6 Things to Do if You Want to Get Fired by Your Divorce Lawyer

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Your divorce lawyer is not your hired servant!

Insights from Divorce Lawyer Colleagues: Top Pet Peeves & Tips for Client-Attorney Harmony

divorce lawyer social mediaA few weeks ago, I was attending a continuing legal education seminar for divorce lawyers. One of the topics was how to discover and effectively divide cryptocurrency in divorce actions. It was an excellent presentation!

At a break, I saw a few divorce lawyer colleagues of mine standing together talking. I walked up to them to say “hello” and to join them for a few minutes. They were all discussing “pet peeves” they each had with former divorce clients who they ended up firing.

I am constantly thinking about new topics to post about on this blog, and it occurred to me that their “peeves” (and mine) might be worth sharing. After all, why would a client going through a stressful divorce want to act in a manner that results in his or her divorce lawyer firing them?

Key Divorce Lawyer Insights: Avoid These Social Media Mistakes for a Positive Client Relationship

While not based on any scientific or extensive research, here were the complaints expressed that afternoon by several of my divorce lawyer colleagues. They are not … Read More... “6 Things to Do if You Want to Get Fired by Your Divorce Lawyer”


Ohio Social Media Parental Notification Act

Temporarary Restraining Order Halts Ohio Social Media Parental Notification Act. What Happens Now?

Ohio Social Media Parental Notification ActPer the blog post published on January 6th, 2024 the Ohio Social Media Parental Notification Act was supposed  to go into effect on January 15, 2024. However, on Tuesday, January 9th, a temporary restraining order was granted out of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio.

The Ohio Social Media Parental Notification Act  requires parents of children under 16 to give consent for their child to use social media sites such as TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Additionally, the law would require social media sites to comply with this law or face civil penalties. To read more on the Act visit our blog post here

Issues with the Ohio Social Media Parental Notification Act arise from what a “social media operator” is actually defined to be. NetChoice, a tech trade association challenged the law stating that it violated free speech principles because there is no notice as to the specific sites that will be impacted by this law.

A violation of free speech?

The Chief United States District Judge Algenon L. Marbley wrote that NetChoice had legal standing and that, “if … Read More... “LEGAL DEVELOPMENT: OHIO’S SOCIAL MEDIA PARENTAL NOTIFICATION ACT HALTED”

LEGAL ALERT – New Ohio Law Designed to Help Protect Children Under Age 16 Requiring Parental Consent Before Kids Can Use Many Social Media Sites

Alert Key Legal Update

Social Media Parental Notification Act To Help Safeguard Children From The influence of Social Media Sites.

Social Media Parental Notification ActThe Ohio fiscal budget for 2023-24 that was signed into effect earlier this year by Governor Mike DeWine, has incorporated stricter laws to try and safeguard children from the influence of social media. The Ohio’s Social Media Parental Notification Act will go into effect on January 15, 2024.

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, 95% of young people ages 13-17, actively use social media. Governor DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted saw the growing need to try and enact legislation to help parents keep their children from harmful effects that social media might have.

The Ohio Social Media Parental Notification Act requires parents of children under 16 years old to give consent for their child to use social media sites such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. The consent form must be submitted in written form and signed electronically. Owners of social media platforms are held responsible for developing procedures that will verify if the user of their site is under age 16. Parental consent would be verified through different options, such as signing a digital form online, using online payment … Read More... “LEGAL ALERT – New Ohio Law Designed to Help Protect Children Under Age 16 Requiring Parental Consent Before Kids Can Use Many Social Media Sites”

Deepfakes: A Popular Growing Trend with Costly Risks to the Domestic Relations Sphere

deepfakes social media

The Origin of Deepfakes

deepfakes social mediaThe term “deepfake” was coined in 2017 by a Reddit user who originally used the online platform to share pornographic videos using face-swapping technology. Fast forward to 2021 and deepfakes have long since transcended the pornographic world to now include many other forms of trickery. Generally, deepfakes  are defined as a kind of media manipulation that includes a person’s likeness in a picture or video being swapped with another’s.

