Advocating for Your Mental Health as You go Through a Divorce is Really Important!

divorce mental health

Is A Contentious Divorce Impacting your Mental Health?

Do This To Safeguard Your Mental Health During Your Divorce Process

divorce mental healthTo put it mildly, divorces are a difficult period for most people. It can definitely be a challenge to manage your mental health while going through a separation or a divorce. However taking care of yourself is so very important. It is a stressful time and dealing with family, friends, and the rollercoaster of emotions while working through the legal process can be overwhelming. The best thing you can do for yourself is take care of yourself. In turn, taking care of yourself will be the best thing you can do for your children or anyone else who is depending upon you. Many people feel that putting their needs first in selfish, however it is anything but. Maintaining positive mental health  is crucial most importantly for you, but also for those you love.

A divorce brings a range of emotions that can be uncomfortable. Feeling frightened, angry, or overwhelmed are all normal emotions as you transition through the divorce process. You may experience a strong sense of loss or grief. Having support as you go this journey is … Read More... “Advocating for Your Mental Health as You go Through a Divorce is Really Important!”

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

suicide prevention awareness

Suicide Prevention – Seek Help With These Supportive Resources

suicide prevention awarenessSeptember is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — a time to raise awareness of this stigmatized, and often taboo, topic. It is hoped that this initiative will help to shift public perception, spread hope and share vital information to people affected by suicide. The goal of the various suicide prevention organizations is ensuring that individuals, friends and families have access to the resources they need to discuss suicide prevention and to seek help.

Here are some alarming statistics:

Individual Impact:

  • 79% of all people who die by suicide are male.
  • Although more women than men attempt suicide, men are 4x more likely to die by suicide.
  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10–14 and the 3rd leading cause of death among people aged 15-24 in the U.S.
  • Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death overall in the U.S.
  • 46% of people who die by suicide had a diagnosed mental health condition – but research shows that 90% may have experienced symptoms of a mental health condition.

Community Impact:

  • Annual prevalence of serious thoughts of suicide, by U.S. demographic group:
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May is Mental Health Month – How Divorce can Affect Mental Health?

mental health month divorce

Higher Conflict Divorces Lead To A Worse Decline In Mental Health Issues According To Study. Nearly 25% Of All Ohioans Impacted

mental health month divorceFor the last 70 years, the month of May has been observed as “Mental Health Month“, and according to the community-based non-profit, Mental Health America, nearly 25% of Ohioans have experienced mental health issues in the last few years.

Mental Health Month  provides an opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of mental illness, and to remind Ohioans that it’s OK not to be OK and it’s OK to ask for help,” said Aimee Shadwich, the RecoveryOhio Director in a press release by the state of Ohio on May 4th of this year.

“It is critical that access to timely and effective care is available to those who need it,” she continued.

Nationwide, about 1 in every 5 Americans will be diagnosed with a mental health condition in any given year, like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. These conditions can affect one’s “emotional, psychological and social well-being” according to

Divorce Can Be Emotionally And Physically Taxing On Mental Health

Many factors can contribute to being diagnosed with a mental health condition; … Read More... “May is Mental Health Month – How Divorce can Affect Mental Health?”

Blast From The Past: Are Divorce Lawyers Just “Love Undertakers”? [A Rebuttal]

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

Should Divorce Lawyers Engage In Mental Health?

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This blog is as meaningful today as it was when we originally posted it on May 11, 2019! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Divorce Lawyers Should Not Assist Clients With Mental Health Issues Says NYC Attorney

divorce lawyers love undertakersA well respected New York City divorce lawyer by the name of Val Kleyman recently sent out a newswire to divorce lawyers warning them “to be careful not to cross over into the role of personal therapist for clients. This is a common problem that does not get enough attention” Attorney Kleyman said. He added, “helping someone deal with their emotions, feelings and mental health is a very serious undertaking and must only be done by professionals who are trained and experienced doing this.”

While I agree with most of that, here is the point he made that hit me hard. “Divorce lawyers are the love undertakers. Unlike marriage counselors and therapists whose job it is to save relationships and help people heal, our job is to bury dead marriages quickly and efficiently … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Are Divorce Lawyers Just “Love Undertakers”? [A Rebuttal]”

Thinking About a Divorce? Have You Considered a Divorce Coach?

divorce coach-process

A Divorce Coach Can Help Both Pre-Divorce, During The Divorce, And Afterwards

Divorce Coach Vs. Traditional Therapists, Which One Is Right For You?

divorce coach processI have been a strong supporter my entire career of encouraging clients to obtain counseling as they go through the divorce process. Over the years, I have worked with various psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors and therapists.  I like the positives that these professionals bring to the case and it is usually quite beneficial collaborating with a multi-disciplinary team. As their divorce lawyer, I will guide them through the maze of legal issues and “traps” as they journey through the divorce process. Depending upon the case, I will admit that the “emotional side” requires a different type of support.  Recently, I have worked with several Client’s who have had “divorce coaches” assist them instead of receiving help from traditional therapists. In light of this available option, I thought I would share more about “divorce coaching”.


According to the American Bar Association, Divorce coaching is a “flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people going through divorce to help them make the best possible decisions for their future, based on … Read More... “Thinking About a Divorce? Have You Considered a Divorce Coach?”

Are Divorce Lawyers Just “Love Undertakers”? [A Rebuttal]

divorce lawyers love undertakers

Divorce Lawyers Should Not Assist Clients With Mental Health Issues Says NYC Attorney

divorce lawyers love undertakersA well respected New York City divorce lawyer by the name of Val Kleyman recently sent out a newswire to divorce lawyers warning them “to be careful not to cross over into the role of personal therapist for clients. This is a common problem that does not get enough attention” Attorney Kleyman said. He added, “helping someone deal with their emotions, feelings and mental health is a very serious undertaking and must only be done by professionals who are trained and experienced doing this.”

While I agree with most of that, here is the point he made that hit me hard. “Divorce lawyers are the love undertakers. Unlike marriage counselors and therapists whose job it is to save relationships and help people heal, our job is to bury dead marriages quickly and efficiently before their toxicity spreads any further,” says Kleyman.

WOW, I have to disagree with Attorney Kleyman a bit on this one.  This seems far too limited of a view of our role as a divorce lawyer in my opinion.  I have been practicing family law and divorce work in Dayton, Ohio for 40 years. … Read More... “Are Divorce Lawyers Just “Love Undertakers”? [A Rebuttal]”

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatments Effective?

A New Study Suggests that Psychological Therapies Improve Life for Children with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

post-traumatic stress disorderPost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is highly prevalent in children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events such as child abuse, violence, road accidents or natural disasters. In children, post-traumatic stress disorder can lead to delayed development and behavioral problems. More generally, it is associated with anxiety, depression and suicidal tendencies. The aim of this review was to examine the effectiveness of all psychological therapies for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents.

In this first systematic review of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young people age three to eighteen, researchers found that children diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder showed signs of improvement up to three months following treatment.  The psychological therapies used in the review were cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure-based, psychodynamic, narrative, supportive counseling, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

However, no systematic review analyzing the potential benefits of these therapies has been undertaken until now. This review published in The Cochrane Library focused on 14 studies that together involved 758 children aged 3-18 suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder due to sexual abuse, violence, road accidents or natural disasters.

Most … Read More... “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatments Effective?”

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