Location Tracking Dangers Using Apple AirTags

gps tracking airtag ohio

Apple AirTags Dangers: Is GPS Tracking an Invasion of Privacy In Ohio?

Must Read Tips To Avoid Unwanted Malicious GPS Tracking From Apple AirTags

GPS tracking airtagWarnings have been issued by attorneys general in NY and Pennsylvania recently regarding malicious intent with Apple’s tracking device, the AirTag, as instances of people receiving notifications on their phone that their location is being tracked has risen over the last few months.

The AirTag was originally designed by Apple as a method of tracking easily lost items, like keys, backpacks, luggage, etc., using BlueTooth technology. According to Patch.com, though, the devices are being found by unsuspecting victims in “various places including in bags and pockets, under cars, inside of bumpers and the back of license plates.”

“It’s something about the size of a quarter and if you think about that, I mean, you can really hide a quarter just about anywhere. It can be slipped into a pocket or a purse, could be stuck to a car if you want to track someone’s car,” said Alex Hamerstone, a tech expert at TrustedSec.

GPS Tracking Not Considered Invasion of Privacy in Civil Litigation

This has been a growing issue in Ohio as well … Read More... “Location Tracking Dangers Using Apple AirTags”

Photos Tools To Protect And Personalize Your Digital Memories Online

Do You Take a Lot of Photos of Your Kids? Some Amazing Statistics for Mother’s Day!

photos mother's dayMiMedia Inc., just published the results of a recent survey that explored how parents snap, shoot, share and store photos and videos of their beloved children ages 0 – 3. This next-generation personal cloud platform posed questions to 1,000 parents nationwide about their digital habits and lifestyles, investigating how much storage space baby photos and videos take up on their devices.

I bet some of the results of the study will amaze even the most prolific photographers!

Here Are Some of the Key Findings.

  • 76% of parents admit to running out of storage on their phones from taking too many photos/videos of their kids
  • 71% think Moms take more photos of their kids than Dads
  • Nearly 3 out of 5 parents (58%) say their child (age 0-3) was able to operate a touchscreen digital device by swiping before they learned to speak
  • 57% think Moms share too many baby photos on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Almost half (47%) of parents say their child (age 0-3) likes taking selfies
  • 47% of parents share at least 1 photo/video on average of their child (age
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Children, App Technology, and Messaging Safely

How vulnerable Are Children In Today’s App Technology-Driven Internet World?

New Certified Messenging Chat App For Children Provides Safe Monitoring For Parents And Encourages Responsible Social Media Development

children app safetySummer is coming.

These are the words that children ages 6-17 dream of hearing everyday as they’re leaving school.  Ten to fifteen years ago, summer meant baseball, bikes, and adventures outside with your friends.  The recent changes in technology have also brought about changes in interest among younger individuals in our population.  Today, summer means iPads, TV’s, computers, and video games.  Technology has brought about more advanced innovations at a cheaper price. This allows for easier access to extremely advanced technology. Think for a second, when was the last time you saw a child on an iPad, a tween with an iPhone, or a teenager paying more attention to their phone than their surroundings.  This means your children, and your neighbors children can work those new computers, navigate your complicated phone, and dazzle with online gaming faster than you could ever hope to.

With advancement in technology, comes advancement in vulnerability.    Our society will always maintain a small population of predatory individuals who attempt and succeed to deceive and infiltrate the … Read More... “Children, App Technology, and Messaging Safely”

Revenge Porn Laws Enacted In Many States Except Ohio

Groups Push To Outlaw Revenge Porn

Facebook Hit With Civil Lawsuit Over Revenge Porn

revenge porn ohioIn today’s ever connected world, what was once private often becomes public. Most individuals almost certainly have a smart phone camera or tablet device with a camera at their fingertips at any time.  This increase in accessibility coupled with the desire to photograph anything and everything has turned often daily tasks into internet posts.  This is all well and fun when it comes to photographing your dinner, your adventures and travels, and most often, your pets. Things can turn ugly though when this type of technology is brought into private relationships and intimate encounters.

