An Explanation of Ohio’s House Bill 636 – Expanding Marriage Rights in Ohio

Ohio House Bill 636 expanding marriage rights

Understanding the Impact of Ohio House Bill 636 Expanding Marriage Rights on Ohio Residents

Ohio House Bill 636 expanding marriage rightsOhio has made significant strides in recent years toward inclusivity and equality, but the journey is far from over according to the sponsors of Ohio House Bill 636 expanding marriage rights, introduced in the Ohio legislature, aims to amend and enact various sections of the Ohio Revised Code to align state laws with federal mandates regarding same-sex and interracial marriages. It is aimed at modernizing Ohio’s legal framework and ensuring that all residents have the right to marry, regardless of race or sexual orientation.

The Goals of Ohio House Bill 636 Expanding Marriage Rights:

At its core, House Bill 636 seeks to eliminate outdated and discriminatory language from Ohio’s Revised Code. One of the most striking amendments is the removal of terms that define marriage strictly as a union between a man and a woman. Instead, the proposed legislation introduces more inclusive language that recognizes same-sex marriages. By doing this, the bill not only aligns Ohio with federal law and the legalization of same-sex marriage following the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges case, but also reflects a more contemporary understanding of marriage and relationships.


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How To Fix A Miserable Marriage

fix miserable marriage divorce

Before You Can Fix A Broken Marriage Learn What Needs To Be Fixed!

fix miserable marriage divorceYou take your vows anticipating the good, the hopeful, the uncomfortable-but-not-insurmountable conflicts. What you don’t anticipate is struggling to figure out how to fix a miserable marriage. And yet, sometimes it’s a slippery slope from happy to just-a-shift-in-priorities to growing apart to unhappy…to miserable.

Would you even know the 12 signs of a bad marriage without reading about them or learning about them in therapy? Granted, there is an infinite spectrum of subjectively interpreted happiness and unhappiness. And what’s happy/unhappy for one person/couple may not be so for another. But, if you’re going to learn how to fix a miserable marriage, you need to first recognize the signs of issues you want to “fix.”

Do you know what’s making you miserable?

Have you and your spouse stopped talking? Do you fight all the time? Or have you stopped fighting altogether?

Has sex become a thing of the past or even something withheld as retribution or an expression of contempt?

Has one of you had sexual indiscretion or begun to push the limits of an emotional affair?

Is there verbal, emotional, or even physical abuse?

(As Read More... “How To Fix A Miserable Marriage”

How To Survive A Bad Marriage Without Divorce

surviving bad marriage divorce

Tips to Help Deal with the Emotional Disconnect of a Bad Marriage

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: I always try to thoroughly explore options with clients considering a divorce, such as marital counseling, trial seperations, mediation etc. Divorce should NEVER be entered into lightly! I think Dr. Karen Finn article below is an excellent one! She clearly lays out tips to deal with an emotional disconnect.

Will a Mini Separation Help a Bad Marriage and Prevent Divorce?

bad marriage divorcePre-marriage 101 may give you a hefty toolkit for building a healthy marriage from the outset. Do everything correctly, and you won’t be wondering how to survive a bad  marriage. Without divorce as an option, however, every couple needs to learn skills for sticking it out when the relationship loses its luster.

There are times and circumstances that warrant the end of a marriage. No one should resolve to tough things out when there is abuse, for example – whether physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual. Safety is a non-negotiable.

(*If you or someone in your home is a victim of domestic abuse, please do not wait to get help. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE [7233] and keep this number in your phone Read More... “How To Survive A Bad Marriage Without Divorce”

Has the US Divorce Rate Dropped to an All Time Low?

divorce rate marriage pandemic

Divorce Rate In The US Continues To Drop Amidst Covid Pandemic

divorce rate marriage pandemicThe American Community Survey data released from the census Bureau recently revealed that the divorce rate in the USA has hit a record low. According to the data, 14.9 out of every 1000 marriages ended in divorce which is the lowest rate in 50 years. It is projected, that even though we are in the midst of the pandemic, the drop of divorces is likely to continue. Lower divorce rates translate to longer marriages. The new Census Data, reports that the average marriage length has increased almost one year in the recent decade. In 2010 the mediation duration was 19 years, and the length has increased to 19.8 years in 2019.

