Blast From The Past: School Year Preparations For Child And Parent

Parents discussing back to school tips for divorced parents to help their child have a successful school year.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This blog is as meaningful today as it was when we originally posted it on August 9, 2014! These back to school tips for divorced parents remain relevant and helpful. We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

How To Prepare For A Successful School Experience – 10 Practical Back to School Tips for Divorced Parents

Parents discussing back to school tips for divorced parents to help their child have a successful school yearSchool is right around the corner for many children and their parents.  This time of the year, while always somewhat stressful for children, can bring even more anxious unknowns for a child when their parents are separated.  Regardless of your relationship with your former spouse, there are some essential back to school tips for divorced parents to ensure your children, and their teachers, are prepared for the coming year.

The first thing to remember is even if you’re not on good terms with your spouse, you must respect them as a mother and a father. Being able to set aside marital differences to ensure your child has a smooth and educational start to the school year is essential as a parent. Below are … Read More... “Blast From The Past: School Year Preparations For Child And Parent”

A New Study Emphasizes the Important Role Fathers have on the Educational Outcomes of Their Children

fathers study educational outcomes

Fathers Involvement With Their Children Has A Positive Effect on Educational Outcomes Says Recent UK Study

fathers study educational outcomesIt goes without saying that parental involvement is crucial for a child’s development as well as their educational growth. A recent study conducted by the University of Leeds in the UK, finds that fathers have “a unique and important effect” on their children’s educational outcomes. The study collected data in a survey of about 5,000 families in the United Kingdom that included both a mother and father. The study was linked to the participants in the study from their early year profile at age 5 and then to the national pupil database at age 7. Click here to read the study.

The study found that when fathers engage in structured interactions such as singing, reading, playing, and drawing with their children before they attend school, it gives an educational advantage to them in their first year of elementary school. The report found that this trend continues as they progress through school. If there is greater involvement at the age of 5 it increases the child’s academic progress at the age of 7. The study found that father’s involvement had a positive effect on … Read More... “A New Study Emphasizes the Important Role Fathers have on the Educational Outcomes of Their Children”

Growing Up a Child of Divorce

children of divorce

Children of Divorce should not be taken for granted!

We were fortunate to have third year University of Dayton law student Shane McDonough extern with our firm this semester. Shane worked with us on a lot of divorce cases during his externship. We discussed his parents having divorced when he was a young boy and some of the effects. This blog he wrote about his childhood is emotional and very powerful! Hopefully, his sharing it will help both divorcing parents and other children of divorce to better appreciate how divorce can impact their children’s lives. We will miss you Shane! Best of success in your legal career. Stay in touch!

Negative Actions of Divorced Parents Can Impact Children of Divorce

children of divorceIf there is one positive aspect of my parents’ divorce, it is that I was too young to understand what exactly was happening. I was around two and a half years old when my parents were divorced. Although I have no recollection of the divorce proceedings or the ensuing months following the proceedings, one of my first memories is a supervised visitation meeting with my dad. Since then, I was exposed to a plethora of instances where my … Read More... “Growing Up a Child of Divorce”

Legal Alert: Planning for Parenting Time – Ohio’s Guide for Parents Living Apart

Alert Key Legal Update

Did You Know? Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor has Written a Guide About Planning Parenting Time Schedules for Parents Living Apart

parenting time schedule divorceLooking for a resource in Ohio to help you design a parenting time schedule that will work best for you, your Ex, and your children? I thought it worthwhile to share this resource with the readers of the Ohio Family Law Blog. This is not a new resource. It was published in 2019 by the Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor.

I was thinking about her the other day, since I knew she was retiring from the Ohio Supreme Court in January. She has served Ohio for 24 years in various elected State of Ohio offices – longer than any other woman in Ohio. In addition, Justice O’Connor has been passionate about child related issues throughout her career.

She introduced this resource as being “Ohio specific and it is intended to . . . foster fair and creative parenting schedules based upon children’s developmental milestones and best interests.”

Prenting Time Schedule Resource: How To Download “Planning for Parenting Time – Ohio’s Guide for Parents Living Apart”

This Planning for Parenting Time – Ohio’s Guide for Parents Read More... “Legal Alert: Planning for Parenting Time – Ohio’s Guide for Parents Living Apart”

Having Trouble Co-Parenting? Consider Co-Parent Therapy or Counseling?

co-parenting counseling divorce

Consider Co-Parenting Counseling When Sharing Parenting Responsibilies Become Difficult With Your Former Spouse

co-parenting counseling divorceRecently I posted an article on the blog discussing co-parenting and parallel parenting arrangements. Perhaps you and your ex have decided on a co-parenting arrangement.  If you are finding it difficult to do so and the children are suffering from the conflicts between you and your ex, then it might be wise to seek co-parenting counseling.

When parents decide to share parenting time, there are an awful lot of things to consider and coordinate in order to make it a successful arrangement for all. The number one priority is, or should be, the kids. The two parties may find it difficult just being in the same room together, but it is imperative that they put aside the animosity they might feel for one another and focus on the children. When co-parenting  there is much to consider. Kids need to do a lot of things such as go to school, attend extra-curricular activities, visit with friends, go on trips, etc. They need a lot of “things” too, such as school supplies, clothes, sports equipment, toys, nutritious food, doctor and dental care, etc., etc.

As a parent, … Read More... “Having Trouble Co-Parenting? Consider Co-Parent Therapy or Counseling?”

Parenting Issues and Tips in the Age of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

coronavirus divorce parenting

How Does The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Affect Divorce And Domestic Relations In Ohio Courts?

coronavirus divorce parentingOhio is under a state of emergency declared by Governor DeWine. Life will be very different for all of us for the foreseeable future. The ramifications of the viral nightmare are significant and changing by the hour.  Not only do we need to practice social distancing but schools are closed – jobs and business are changing and many being lost.

While not trying to be glum, there are huge consequences for divorced individuals with shared parenting or other parenting schedules. In addition, divorce courts now generally have skeleton staffing in place and are only holding only emergency type hearings/trials such as on Domestic Protection Order matters. Further, there is really no caselaw or precedent that Judges and lawyers can cite that is instructive as to how Court’s will likely deal with Coronavirus related parenting  disputes.


  1. Communicate More with Your Ex-Spouse: No matter how cordial your communications have been with your Ex, now is the time that you BOTH need to improve them and minimize any squabbling. Remember that the most important priority is focusing on maintaining your health and
Read More... “Parenting Issues and Tips in the Age of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)”

Blast From The Past: Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children

adult children divorce

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Here is a great post about the impact of divorce on your adult children. It is written by psychotherapist Donna F. Ferber from back on May 29th, 2010! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

How Much Personal Information Should You Share With Your Adult Children? Confiding To A Child Of Divorce Puts The Child In A No-Win Situation

adult children divorceIt’s a misconception that when parents divorce it doesn’t affect adult children. It is important to remember that our children may be adults (and even may have experienced divorce themselves), but they are still children of both parents. In going through divorce, many parents “lean” on their children, making them into confidantes and, sometimes, surrogate spouses. Children, even adult children, are uncomfortable with details of their parents’ personal life. Confiding to a child about a parent’s indiscretions puts the child in a no-win situation.

Many of the adult children I have spoken with say that they are shocked and angry by their parents’ behavior. But as the child, they continue to want the relationship. Giving adult children inappropriate … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children”

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