Abbreviations Kids Use on Cellphones That Parents Should Know!

teen lingo 101 emojis

Texting Lingo That A Teenager Might Use On Their Cellphones, A Parents Guide To Emojis!

teenager emojisWhen you think about the stereotypical teenager, what comes to mind?  A pimply twig that enjoys blaring bubble gum pop music while their face is stuck in a cellphone screen? Or perhaps you thought of a certain smell attached to the essence of a teenager such as molding pizza. Whatever your stereotypical teenager looks like (or smells like) in your mind, they probably had a cellphone in their hand.

Cellphones have been around for a while now, journeying from a car phone to a screen the weight of a brick. Most adults know what a flip phone is, and how sending text messages were a time consuming process. To combat the time consuming process of sending a friend a quick message, cell phones acquired their own texting lingo made up by young people to communicate faster.

However as time progressed, it seems that the only ones using texting lingo/abbreviations are the same ones who created it back in the day. After coming across many articles of “This is the Text Slang All Parents Should Know”, it has become apparent that the ones making up … Read More... “Abbreviations Kids Use on Cellphones That Parents Should Know!”

Divorce: Tips to Consider About Technology & Social Media

Divorce, Social Media and Technology. A whole new world.

Siri Is Listening! Technology And Social Media Can Impact Your Divorce!

divorce technology social media

In the modern technological era where we are constantly surrounded by social media and 24/7 communication, it should come as no surprise that the technology at your fingertips could have a very real impact on your divorce case.  Our firm has some tips for you to consider if you are contemplating going through a divorce proceedings in this techy society.

Divorce And Technology. Some Important Social Media Tips To Consider

  • First, remember to change passwords to all financial accounts, email accounts, and any other personal accounts that your former spouse should no longer be able to access freely without your permission. Even in the most amicable of divorces one miscommunication can lead to a very ugly court battle. A divorce means a physical and emotional split, so be sure that the separation extends to your technology as well. Change those passwords even if your spouse never had access to them in the first place. Better to be safe than sorry. Keep the new passwords in a location where only you have access.
  • Second, be aware that any conversation you have
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Facebook Tagging: Violating A Protection Order Through Social Media

Violation of Protection Order Online: How Tagging A Victim On Facebook Or Social Media Platforms Can Land You In Jail!

This article is posted with permission from Attorney Tom Kopacz from an article he posted on January 19, 2016, on our firm’s Ohio Criminal Defense Law Blog…Get ready for a good read!

facebook protection order taggingClose your eyes for a moment and think back to a day when Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Vimeo, YouTube, and LinkedIn were not in existence.  Did you feel that sense of pure freedom from Social Media or did you freak out because you don’t know what you friend had for lunch today because you can’t see his food post?  Regardless, it is pretty crazy to think about our society without Social Media or Facebook at the grasp of our fingertips.

Millions of people connect every second of the day via Social Media platforms like Facebook.  By simply posting a picture or a status update you are connected with people across the world.  The world is truly your oyster when posting pictures of yourself sweating in the gym and captioning the picture with generic motivational sayings.

Another great aspect of saying what you feel through status updates or … Read More... “Facebook Tagging: Violating A Protection Order Through Social Media”

Social Media In Divorce – Prenuptial Agreement Provision

Avoid Post Divorce Disputes – Don’t Forget To Include Social Media Clause in Your Prenuptial Agreement!

social media divorce prenuptial agreementIn the past, we’ve written multiple articles relating to social media. I have linked to some of them at the end of this article.  Now, I would like to focus on an issue that may evolve during a marriage and can expand exponentially after a divorce; social media disputes between couples. This type of ugly dispute has led many in the legal world to conclude that some couples need a “social media clause” in their prenuptial agreement (s).

If you’re connected to the world via social media, you’ve seen this happen.  Let’s say a mid-30’s married couple has a nasty fallout ending in a divorce.  You’re friends with both of these individuals on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and maybe follow them on Instagram as well.  After their divorce, things get even nastier.  Now, instead of fighting amongst themselves in private and attempting to resolve issues, they’re broadcasting these “differences” on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  These problems can be about anything, even complaining about child splitting time, each other’s parenting skills, or even extending into alimony or child support.

In … Read More... “Social Media In Divorce – Prenuptial Agreement Provision”

Social Media: Is It Public Shaming?

How Facebook And Other Social Media Have Turned Private Family Matters Into Public Spectacles

social mediaSocial Media has reared its intrusive head since the early 2000’s. With the founding of MySpace in 2003, teenagers and young adults have connected beyond the letters snuck through classrooms, and the phone calls from landlines.  The early stages of MySpace allowed individuals to edit, create, and develop their page to fit their interests, often showing the personality types of the users, and allowing them to connect and interact with other students or friends.  The path that social media has taken since those “good ole days” has shifted into a realm of confusion… Facebook, YouTube, GooglePlus, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Photobucket, Pintrest, MyLife, and many more roam the internet fiendishly adding users every day.

This evolvement has spun the norms of social media into a whirlwind where instead of just students and young adults connecting, your worst fears of your parents, employers, pastor, community members, friends’ parents, and even pets have somehow worked their way into the picture.  No longer must you worry about your parents discovering your notes in the pocket of your favorite jeans while doing laundry, but you must now worry about your entire … Read More... “Social Media: Is It Public Shaming?”

Social Media Issues in Divorce Litigation – The New Frontier

social mediaIt is no longer a secret that attorneys that work in the domestic relations arena are mining social media networking sites, such as Facebook, for helpful evidence about the opposing party.  A person’s Facebook page is often a very fertile source of embarrassing information that may help sway a judge’s opinion about which parent is best to be the primary caregiver for the children at issue.  That is why it is extremely important for those engaged in a custody battle to be cognizant of what information about themselves (and their children) that they are choosing to share with the world on social media networking sites.

The old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words” is very often true, especially when the picture is speaking to the lifestyle habits of a parent.  Anyone can dress nicely and appear respectful when testifying in court, but it’s what they do when they are unaware someone is looking that is the true test of their character.  Judges know this and it often impacts their decisions.  Pictures of people smoking marijuana or drinking in excess are becoming some of the most popular forms of evidence to disparage a particular parent’s capacity to raise … Read More... “Social Media Issues in Divorce Litigation – The New Frontier”

The Rise of the Use of Electronic Evidence in Divorce Cases

With the rise of the popularity of the internet, instant messaging, text messaging and the use of GPS systems, electronic evidence is being utilized more and more in litigation. Technology is having a huge impact on our lives and also the way many divorces are being litigated. Recently 88% of the members of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) indicated that they have seen an increase in the number of cases using electronic data during the past five years. Emails were the most common form of electronic evidence offered in court according to AAML president, James Hennenhaefer. Electronic evidence is being used for many purposes including detecting hidden assets, financial misconduct and infidelity.

Antonia Love, a solicitor (attorney) from England recently warned the public that social networking sites are becoming the next tool lawyers will be using in divorce proceedings. She said, “People who use social networking websites to send flirtatious emails to people, who are not their partners, are often lulled into a false sense of security that they are doing nothing wrong because correspondence is electronic and therefore isn’t real life.” Snooping in another’s email account is not uncommon. A Google survey indicated that 27% of women … Read More... “The Rise of the Use of Electronic Evidence in Divorce Cases”

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