces are a difficult period for most people. It can definitely be a challenge to manage your mental health while going through a separation or a divorce. However taking care of yourself is so very important. It is a stressful time and dealing with family, friends, and the rollercoaster of emotions while working through the legal process can be overwhelming. The best thing you can do for yourself is take care of yourself. In turn, taking care of yourself will be the best thing you can do for your children or anyone else who is depending upon you. Many people feel that putting their needs first in selfish, however it is anything but. Maintaining positive mental health  is crucial most importantly for you, but also for those you love.

A divorce brings a range of emotions that can be uncomfortable. Feeling frightened, angry, or overwhelmed are all normal emotions as you transition through the divorce process. You may experience a strong sense of loss or grief. Having support as you go this journey is … Read More... “Advocating for Your Mental Health as You go Through a Divorce is Really Important!”

The Cost and Impact of Divorce on Businesses

divorce business

How Can I Safeguard My Business During Divorce Proceedings?

divorce businessWhen individuals consider the negative ramifications of a divorce, they often focus solely on the effects it has on the home and family unit. However, divorce has the capability of negatively impacting the finances of a business which potentially interferes with the lives of many Americans. According to the Harvard Business Review, divorce costs the American workplace as much as $150 million on an annual basis. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that divorce can have wide-ranging negative impacts on your business.

Understanding the potential impacts is one way you can protect the long-term success of your company:

Firstly, divorce has the potential to disrupt day-to-day operations. Divorces demand attention, diverting focus away from management responsibilities. The emotional and mental demands of the divorce process can lead to distractions and reduced concentration on work. Business owners or key employees going through a divorce may experience decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, or challenges in making important business decisions. This disruption can have a direct impact on overall business operations and potentially affect profitability.

Secondly, divorce can significantly impact business partners and employees. If you hold any ownership interest in your … Read More... “The Cost and Impact of Divorce on Businesses”

The Importance of Hiring the Right Divorce Attorney

divorce lawyer hiring

Follow These Tips To Hire The Right Divorce Lawyer For You!

divorce lawyer hiringHiring the “right” divorce lawyer  for you is critically important. I have written about it several times on this blog over the years. Not a whole lot has changed since my first series of Articles in December 2007 and January 2008. Click here to read the version I merged and reposted on March 3, 2018.

What has changed I believe is the increasing number of cases where parties hire and fire several lawyers who have represent them. I have one case going now where the wife is on her fourth lawyer and the case is over 2 years old. I also have several others where I am the second lawyer involved. So, I have spent some time recently reflecting upon this seemingly “new” dynamic. Obviously, each case has its own fact pattern to support the change in counsel, but it reinforces my opinion even more about the importance of dhiring the “right” lawyer at the start of your divorce representation.

Consequences of Not Hiring the “Right” Divorce Lawyer Initially

  1. Communication Styles Don’t Mesh

    A typical divorce can routinely take easily 6 to 9 months to complete. Ones with

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Blast From The Past: What is a First Right of Refusal Clause in a Child Custody Case?

first right refusal divorce

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts from back on August 14th, 2021! The advice rings as true now as it did then. …We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Are Clauses Needed In A Child Custody Case? Weighing The Pros And Cons.

first right refusal divorceParenting time is often one of the most important issues in a divorce or custody case. Crafting the agreement allocating parenting time can be difficult. It is impossible to anticipate all the schedule changes that daily life “curve balls” can cause, such as illness, emergencies, and changes in work schedules. One solution to that problem is to incorporate a “First Right of Refusal” into the shared parenting plan or seperation agreement.


Typically, this clause requires that one parent must first offer any time he/she can’t accommodate the child during their regular parenting time to the other parent. This “offer” must be made to the other parent BEFORE attempting to make any alternate plans for the child.

For instance, if the parties share the child week on and … Read More... “Blast From The Past: What is a First Right of Refusal Clause in a Child Custody Case?”

Can I Make My Spouse Move out of the House?

vacate marital residence divorce

If it negatively impacts the children, can I force my spouse to vacate the marital residence during a divorce?

vacate marital residence divorceThis is a frequent question all divorce lawyers are asked typically at the beginning of a divorce case. Obviously, their marital relationship has deteriorated or completely broken down for them to be considering a divorce. In legal jargon, their question pertains to obtaining an order for their spouse to vacate the marital residence  and not reenter the home without the remaining spouse’s permission. This is often referred to as an Order for Sole and Exclusive Use of the Marital Residence.

Many times one spouse or the other may agree voluntarily to move out of the home temporarily during the divorce for a multitude of reasons. One of the frequent reasons is simply to avoid continued conflict and stress. It is important to note that moving out does not cause the vacating spouse to lose or in any way diminish their property interest in the home. If there are children involved, always discuss this issue with your divorce lawyer first as that decision may impact the determination of the custody of the children. Without such an agreement or a court … Read More... “Can I Make My Spouse Move out of the House?”

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