Can You Post Nude Photos of Your Spouse Online Without Consent?

As a divorce lawyer, I am seeing more cases where a bitter spouse either threatens or disseminates nude photos of his/her spouse online.  Assuming there are current restraining orders in place preventing “harassment”, a contempt motion can be filed. That may be an inadequate remedy after the fact. So, individuals are looking  at both the state criminal and civil statutes.

State legislatures are rushing to enact laws that prevent the posting of private nude photographs and videos online.  This is a … Read More... “Revenge Porn Laws Enacted In Many States Except Ohio”

Spy on My Spouse? Is It Legal In My Marriage?

Avoid Legal Trouble, Consult With An Experienced Family Attorney Before You Spy On Your Spouse!

spyA husband or wife can get themselves into some messy legal situations when they spy on their spouse.  Often, the best way to combat this situation is through communication.  Clearly, if you’re suspecting your spouse of somehow breaking the marriage vows, then you’re faced with trying to improve communications (at the very least).  Perhaps entering into marriage counseling together would be beneficial.  If these efforts have failed, there are a few steps you can take to avoid criminal situations when it comes to spying on your spouse.

  1. Tape-Recording:
    Tape recording is a tricky technique to master.  The Federal Wiretapping laws allow for some type of recording, but in order to satisfy this statute and avoid criminal prosecution, you must follow specific steps.   You have to make sure that you’re only recording your spouse in conversations to which you’re a party.  You CANNOT record your spouse speaking with another person.
  2. In Home Surveillance:
    Videotaping inside your home is permissible under the law.   This situation has arisen in a few cases in Ohio, and the courts seem to have a hazy grasp on it.  In some
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Computer Cybercrime Legislation: Spillover Tendencies

How Computer Cyber Security Laws Can Impact Family Disputes Differently From State To State

computerWith the recent buzz surrounding computer cyber communications and email hacking, one should be informed on the general principles and laws of their state.   These laws have come about due to the recent explosion in email hacking, bank hacking, and corporate espionage that have plagued the telecommunication industry in recent years.  An attempt to curb these crimes has led to adoption and passing of harsh penalties that accompany the acts.

The harsh penalties that accompany these laws have the capability to cause “collateral damage.”  That is, damage to individuals whom the laws are not meant to injure.  These cases, such as the ongoing case in Michigan, often involve family disputes.  Let’s take a look…

Walker v. Walker

Facts to understand:  Leon Walker began to suspect his wife of cheating on him.  Acting on this suspicion, he accessed his wife’s email without first obtaining her consent to see if his suspicions were warranted.  He states that he accessed these emails because he was worried that his wife’s ex-husband (whom he believed was the man having the affair with her) was abusive towards her in front of … Read More... “Computer Cybercrime Legislation: Spillover Tendencies”

Social Media Issues in Divorce Litigation – The New Frontier

social mediaIt is no longer a secret that attorneys that work in the domestic relations arena are mining social media networking sites, such as Facebook, for helpful evidence about the opposing party.  A person’s Facebook page is often a very fertile source of embarrassing information that may help sway a judge’s opinion about which parent is best to be the primary caregiver for the children at issue.  That is why it is extremely important for those engaged in a custody battle to be cognizant of what information about themselves (and their children) that they are choosing to share with the world on social media networking sites.

The old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words” is very often true, especially when the picture is speaking to the lifestyle habits of a parent.  Anyone can dress nicely and appear respectful when testifying in court, but it’s what they do when they are unaware someone is looking that is the true test of their character.  Judges know this and it often impacts their decisions.  Pictures of people smoking marijuana or drinking in excess are becoming some of the most popular forms of evidence to disparage a particular parent’s capacity to raise … Read More... “Social Media Issues in Divorce Litigation – The New Frontier”

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