6 Tips of How to Effectively Communicate with Your Spouse During a Divorce

communications divorce

Communications With Your Spouse During A Divorce Need Not Be Stressful Or Difficult

communications divorceDivorces can be very difficult and stressful. Emotions can often run rampant. Those may include anger, blame, hurt feelings, confusion, sadness, and depression. Trying to maintain civil communications between you and your spouse is important. No black or white approach works in every case. You know the factual background which caused the marriage to breakdown. You know if your spouse has been abusive or can be a bully or meanspirited. Hopefully, these tips will be useful in establishing appropriate communications.

In many cases the parties elect to have their lawyers shoulder the majority of the communications. Nonetheless, some level of communications will likely need to occur, especially if you have children.

  1. Be Civil and Respectful: Avoid arguments and be professional. As difficult as it may be, “bite your tongue” and don’t escalate issues. Truthfully, whether you are right or wrong on a point isn’t that important in the long run.
  2. Set Boundaries: As you transition from being married to divorced, try to establish boundaries to agree upon the way the 2 of you will primarily communicate and about what topics.
  3. Consider Email Communications: Email is a frequent
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Tips on Planning a Vacation with the Kids Post-Divorce

vacation kids

Tricks And Tips To Make Vacation Time With The Kids Fun Post-Divorce

vacation kidsThe ink is dry on the papers, and you are officially divorced! Time to take a vacation with the kids, but this is your first time traveling solo with the kids. It can be a little intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. There are tricks and tips to make sure it is a fun and memorable time for all.

If you are leery of going it alone with the kids, consider asking another adult to accompany you. Perhaps a grandparent or aunt or uncle might be happy to go along. They might be happy to spend some time with your children, perhaps giving you a respite to enjoy a shopping trip or perhaps a museum or something which might not appeal to your kids.

Destination For A Vacation

As they say in real estate, location, location, location. The same applies to picking a destination for a vacation. You need to select a destination according to the ages of your children. Smaller children tend to enjoy staying in one place and are content to play in the sand. So booking a condo or hotel at … Read More... “Tips on Planning a Vacation with the Kids Post-Divorce”

Tips on Dealing with Your Divorce Lawyer [And Why it Matters]

divorce attorney outcome best

How To Get The Best Outcome From Your Divorce Lawyer

divorce lawyer best outcome

So, you have selected your divorce lawyer. Here are some tips for how to deal with him/her to hopefully achieve the best outcome possible.

  1. Be Candid and Honest – Don’t ever leave your divorce lawyer in the dark. Try to be completely open about all the relevant facts whether they are good or bad. Disclose all assets and debts. Don’t try to hide assets. Honestly complete the required Financial Disclosure Affidavit. [Here is a link to an article about the importance of properly completing your financial affidavit.] If in doubt about anything bring it up to your lawyer! Remember that all conversations with your lawyer are confidential.
  2. Actively Participate with your Divorce Lawyer – Fully cooperate with your divorce attorney and the paralegal(s). Become part of your team. Help him/her by providing requested documents and information as timely as possible. Your fees will rise if the lawyer has to repeatedly remind you to provide information. Don’t wait to the last minute either. You want your lawyer to have plenty of time to review it all and discuss with you any questions. Remember that how you communicate with your lawyer
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Blast From The Past: Strategies to Make Your Christmas Less Stressful

Blast from the past 13 years Ohio Family Law Blog

Publisher’s Comment: This “Blast from the Past” comes from Psychotherapist Donna F. Ferber. She was kind enough to share this article with us 8 years ago. Excellent advice then and now from Donna!

christmas stressIf this is your first Christmas since the separation and divorce, the anticipation can fill you with sadness and trepidation. Here are some solid, easy tips to help make the holidays less painful and hopefully, maybe, even (surprisingly!) enjoyable!

Let go of traditions that no longer work for you. This is an opportunity to re-invent your holidays. Keep the traditions that you enjoy and get rid of the ones that you don’t. No one expects you to be on your best behavior during this time, so you can probably pull it off without anyone getting too upset.

