Ever Wonder the Leading Causes for Divorce?

divorce study

The Main Reason For Marrying Says Divorce Study? It’s Not Love!

divorce studyAccording to a study by McKinley Irvin, approximately 42-45% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. The same study also found that 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages end in divorce. In 2021, there were 689,308 divorces across the 45 U.S. states that report this statistic. During that same year, 1,985,072 marriages occurred, making the U.S. marriage rate 6 per 1,000 people.

It can be beneficial for a couple to understand the causes for failed marriages. If you are already married it can help you to make your own marriage stronger. If you are about to walk down the aisle it can guide you in making choices about your intended wedding. It can even help you to support other couples in your life that you care about.

I recently read an article published in Forbes Magazine where they reported on their findings of a survey they had conducted. Click here to read that article. Forbes Advisor conducted a survey of 1000 Americans who are in the process of getting a divorce, or who are already divorced, to determine why marriages failed. Admittingly so, … Read More... “Ever Wonder the Leading Causes for Divorce?”

How Your Health Insurance is Affected by an Ohio Divorce

health insurance cobra coverage divorce

Will My Health Insurance Coverage End During A Pending Divorce Proceeding? COBRA Law And Other Options To Consider

health insurance cobra coverage divorceI recently realized that I had not posted a blog about health insurance and divorce in 10 years. Click here to read that one titled Health Insurance: Divorce Often Ends Coverage for Women. It is still worth reading after all those years!


In Ohio, Ohio Revised Code Section 3105.71 prohibits cancellation of health insurance coverage prior to the divorce court deciding responsibility. So that law preserves the status quo as it relates to maintaining health insurance coverage during the divorce. This is also true even if the insurance “open enrollment” period occurs during the divorce proceeding. Click here to read that statute. But what happens when the divorce cases ends?

The good news is that upon the termination of your marriage, there are various options to consider. Here are the basics.


If you both are on the same health insurance plan, you will likely need to take some steps to maintain your health insurance … Read More... “How Your Health Insurance is Affected by an Ohio Divorce”

How are Student Loans Treated in an Ohio Divorce?

student loan marital debt divorce

Who Owes Student Loan Debt in a Divorce…is it Joint?

student loan marital debt divorceIn the US Americans owe approximately $1.77 trillion dollars in student loan debts. That is a staggering figure! So, understandably, figuring out how these loans are dealt with can be very important for couples contemplating a divorce. In Ohio, there are many factors that need to be considered. Ohio is an equitable property division state. That means that the Court does not have to divide marital debts equally but only in a “fair or equitable” manner.


If so, the general rule in Ohio is that such a loan would be considered personal to the individual who incurred it. That person would continue to be solely responsible to pay his/her student debt loan.


Student loans obtained by one spouse during the marriage may be categorized as marital debt subject to equitable distribution. Heavilin v. Fillman, No. 2019-AP-04-0014, 2019 Ohio App. LEXIS 5502, at *10 (Ohio Ct. App. Dec. 23, 2019); Harris v. Harris, No. 2006-CA-0003, 2007 Ohio App. LEXIS 1160, (Ohio Ct. App. March 16, 2007); Webb v. Webb, No. CA97-09-167, … Read More... “How are Student Loans Treated in an Ohio Divorce?”

Tips to Reduce The “Shell-Shocked” Phase After a Divorce!

after divorce tips

The Various Stages of Post-Divorce Transition…Once The Initial Shock Wears Off

after divorce tipsI have been doing some reading lately regarding the various stages of post-divorce transition folks go through to compare it with what I have seen as a divorce lawyer over the past 40+ years. The various “expert’s” articles that I have read seem to confirm many of my personal observations.

Generally there are 5 to 7 different phases that psychologists have identified. Just like grief moves through different stages, so do divorced individuals. Like with grief, the stages vary with each person as does the length of each phase. This is understandable since often it is just one party that wants out of the marriage.

