Holidays: Just Say No & Feel Empowered!

A person enjoying a peaceful holiday moment, symbolizing effective holiday stress management and setting boundaries.

Holidays Got Your Down? Holiday stress management might be in order.

PUBLISHERS NOTE: Congratulations! We all made it through Thanksgiving. So, the mad dash of the holiday season is officially upon us. Take a breath. Slow down. And just say “no.”

A Guide to Happier Holidays: Replace HO–HO-HO with NO-NO-NO!

A person enjoying a peaceful holiday moment, symbolizing effective holiday stress management and setting boundaries.Well, the holiday hoopla is ramping up. Displays of sparkly red and green stuff has taken center stage in our stores, catalogues are arriving in droves, internet sites are offering deals, discounts and sales on every imaginable product. Magazines at the grocery checkout display unbelievable glossy covers of gorgeous people, in gorgeous houses, serving gorgeous food. Now with the sudden drop in temperature and the promise of snow this week, the reality that the holidays are descending on us is unavoidable.

It feels impossible to slow this down or simply get a grip. It is like being swept up in some tinselly tidal wave. I don’t want to shop yet; I still am cleaning out the garden! Yet, as the heat clicks on, and my sweaters and even gloves begin to take center stage, it cannot be denied. Here comes the holidays.

Much has been written about how to … Read More... “Holidays: Just Say No & Feel Empowered!”

Blast From The Past: School Year Preparations For Child And Parent

Parents discussing back to school tips for divorced parents to help their child have a successful school year.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This blog is as meaningful today as it was when we originally posted it on August 9, 2014! These back to school tips for divorced parents remain relevant and helpful. We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

How To Prepare For A Successful School Experience – 10 Practical Back to School Tips for Divorced Parents

Parents discussing back to school tips for divorced parents to help their child have a successful school yearSchool is right around the corner for many children and their parents.  This time of the year, while always somewhat stressful for children, can bring even more anxious unknowns for a child when their parents are separated.  Regardless of your relationship with your former spouse, there are some essential back to school tips for divorced parents to ensure your children, and their teachers, are prepared for the coming year.

The first thing to remember is even if you’re not on good terms with your spouse, you must respect them as a mother and a father. Being able to set aside marital differences to ensure your child has a smooth and educational start to the school year is essential as a parent. Below are … Read More... “Blast From The Past: School Year Preparations For Child And Parent”

Blast From The Past: Child Visitation Exchanges – Tips to Avoid Problems!

visitation exchanges custody

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts about child visitation exchanges, from back on June 13th, 2020! The advice rings as true now as it did then. …We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Visitation Exchanges. Do this to Avoid Friction with your Ex!

visitation exchanges custodyVisitation exchanges and custody exchanges can be uncomfortable and sometimes downright combative depending upon the relationship between the parents. They can also be stressful to your child as well. The overall objective needs to be to keep things civil and reduce friction all the way around.

Here are some common-sense tips of what to do, or not do in visitation exchanges:

  1. Coordinate Drop Off/Pick Up Location: In high conflict cases, the less you have to interact with your Ex the better. One common approach is agreeing upon making the switch at school, a daycare center, babysitters or friend’s house.  Other options are at a public place such as a park or restaurant. In extreme situations, some folks will make the exchange outside the local police department. You need to figure a spot that is
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Blast From The Past: Post-Divorce: Here Are Three Ways to Declutter Negative Thoughts After Recent Divorce. Is it Time for Some Spring Cleaning for Your Mind?

declutter negative thoughts divorce support system

Declutter Negative Thoughts After Divorce

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Here is one of my favorites posts from back on March 14th, 2022! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Spring Cleaning for the Mind? How to Declutter Negative Thoughts After Divorce

declutter negative thoughts divorce support system

The sight of blooming flower blossoms always prompts the itch to spring clean. While we may toss out our junk, scrub the floors, and dust the furniture, we often don’t take the time to declutter the negative thoughts that intrude in our minds daily. This is especially true for recently divorced individuals, who often experience loneliness, anxiety, guilt, and grief.

Here are three ways to declutter those negative thoughts just in time to welcome the change of the seasons!

  1. Engage in Self-Care

    Self-care is perhaps one of the easiest ways to start decluttering negative thoughts after a divorce. We hear often about doing self-care, but what exactly is self-care?

    Self-care is generally defined as doing anything to improve one’s mental health. This can be done in a variety of ways. It can be as simple as reading a book for

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Be Sure to Take Care of Your Mental Health After Your Divorce!

pos-divorce depression mental health

Statistics on Post-Divorce Depression

Effective Coping Strategies for Post-Divorce Depression

post-divorce depression mental healthGoing through a divorce can take its toll on you in multiple ways. Although one might think that reaching the “finish line” in a divorce will end the emotional turmoil that often accompanies it, that is not always the situation. The post-divorce adjustment period can be a challenging and unique one! It is common that individuals find themselves dealing with a myriad of emotional challenges after divorce, including loneliness and unhappiness which can lead to depression. In this blog post, we will discuss some post-divorce statistics and suggest some tips and resources to help avoid experiencing these types of problems.

Some Concerning Post-Divorce Statistics

Studies show that depression rates are 20-25% higher for those who experience divorce contrasted with those who have not been divorced. Additionally, some show that 50% of divorces reported at least 1 depressive episode after their divorce. This increase in depression rates can be linked to multiple feelings like loneliness, grief, and isolation. The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory study shows that divorce is second, right behind death of a spouse, that is one of the most stressful situations people endure through life. Depression can range from … Read More... “Be Sure to Take Care of Your Mental Health After Your Divorce!”

Tips to Reduce The “Shell-Shocked” Phase After a Divorce!

after divorce tips

The Various Stages of Post-Divorce Transition…Once The Initial Shock Wears Off

after divorce tipsI have been doing some reading lately regarding the various stages of post-divorce transition folks go through to compare it with what I have seen as a divorce lawyer over the past 40+ years. The various “expert’s” articles that I have read seem to confirm many of my personal observations.

Generally there are 5 to 7 different phases that psychologists have identified. Just like grief moves through different stages, so do divorced individuals. Like with grief, the stages vary with each person as does the length of each phase. This is understandable since often it is just one party that wants out of the marriage.

In a well-written article by Robert Taibbi, LCSW, posted in Psychology Today on March 11, 2023, titled 6 Stages of Separation or Divorce, the author clearly lays out the various stages of life during and after a divorce. He states that “once the initial shock wears off, many feel shell-shocked for many weeks. It takes about 6-12 months to feel more grounded”. Click here to read this article.

Beware the Calm Before the Stormy 7 Stages of Divorce

Dr. Jamie C. Williamson, … Read More... “Tips to Reduce The “Shell-Shocked” Phase After a Divorce!”

Blast From The Past: A Post-Divorce Checklist

divorce estate planning social security

PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts about moving forward with a post-divorce checklist from back on August 1, 2020! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Move Forward With These Important Transition Tips

divorce estate planning social securitySo you have are about to finish your divorce case. Now what? While there is a lot of information about divorce and the process itself online, there is much less about the “afterlife”. Presumably you have been considering this day for a long time, and have maybe even obtained some psychological counseling/therapy to help with the post-divorce transition.

Here are some suggestions to help you get moving forward in a positive manner and avoid divorce  paralysis that occurs in many cases.

  1. REVIEW ALL YOUR DIVORCE DOCUMENTS – Don’t just throw the divorce decree and orders in a drawer after the case is over never to see the light of day again. Be sure to make a checklist of all loose ends that are mentioned in the Decree that need to be completed and attended to such as filing quit claim deeds, changing titles
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