Stick to your regular routine as closely as possible. Sleep, exercise, eat well and don’t skip those therapy appointments.

Don’t use money, alcohol, food, or sex to deal with pain and sadness. These indulgences will leave you poor, hung over, fat, and guilty on December 26th.

Don’t be afraid to do something different. Go away or stay home, but take a risk to use the holidays to try something … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Strategies to Make Your Christmas Less Stressful”

FRAUD ALERT: Avoid Tax Return Scams!

Fraudulent tax return preparers are back!

tax credit fraudulent

Tips On How To Avoid Fraudulent Tax Preparers

With this being tax season, the Federal Justice Department urges the public to look out for and avoid fraudulent tax preparers who illegally swindle both their clients and the federal treasury.  Below are some tips that may seem obvious and others that may not seem so obvious.

  1. Look for a PTIN.  The IRS requires that all paid tax preparers register with the IRS and obtain a preparer tax identification number (PTIN).
  2. Never allow your refund to be deposited directly into a tax preparer’s bank account.  Courts have barred such a practice.
  3. Never sign a blank return or a return without fully reading it from beginning to end first.
  4. Never allow your tax preparer to mischaracterize expenses.  By this, I mean that you should never allow personal purchases to be wrongly characterized as deductible expenses.
  5. Never allow your tax preparer to fabricate expenses or deductions.  Some common ones are the educational credit, the child care credit or the earned income tax credit.
  6. eFile.  The eFiling method is considered the safest and most reliable.
  7. Look for professional credentials or listings with the Better Business Bureau in choosing
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Estate Planning Tips for Same-Sex Couples

Statutory Protections In Estate Planning Now Available To Surviving Spouses Of Same-Sex Marriages

estate planning same-sexNow that the institution of marriage has been sanctioned for same-sex couples, estate planning options and benefits that have not been available before can now be utilized to protect and provide for spouses in same-sex marriages.

Surviving spouses have always been provided certain statutory rights to a deceased spouse’s estate so that they are not completely disinherited.  A surviving spouse is entitled to a “family allowance,” usually the first $40,000 of the deceased spouse’s estate.  The surviving spouse is also entitled to the first two automobiles of the deceased spouse, unless specifically bequeathed to someone else.  The surviving spouse may live in the marital residence rent-free for one year.  The surviving spouse has the option to purchase the marital residence.  The surviving spouse can elect to take against the will.  These are just some of the statutory protections now available to surviving spouses of same-sex marriages.

Although Ohio no longer has an estate tax, the federal estate (or inheritance) tax exists.  Surviving spouses have always been able to utilize the federal estate tax credit of a predeceased spouse, either through a Marital Credit-Shelter Trust, use of a … Read More... “Estate Planning Tips for Same-Sex Couples”

Divorce on Your New Year’s Resolution List?

If a Divorce is on Your New Year’s Resolution List, Consider this First…

Seven Tips for Dealing with Family Issues During the Holidays from Texas Divorce Attorney Richard C. Price

divorce tips resolutionI was pondering a list of various topics for this blog article. I wanted to publish a strong blog article to start 2015. I started a couple and even finished one that wasn’t honestly that memorable. So I decided to hold that one in the “bank” for another less important time of the year. The start of any new year is an obvious time for reflection and to take an inventory of our blessings and shortcomings.

To start the year, I wanted to post an article encouraging people experiencing marital problems to take certain steps before going the divorce route.  I drilled into the extensive archive of blog articles written by my colleague and acclaimed Texas lawyer, Dick Price, for inspiration. Success! I found the article below which he has graciously granted permission for me to repost from his Divorce and Family Law in Tarrant County, Texas, blog at http://dick-price.blogspot.com/  It was originally posted on January 2, 2008. While initially geared towards divorced or separated families, his tips are equally … Read More... “Divorce on Your New Year’s Resolution List?”

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