Parents – Are You Worried About Your Kids Online Safety?

Bark, your family's watchdog for internet safety

parents bark appCellphones and laptops are becoming more and more of a commonality among younger people; and with the popularity of such devices, there comes an immense amount of potential danger attached to them. Some parents may not comprehend the risks before giving their children the privilege of having a cellphone and/or a laptop, but there is a dangerous dark side to a smartphone/laptop while in the hands of a young person.

To try and combat the dangers of cellphone/internet usage by children and teenagers, Bark was created to monitor text conversations of minors. The app works by having parents create an account through the website, and by starting off with a 30-day free trial, the app is granted access to all of your child’s text messages, email, and even social media accounts.  The app monitors your child 24/7 and will send alerts to you if issues are detected by the app’s “watchdog engine” while also supplying “recommended actions and ways to talk about issues as a family”.

Parents Can Use App Monitoring Software Bark To Combat Dangers Of Internet Use

Bark’s “watchdog engine” is engineered through “data science and machine learning” to flag interactions such as cyber bulling, sexting, and … Read More... “Parents – Are You Worried About Your Kids Online Safety?”

Tips on How to Prevent and Handle a Lost Child Situation

lost_child_situation.jpgMy wife and I have raised two (2) sons and we personally experienced the terror of a child becoming lost in a public place.  Fortunately, ours ended like most of these situations with our son being located and returned safely.  So, that being said, I want to thank Keith Kepler, the Vice President and General Manager at AlliedBarton Security Services, for sending the Ohio Family Law Blog these important tips about protecting our children from becoming lost or missing. I think that his advice is spot-on.  Please take a moment and read his practical suggestions:

A lost child is a parent’s worst nightmare.  As families plan to spend more time outdoors, on vacation and in busy public places this summer, it is important to be prepared. A survey of parents by the Center to Prevent Lost Children showed that 90 percent of families will experience losing a child in a public place at least once, and 20 percent said it has happened more than once.  The United States Department of Justice reports that more than 300,000 children become temporarily lost for at least one hour, but the good news is that a majority of those children are quickly found and Read More... “Tips on How to Prevent and Handle a Lost Child Situation”