I have been practicing law now for a little over 30 years. It is impossible to describe all the change I have seen in my practice over the years. They range from electric typewriters to voice recognition software to multi-function copiers that can print, scan and send faxes and emails; and almost everyone has a computer and is computer savvy. Ah yes, computers. My first experience with a computer was in 1968 when students were required in my eighth grade class to take “Introduction to Computers.” I would never have predicted then how much those large, clunky devices would change our lives forever!
Information is king. Consumers now rely on computers and the internet much like prior generations used encyclopedias and the yellow pages. So our law firm, whose roots trace back over 65 years, stays current with technology and maintains a website and this blog-concepts which were unfathomable even for visionary lawyers only twenty years ago. The point of my reflecting upon the computer is to put in context our firm’s next technological leap which is about to occur – becoming a member of the YouTube … Read More... “You, Us and YouTube”