Journalists have speculated that there is a rise in divorce as a result of the pandemic, and there have been many headlines declaring it true. However according to Brad Wilcox, a University of Virginia sociology professor and the director of the National Marriage Project at the university, this is simply not true. He was recently interviewed by UVA Today. Wilcox believes that the pandemic may have given spouses a new appreciation for their spouse. It has … Read More... “Has the US Divorce Rate Dropped to an All Time Low?”

Are Married or Single Women Happier?

happiness single women married women

A New Book From Happiness Expert Raises Questions About The Longevity Of Married Women

Do Married Women Feel Happy In Their Marriage? Maybe Not Says Happiness Expert

happiness single women married womenAs little girls, many of us dream about that wedding, the white picket fence, babies, and living the perfect life. Who knew that same studies have shown that the happiest in the subgroup of women in the population is actually women who are unmarried and childless?

According to happiness expert, Paul Dolan, a professor at the London School of Economics, studies support that women who are unmarried and childless are the happiest. He says that marriage and raising babies which are the traditional markers associated with success do not correlate with happiness. ln his book Happy Ever After he reported on a study from the American Time Use Survey.

They studied levels of misery and levels of pleasure in separated, divorced, windowed married and unmarried individuals. Dolan says that “the study found that the level of happiness reported by those who were married was higher than the unmarried, but only when their spouse was in the room”. Unmarried individuals reported lower levels of misery than married individuals who were asked when … Read More... “Are Married or Single Women Happier?”

LEGAL ALERT: New Ohio Minimum Age to Marry is 18 Absent Court Order

Alert Key Legal Update

PUBLISHERS NOTE: We have blogged about this situation twice before. First, on May 12, 2018, in Teen Marriages and the Push for Reform in Ohio and then on January 12, 2019, shortly after Ohio Governor John Kasich signed the new law abolishing underage marriage in most all cases. Click here to read that post. That new law just became effective on April 8, 2019. We have kept our readers up-to-date on this because underage marriage and human trafficking are important issues in society. So, here is the latest update…

Minimum Age To Marry In Ohio Is Now 18. Underage Marriage Permitted Only With Juvenile Court Consent

underage marriage minimum ageChildren under age 17 will no longer be permitted to marry in Ohio as a new child marriage law took effect on April 8, 2019. This issue was investigated by the Dayton Daily News in 2017 when it found that 4,443 girls age 17 or younger were married in Ohio between 2000 and 2015, including 59 who were 15 and younger. State records show three girls age 14 were married. This included a Montgomery County case in which a Juvenile Judge approved a marriage between a 14 year old pregnant girl and a … Read More... “LEGAL ALERT: New Ohio Minimum Age to Marry is 18 Absent Court Order”

Blast From The Past: Divorce: Dividing Property, Assets & Debts in Ohio

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

Property Division: Dividing Property, Assets & Debts in Ohio

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: I thought this basic primer was worth posting once again especially now that we are at the start of “divorce season”. Division of debts and assets in a divorce is not always a simple or cookie cutter process.”

Property Division in Ohio Can Be Complicated In Marriage Breakup – Hire A Experienced Divorce Lawyer Early

property division divorceDepending upon the issues in a marriage breakup, dividing assets and debts is usually a preliminary topic of conversation.  This can be a complex and lengthy discussion depending upon the nature of the assets, length of the marriage, and title of the property. The first aspect of analyzing how the court may divide property pertains to whether or not the property was acquired before or after the date of marriage. If the property is separate pre-marital property, that property would remain the property of the initial owner and would not be subject to division.

In Ohio, property acquired during the term of the marriage is generally divided “equitably”.  While the courts in Ohio strive to create a fair property division, this may not always lead to a 50/50 equal distribution. But, … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Divorce: Dividing Property, Assets & Debts in Ohio”

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