Online Purchase Scams Most Reported Con During Holiday Season. Avoid Being Victimized with These Tips from the Better Business Bureau
Holidays are a time for shopping and gift giving. With all the shopping online and with social media, holiday scams are at an all-time high. Don’t be a victim of scams this holiday season. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has just released their top 12 holiday scams to look out for. A great list! Here they are:
- Misleading Social Media Ads
As you scroll through your social media feed, you often see items for sale from a small business. Sometimes the business even claims to support a charity to try to get you to order, or they offer a free trial. BBB Scam Tracker receives reports of people paying for items that they never receive, getting charged monthly for a free trial they never signed up for, or receiving an item that is counterfeit or much different from the one advertised. The 2020 BBB Scam Tracker Risk Report found that online purchase scams were the most common cons reported to Scam Tracker and the category with the most victims. Do your homework and research the company before ordering.