Looking for an Online Parenting After Divorce Seminar? Have You Considered the eNew Beginnings Program?

Looking for an Online Parenting After Divorce Seminar? Have You Considered the eNew Beginnings Program?

eNew Beginnings Program is a Parenting Skills Program Designed To improve Parenting Quality

Parenting After Divorce: New eNew Beginnings Program Allows Parents to Learn on Their Own Schedule

eNew Beginnings Program divorceIt is an unfortunate statistic, but nearly half of the marriages in the United States fail, ending in divorce. Over one million children are affected by their parents divorce. These children are more likely to be at risk of experiencing mental health issues, struggling in school and at increased risk of engaging in risky sexual behavior, as well as for substance abuse.

Sharlene Wolchik and Irwin Sandler both professors of psychology at Arizona State University, led a study and adapted an in person parenting skills program into a web based program called The eNew Beginnings Program. It is designed to be asynchronous, which means a person can learn on their own schedule. The class can be taken anytime, any place where the learner has access to a computer, even on a smart phone. This web based program has 10 sessions. These sessions focus on interparental conflict and parenting quality.

Of course many parents are worried about the statistics and how their divorce will affect their children. Sandler reports, “This … Read More... “Looking for an Online Parenting After Divorce Seminar? Have You Considered the eNew Beginnings Program?”

Divorce: Helping Children Succeed After Divorce Seminar – Hosted By The Greene County Domestic Relations Court

Greene County Domestic Relations Court Seminar To Help Children Succeed Post Divorce – A Review and Breakdown

divorce seminar childrenOn Saturday, February 22, 2016, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar entitled “Helping Children Succeed After Divorce.” The seminar was held at the Greene County Domestic Relations Court located at 595 Ledbetter Road, Xenia, Ohio. The cost for attending the program is included in the Court’s filing fee for either a divorce, dissolution of marriage, or legal separation proceeding. The Court has three (3) two-hour seminars per month to accommodate the working schedules of all parties. Two seminars are held in the evening from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and one seminar is held on one Saturday per month from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.

Parents of minor children are “ordered” at attend this seminar and a failure to attend could result in a loss of parenting time (also known as visitation) until the non-compliant parent attends the seminar. To schedule an appointment time for the mandatory divorce seminar, parties are instructed to call (937) 562-6249, Extension 0 to schedule their date and time to attend the workshop. Although parents must attend the mandatory divorce seminar, the parties are not required … Read More... “Divorce: Helping Children Succeed After Divorce Seminar – Hosted By The Greene County Domestic Relations Court”

Looking to Build a Stronger Relationship?

buildstrong.jpgUnlike many family law blogs which just share divorce information, we take a much broader view of “family law” and try to provide positive helpful information to readers about ways to help keep marriages together.  Clearly, marriage is an important public and social good, associated with a broad array of positive outcomes for adults, children, and the community as a whole. Divorce proceedings should never be initiated lightly! All relationships have “ups and downs” that can sometimes be very difficult to navigate.

Marriage Works! Ohio offers an extensive range of programs and services throughout Shelby, Miami, Montgomery, Greene, Butler and Warren counties. This collaborative effort of faith-based and community organizations, including Elizabeth’s New Life Center, has been operating for 3 years.  Recently, it was recognized by the Department of Health and Human Services as one of the 8 most promising programs for marriage education in the country! Their mission is to demonstrate ways to increase knowledge of basic relationship skills, communication skills, commitment to the relationship, and positive conflict resolution among adults and teenagers.  Most of their classes are free of charge. Classes are small, usually with only 10 to 20 couples.  Workshops and classes range in length from only … Read More... “Looking to Build a Stronger Relationship?”

“Helping Children Succeed After Divorce”, Seminar Update

sem3.jpgIt has been six months since our first blog article appeared regarding the Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court’s “mandatory requirement” that both parents must attend a seminar intending to assist parents in understanding what each must do to help their children succeed after a divorce or dissolution. Several questions have arisen since the initial article was published, and I shall endeavor to address them.

Question #1: Divorce is proceeding in Montgomery County, Ohio, but Wife/Mother has relocated to the State of Florida.  What is she supposed to do about the requirement to attend a seminar in the State of Ohio?

Once again, I contacted Galen Curry, Manager of the Parent Education Department of the Domestic Relations Court of Montgomery County, Ohio, and he advised me of the following options:

  • Mother could arrange to take the course in Montgomery County, Ohio, before the final divorce hearing, immediately after the final divorce hearing, or within a few days of the final divorce hearing in the State of Ohio.
  • Mother could arrange to take the course in Montgomery County, Ohio, before the final divorce hearing, immediately after the final divorce hearing, or within a few days of the final divorce hearing in the
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Two Thumbs Up for the “Helping Children Succeed After Divorce” Seminar!

child_sem.jpgThe “Helping Children Succeed After Divorce” program was created in 1991 through the concerted efforts of the Children’s Hospital Guidance Centers Divorce Services, the Franklin County Domestic Relations Court, and the Family Law Committee of the Columbus (Ohio) Bar Association.  The three (3) hour seminar was designed to provide parents with information to help them better understand their children’s reaction to the divorce process and to adjust to the inevitable changes that divorce brings to the family unit.

In Montgomery County, Ohio, attendance at the “Helping Children Succeed After Divorce” seminar, hereinafter sometimes referred to as “Helping Children” is not an option for divorcing parents but a requirement of the Domestic Relations Court. If a parent fails to attend the seminar, the assigned Judge can deny “parenting time” or “visitation” to that parent or refuse to file the Final Decree of Divorce or Dissolution. The program is taught by Galen Curry, Manager of the Parent Education Department of the Court, or by Margaret Leger (Beth) of the same Department.  The program is offered  during morning hours (9 a.m. to noon), afternoon hours (2 p.m. to 5 p.m.), and evening hours (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) to accommodate the scheduling needs … Read More... “Two Thumbs Up for the “Helping Children Succeed After Divorce” Seminar!”