In a well-written article by Robert Taibbi, LCSW, posted in Psychology Today on March 11, 2023, titled 6 Stages of Separation or Divorce, the author clearly lays out the various stages of life during and after a divorce. He states that “once the initial shock wears off, many feel shell-shocked for many weeks. It takes about 6-12 months to feel more grounded”. Click here to read this article.

Beware the Calm Before the Stormy 7 Stages of Divorce

Dr. Jamie C. Williamson, … Read More... “Tips to Reduce The “Shell-Shocked” Phase After a Divorce!”

Blast From The Past: What Do I Do if My Ex Refuses to Follow the Terms of Our Final Decree of Divorce?

contempt motion parenting time divorce

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Here is one of my favorites posts from back on November 12th, 2022! The advice rings as true now as it did then. We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Filing a Contempt Motion Against Your Ex: The Pros and Cons

Your Ex Could be Held in Contempt Motion for Failure to Comply with a Divorce Court Order

contempt motion parenting time divorceDivorce cases can often continue to create headaches for the parties long after the Final Decree of Divorce has been issued. Sorry to perhaps be the bearer of bad news! Some individuals will refuse to follow Court Orders no matter what the issue or how clearly it is stated in the Court Order.

Some Ohio Courts are becoming more sensitive to that reality and are channeling “high conflict” post decree cases to a different docket so that they receive greater attention including scheduling periodic review hearings (especially if the issue pertains to parenting time).

But, let’s go back to the basics first.


The Court speaks through its Court Orders and Entrys. For example, … Read More... “Blast From The Past: What Do I Do if My Ex Refuses to Follow the Terms of Our Final Decree of Divorce?”

How a Dissolution of Marriage in Ohio Works and Why Completing a Financial Affidavit is Required

financial disclosure affidavit divorce

Financial Disclosure Affidavit Must Be Completed As Part Of The Dissolution Process

Why Must a Financial Disclosure Affidavit Be Completed Before A Dissolution Can Go Forward? I Just Want To Terminate the Marriage!

financial disclosure affidavit divorceSince 2007 we have posted a fair number of blogs about the differences between divorce and dissolutions and about the dissolution process. Here are some links to make it easy to find and to read them.

Recently, it seems that I have had a lot of new clients come in to the office wanting to discuss and proceed with a dissolution rather than a divorce. I was asked by a client the other day why her husband needed to complete a financial disclosure affidavit because she didn’t care what he had, she just wanted to terminate the marriage and for each to go their separate ways.

Financial Disclosure Affidavit Serves As Springboard Towards Negotiation Process

That was a great question! Besides explaining that the Court … Read More... “How a Dissolution of Marriage in Ohio Works and Why Completing a Financial Affidavit is Required”

I Just Want to Celebrate My Divorce!

divorce celebration party

A Divorce Celebration can bring a great sense of relief.

Divorce Celebration, Is it Appropriate to Commemorate?

divorce celebration partyWriting this blog, I just can’t seem to get that old 1971 Rare Earth tune, I Just want to Celebrate out of my head! If you “can’t be bothered by sorrow or can’t be bothered by hate” feel free, if you dare, to take a listen to the song by clicking here!

Back in 2010, I published an article on the Ohio Family Law Blog titled Gifts for the Newly Divorced. Some Tasteful and Well…Others Not So Much. It was a humorous tongue-in-cheek blog article. Click here to read it. It was one of the most viewed blogs I have written! In 2012, we published another blog article titled Divorce Celebration – Complete with Cake! You can read it by clicking here.

Divorce Celebration Has Become More Common in Recent Years

I have come across several articles recently, including one in the Wall Street Journal on July 17, 2023, titled Divorce Parties are a New Hot Invite. Apparently, these divorce celebrations are becoming more common place and people are finding new creative ways to celebrate. To illustrate the increase, according … Read More... “I Just Want to Celebrate My Divorce!”

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