Potential Civil Liability for Unauthorized Access to Another’s Email Account

emailcivil.jpgI am not an Internet or cyberlaw expert by any stretch of the imagination. But I am not alone in that regard according to an interesting Associated Press. story that Judges on the nation’s top court are handicapped by a lack of knowledge about the Internet when deciding related cases–Justice Stephen G. Breyer, a U.S. Supreme Court justice, admits. If you have a minute, click on the link in blue to read some pretty humorous exchanges from the Justices when discussing technology related issues.

Without trying to grapple with all the subtle nuances on this subject, I do think it is important to make people aware that there are potential legal ramifications for anyone who enters another’s email account without permission and prints or downloads stored emails. There are two portions of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA): the Wiretap Act and the Stored Communications Act (SCA). Title I of the ECPA, the Wiretap Act, prohibits interception of communication in certain instances.

An important case, especially for family law practitioners to read, is Jennings v. Jennings, a South Carolina case decided in July, 2010.   It involved a wife who learned that her husband was having an affair so … Read More... “Potential Civil Liability for Unauthorized Access to Another’s Email Account”

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