Holidays: Just Say No & Feel Empowered!

A person enjoying a peaceful holiday moment, symbolizing effective holiday stress management and setting boundaries.

Holidays Got Your Down? Holiday stress management might be in order.

PUBLISHERS NOTE: Congratulations! We all made it through Thanksgiving. So, the mad dash of the holiday season is officially upon us. Take a breath. Slow down. And just say “no.”

A Guide to Happier Holidays: Replace HO–HO-HO with NO-NO-NO!

A person enjoying a peaceful holiday moment, symbolizing effective holiday stress management and setting boundaries.Well, the holiday hoopla is ramping up. Displays of sparkly red and green stuff has taken center stage in our stores, catalogues are arriving in droves, internet sites are offering deals, discounts and sales on every imaginable product. Magazines at the grocery checkout display unbelievable glossy covers of gorgeous people, in gorgeous houses, serving gorgeous food. Now with the sudden drop in temperature and the promise of snow this week, the reality that the holidays are descending on us is unavoidable.

It feels impossible to slow this down or simply get a grip. It is like being swept up in some tinselly tidal wave. I don’t want to shop yet; I still am cleaning out the garden! Yet, as the heat clicks on, and my sweaters and even gloves begin to take center stage, it cannot be denied. Here comes the holidays.

Much has been written about how to … Read More... “Holidays: Just Say No & Feel Empowered!”

Blast From The Past: September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

suicide prevention awareness

Why Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Resources Are Crucial

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month resourcesSeptember is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month resources — a time to raise awareness of this stigmatized, and often taboo, topic. It is hoped that this initiative will help to shift public perception, spread hope and share vital information to people affected by suicide. The goal of the various suicide prevention organizations is ensuring that individuals, friends and families have access to the resources they need to discuss suicide prevention and to seek help.

Here are some alarming statistics:

Individual Impact:

  • 79% of all people who die by suicide are male.
  • Although more women than men attempt suicide, men are 4x more likely to die by suicide.
  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10–14 and the 3rd leading cause of death among people aged 15-24 in the U.S.
  • Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death overall in the U.S.
  • 46% of people who die by suicide had a diagnosed mental health condition – but research shows that 90% may have experienced symptoms of a mental health condition.

Community Impact:

  • Annual prevalence of serious thoughts of suicide, by U.S. demographic group:
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Blast From The Past: May is Mental Health Month – How Divorce can Affect Mental Health?

mental health month divorce

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: May is Mental Health Month. I want to thank now former paralegal Kaylyn Hohn for writing this article. We all miss you!

Higher Conflict Divorces Lead To A Worse Decline In Mental Health Issues According To Study. Nearly 25% Of All Ohioans Impacted

mental health month divorceFor the last 70 years, the month of May has been observed as “Mental Health Month“, and according to the community-based non-profit, Mental Health America, nearly 25% of Ohioans have experienced mental health issues in the last few years.

Mental Health Month  provides an opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of mental illness, and to remind Ohioans that it’s OK not to be OK and it’s OK to ask for help,” said Aimee Shadwich, the RecoveryOhio Director in a press release by the state of Ohio on May 4th of this year.

“It is critical that access to timely and effective care is available to those who need it,” she continued.

Nationwide, about 1 in every 5 Americans will be diagnosed with a mental health condition in any given year, like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. These conditions can affect one’s “emotional, psychological and social well-being” according … Read More... “Blast From The Past: May is Mental Health Month – How Divorce can Affect Mental Health?”

Blast From The Past: Post-Divorce: Here Are Three Ways to Declutter Negative Thoughts After Recent Divorce. Is it Time for Some Spring Cleaning for Your Mind?

declutter negative thoughts divorce support system

Declutter Negative Thoughts After Divorce

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Here is one of my favorites posts from back on March 14th, 2022! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Spring Cleaning for the Mind? How to Declutter Negative Thoughts After Divorce

declutter negative thoughts divorce support system

The sight of blooming flower blossoms always prompts the itch to spring clean. While we may toss out our junk, scrub the floors, and dust the furniture, we often don’t take the time to declutter the negative thoughts that intrude in our minds daily. This is especially true for recently divorced individuals, who often experience loneliness, anxiety, guilt, and grief.

Here are three ways to declutter those negative thoughts just in time to welcome the change of the seasons!

  1. Engage in Self-Care

    Self-care is perhaps one of the easiest ways to start decluttering negative thoughts after a divorce. We hear often about doing self-care, but what exactly is self-care?

    Self-care is generally defined as doing anything to improve one’s mental health. This can be done in a variety of ways. It can be as simple as reading a book for

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Blast From The Past: New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce

Blast From The Past: New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts from back on January 15th, 2022! The advice rings as true now as it did then! …We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Making a Resolution can help you focus after Divorce

Going Through a Divorce in the New Year? Make a Resolution to Help you through the Adjustment!

make resolution new year going through divorceAs we embrace the new year, changes are inevitable. Especially if you are going through a separation or divorce. For you this might be a time of loss and sadness. Also think of it as a time of the hope for a brighter, happier future. The key is in the mindset about how to act and think differently in the new year.

Typically, people make promises to exercise more, or eat a healthier way, or perhaps lose weight. Often these goals are made with good intentions and start off strong, but within a month or so are forgotten. It might be more meaningful and helpful, especially for someone going through divorce to focus on a philosophical position, and to … Read More... “Blast From The Past: New Year Resolutions for Those Going Through a Divorce”

What I Wish All Kids of Divorced Parents Thought About the Holidays!

divorced parents holidays

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Here is one Dr. Karen Finn wrote and posted to her blog on December 9, 2013. Her advice on kids of divorced parents, seems timeless and appropriate…

Divorced Parents: Divorce and the holidays can make things pretty miserable for kids. Here’s how to help your kids of divorce have happier holidays even if they aren’t with you.

divorced parents holidaysFor way too many kids of divorced parents the holidays aren’t all that merry. Instead, the holidays are filled with confusion and guilt. These kids experience confusion because they often have a hard time keeping track of schedules about when they’re going to be with Mom, when they’re going to be with Dad, and when they’re going to be with their friends. Then layered on top of this confusion is guilt.

Kids of divorced parents often feel the need to be actors. They don’t want to upset Mom by talking about Dad in front of her and they don’t want to upset Dad by talking about Mom in front of him. So, these kids learn to act like their other parent isn’t as important as the parent they’re with right now. The pressure to continue the charade amps up around … Read More... “What I Wish All Kids of Divorced Parents Thought About the Holidays!”

How To Forgive And Let Go After Divorce

forgive let go after divorce

How can I forgive and let go after divorce? The difficult challenges of healing post-divorce

forgive let go after divorceNo matter how you look at it, divorce is painful. Your life (and the lives of your children) are changed forever. And for a time you must face challenge after challenge – a seemingly endless stream of them. Yet you know you must continue to move forward so you persevere and eventually ask yourself the question, “How can I forgive and let go of all the hurt?”

This question is important because it’s at the core of all the pain you’re experiencing over your divorce. It’s also one of the most difficult challenges of healing after divorce because divorce brings with it so many hurts, betrayals, and lost dreams.

So let me walk you through how I help my clients learn how to forgive and let go after divorce.

The first step is to truly understand what forgiveness is.

What is forgiveness?

Simply put, forgiveness is a conscious decision to release your feelings of resentment, hurt, anger, or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you.

What I like about this definition is that it’s all about you. It’s not about waiting … Read More... “How To Forgive And Let Go After Divorce”

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