An Expensive Wedding, Is it a Road to Divorce?

wedding planning expensive

Will Spending MORE Money On Wedding Planning Mean A Longer Lasting Marriage?

wedding planning expensiveMost little girls grow up dreaming of the picture perfect wedding. If one scrolls through wedding magazines, or the many wedding planning sites on the internet, or through the myriad of ideas on Pinterest, it would be easy to plan the dream wedding. However, all those details will add up to a hefty price tag. According to, a popular wedding planning site, in 2017 couples were spending on average $32,641 on a wedding! In New York City, and other large metropolitan cities, that figure is closer to $77,000. YIKES!

Beware! Not only will the amount of money set you back considerably, a recent study conducted  by economics professors, Hugo M. Mialon and Andrew Francis-Tan, found that couples who stick to a strict budget are far more likely to stay married than couples who spent extravagantly. Their survey studied marriages and the weddings of more than 3,000 couples in the United States. Starting with the engagement ring, when men spent between $2,000 and $4,000 on a ring, the risk of a divorce is 1.3 times more than when the ring cost between $500 and $2,000.… Read More... “An Expensive Wedding, Is it a Road to Divorce?”

Marriage: For Better…Or for Worse?

marriage health

Married Couples No Longer Healthier Than Single Individuals According To Marriage And Health Study

marriage healthIn the past, marriage, happiness, and good health have all been intertwined. But believe it or not, saying your vows and promising to love someone through the good times and the bad times, does not guarantee that you will never get sick, experience hardships, or run into obstacles in the coming years. It does not place a big sign over your head that says, “I’M MARRIED. Stress, anxiety, and hardships please stay away!” Instead, a marriage helps to create a foundation for you to grow with someone and it provides you with someone that you can count on. Marriage creates a pathway for open communication and endless opportunities.

Did You Know That Marriage Can Have a Pretty Substantial Effect on Your Health?

Recently, Dmitry Tumin, a sociology researcher from Ohio State University conducted a study in which he compared married couples who were born between the years 1955 and 1984. Click here to link to the study. Astoundingly, his study concluded that the overall health benefits of marriage have drastically decreased.

Despite the popular belief that marriage has a positive effect on your health, scholarly … Read More... “Marriage: For Better…Or for Worse?”

Blast From The Past: The New Economics of Marriage: More Men Marrying Wealthier Women

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHERS NOTE: “This post and my comments from 2010 were dead on! Society has seemingly accepted this household incomes reversal perhaps due more to gender equality acceptance. Not shocking, but women are no happier now paying alimony than men were back in the 1980’s.”

Modern Household Incomes: More Men Marrying Wealthier Women

household incomes wealthier womenIn a recent analysis of census data, the Pew Research Center found that the institution of marriage has undergone significant changes in recent decades as women have outpaced men in education and earnings growth. The study examined American’s 30 to 44 years old, a stage of life when typical adults have completed their education, have gone to work and gotten married. “Men now are increasingly likely to marry wives with more education and income than they have, and the reverse is true for women,” said Paul Fucito, spokesman for the Pew Center. “In recent decades, with the rise of well-paid working wives, the economic gains of marriage have been a greater benefit for men.” Clearly, these unequal gains have been accompanied by gender role reversals in both the spousal characteristics and the economic benefits of marriage.

I personally enjoy reviewing statistics. For those that don’t, be sure at … Read More... “Blast From The Past: The New Economics of Marriage: More Men Marrying Wealthier Women”

Divorce: Study Finds That Women are Twice as Likely as Their Husbands to File for Divorce

couples talking to counselor

divorce marriage studyThe Early Years of Marriage Project is an ongoing marriage and divorce study that began in 1986. As part of this project, researchers from the University of Michigan conducted a study in which they interviewed 355 married couples throughout the course of sixteen years.

Divorce study says tension and stress have a negative impact on marriage

Results from this study concluded that women are twice as likely as men to file for a divorce. Women typically entered their marriage with higher levels of tension caused by fights and disagreements, whereas men started off with a lower level of tension that increased over the course of their marriage. Researcher Kira Birditt of the University of Michigan, states that, “the association with divorce was greater if men reported low levels of tension when women reported a higher accumulation of tension” (Macdonald, 2017).