Recent examples of popular deepfakes include a Hulu commercial attaching Baker Mayfield’s voice to a look-alike’s body and a highly edited video of Mark Zuckerberg touting how great it is to own people’s data. Of course, neither represent real and honest media depictions of the actors portrayed, but nonetheless each illustrates the positive and negative impacts of deepfake technology.

A link to the Hulu commercial can be found here.

While deepfake creation can be done on a highly technical scale with complex synthetic media tools, not all designs require intense skill or training. On the simplest level, to create deepfakes all one needs is a simple phone application that allows for photo, video, and audio editing. The ease with which the everyday person can master … Read More... “Deepfakes: A Popular Growing Trend with Costly Risks to the Domestic Relations Sphere”

Blast From The Past: Divorce: Tips to Consider About Technology & Social Media

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This blog is as meaningful today as it was when we originally posted it on March 18, 2017. Our firm has some tips for you to consider if you are contemplating going through a divorce, while using social media and other technology. We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Divorce, Social Media and Technology. A whole new world.

Siri Is Listening! Technology And Social Media Can Impact Your Divorce!

divorce social media technology

In the modern technological era where we are constantly surrounded by social media and 24/7 communication, it should come as no surprise that the technology at your fingertips could have a very real impact on your divorce case.  Our firm has some tips for you to consider if you are contemplating going through a divorce proceedings in this techy society.

Some Important Social Media Tips To Consider

  • First, remember to change passwords to all financial accounts, email accounts, and any other personal accounts that your former spouse should no longer be able to access freely without your permission. Even in the most amicable of divorces one miscommunication can lead
Read More... “Blast From The Past: Divorce: Tips to Consider About Technology & Social Media”

The First Amendment and the Digital Age: Can the Court stop you from posting online? The Ohio Supreme Court Addresses this Question

cspo civil stalking protection order first amendment social media

Civil Stalking Protection Order (CSPO) Ruling In Ohio!

Ohio Supreme Court Rules on Civil Stalking Protection Order (CSPO) Usage, and Social Media First Amendment Rights

cspo civil stalking protection order first amendment social mediaSocial media sites have become important platforms for exercising free speech rights protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Despite overall agreement as to the importance of such platforms, there is debate over the extent to which such speech can be restricted. One side argues that there are not enough measures in place to protect against violent or false content, while the other argues that such measures could unfairly restrict potentially valuable content.

On June 16, 2020, the Ohio Supreme Court spoke on this controversy in its decision, Bey v. Rasawehr, Slip Opinion No. 2020-Ohio-3301, where the Court held that a civil stalking protection order (CSPO) restricting future postings imposed an unconstitutional prior restraint on protected speech. Click here to read the opinion.

What happened in the case?

Following the deaths of his father and brother-in-law, appellant Jeffrey Rasawehr began posting on social media sites as well as local news sites that his mother and sister contributed to the deaths of their respective husbands. A billboard located near his sister’s house contained … Read More... “The First Amendment and the Digital Age: Can the Court stop you from posting online? The Ohio Supreme Court Addresses this Question”

Divorce and Digital New Age Communications and Technology

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The Serious Impact Social Media May Have On Divorce Case

Social Media And E-Mail Correspondence May Impact Divorce Case

divorce social mediaOkay. I am showing my age. But I remember when the practice of domestic relations law was so much simpler in many ways. How many of you even remember the old IBM Selectric typewriter or even carbon paper! I do. In my 40 years of practice I have seen the advent of word processing, the internet, Fax machines, copy machines, computers (that network together), cell phones, email, texting, an explosion of software applications not to even mention Google and all the social media platforms!

Those times are in the past. Life has changed dramatically. We are now bombarded with voice messages, texts, emails, Facebook posts, Tweets, LinkedIn, IM’s and many more technological advances. Some folks have literally become “hooked” on their devices and these social platforms. Their lives seem to revolve around personal information that they post on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Tumblr and many others too numerous to list.

Going Through A Divorce? Take A Break From Social Media

If you think the posts are secret, think again. Nothing on the internet is truly secret. We have written about … Read More... “Divorce and Digital New Age Communications and Technology”

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