Are men to blame?

Kira Birditt believes that women may be more likely to divorce because of “a lack of investment towards the relationship on the husband’s part” (Macdonald, 2017). Whether or not men are to blame, tension and stress have a negative impact on marriage. Differences of marriage expectations from men and women may be the reason for … Read More... “Divorce: Study Finds That Women are Twice as Likely as Their Husbands to File for Divorce”

Gay Marriage Alert: The IRS Finalizes Rules Recognizing Same-Sex Marriages

Tax Returns To Be Amended By IRS To Reflect Same-Sex Marital Status Changes

same-sex marriage irs taxIn 2013, in United States v, Windsor, the U.S. Supreme Court found Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional.   Section 3 defined “marriage” as a legal union between one man and one woman and “spouse” as only a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.  The Court’s decision meant that married same-sex couples must be treated under federal law as married opposite-sex couples.

The IRS followed up with Revenue Ruling 2013-17.  The IRS concluded that, for federal tax purposes, the terms ” husband and wife”, “Husband” and “wife” should be interpreted to include same-sex spouses.  The IRS further concluded that, for federal tax purposes, recognition should be given to a same-sex marriage that was valid in the state where it was entered into, regardless of the married couple’s place of domicile.

IRS Issues Final Rules For Same-Sex Marriage Couples

On September 2, 2016, the IRS has issued final rules consistent with United States v. Windsor and Revenue Ruling 2013-17.  Under these rules, the terms “spouse”, “husband” and “wife” shall apply to same-sex marriages for federal tax purposes.  These … Read More... “Gay Marriage Alert: The IRS Finalizes Rules Recognizing Same-Sex Marriages”

Happy Marriage Must Include Positive Emotions

Should Couples Use Positive Emotions to Avoid Relationship Dissatisfaction? Research Suggests That A Happy Marriage Involves How We Respond to Our Partner’s Good News

happy marriage emotionsA recent study claims that the key to a happy marriage may be simpler than we think.  According to Raluca Petrican, R. Shayna Rosenbaum and Cheryl Grady of the Rotman Research Institute, a happy marriage is comprised of partners who are especially sensitive to their spouse’s positive news and experiences.

It is well established that being there for our partner in their time of need is an important part of a healthy relationship. However, this research seems to indicate that overall relationship satisfaction depends just as much on how our partner reacts to good information that we share.

In their research, Petrican and her colleagues studied 14 women with an average age of 72, who had been married an average of 40 years.  To read their full report, click here. These women all completed a marriage questionnaire and then were asked to watch silent, 10 second videos while having their brains scanned.  These videos either depicted their spouse or a stranger displaying an emotion that did not “match” with the one sentence description of the … Read More... “Happy Marriage Must Include Positive Emotions”

Relationship Issues: The Reasons People Fall Out of Love In Marriage

Numerous Factors Lead To The Demise Of A Marriage Or Relationship According to Author

Will The Dynamics of A Relationship Doom A Marriage? A Review of an Article Published by Healthy Peoples

relationship marriageI was intrigued by an article entitled “Twelve Biggest Reasons People Fall Out of Love” and determined to read/review the article and provide my input to the reasons cited by the author.

  1. The “honeymoon phase” of a romantic relationship is characterized by excitement, lust, sexual intimacy, and a general feeling that “this is it”! However, over time……this “honeymoon phase” does come to an end. The parties may think that if the excitement and lust have gone….is the relationship over? Has it ended? There must be a realization by the parties that the “love” has not evaporated or left….but, that the “honeymoon phase” of the relationship has run its course and is over. This does not mean that the marriage is doomed!!
  2. Some couples have a constant “battle” over who is going to “control” the dynamics of the relationship. These couples are prone to having incidents of anger and domestic violence as the party seeking to “control” the other spouse seeks to have “supremacy” of the
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