How a Dissolution of Marriage in Ohio Works and Why Completing a Financial Affidavit is Required

How a Dissolution of Marriage in Ohio Works and Why Completing a Financial Affidavit is Required
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Financial Disclosure Affidavit Must Be Completed As Part Of The Dissolution Process

Why Must a Financial Disclosure Affidavit Be Completed Before A Dissolution Can Go Forward? I Just Want To Terminate the Marriage!

financial disclosure affidavit divorceSince 2007 we have posted a fair number of blogs about the differences between divorce and dissolutions and about the dissolution process. Here are some links to make it easy to find and to read them.

Recently, it seems that I have had a lot of new clients come in to the office wanting to discuss and proceed with a dissolution rather than a divorce. I was asked by a client the other day why her husband needed to complete a financial disclosure affidavit because she didn’t care what he had, she just wanted to terminate the marriage and for each to go their separate ways.

Financial Disclosure Affidavit Serves As Springboard

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I Just Want to Celebrate My Divorce!

I Just Want to Celebrate My Divorce!
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A Divorce Celebration can bring a great sense of relief.

Divorce Celebration, Is it Appropriate to Commemorate?

divorce celebration partyWriting this blog, I just can’t seem to get that old 1971 Rare Earth tune, I Just want to Celebrate out of my head! If you “can’t be bothered by sorrow or can’t be bothered by hate” feel free, if you dare, to take a listen to the song by clicking here!

Back in 2010, I published an article on the Ohio Family Law Blog titled Gifts for the Newly Divorced. Some Tasteful and Well…Others Not So Much. It was a humorous tongue-in-cheek blog article. Click here to read it. It was one of the most viewed blogs I have written! In 2012, we published another blog article titled Divorce Celebration – Complete with Cake! You can read it by clicking here.

Divorce Celebration Has Become More Common in Recent Years

I have come across several articles recently, including one in the Wall Street Journal on July 17, 2023, titled Divorce Parties are a New Hot Invite. Apparently, these divorce celebrations are becoming more common place and … Read More... “I Just Want to Celebrate My Divorce!”

August is National Make a Will Month

August is National Make a Will Month
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Simple Estate Planning Documents can make things easier for one’s loved ones upon Death or Incapacitation

estate planning documents augustAugust has been designated National Make a Will Month to encourage more people to make a last will and testament. Creating a will is a simple and easy process that allows you to clarify how your assets should be distributed upon your death. Despite that, over 40 percent of adults have no estate planning documents in place. For younger adults, this number is much higher. Also, many individuals who have estate planning documents fail to update them when life changes dictate that they should do so, such as when people die, children or grandchildren are born or minor children become adults.

Lack of a proper estate plan can be due to procrastination, lack of proper information or a desire not to want to contemplate or discuss one’s mortality. However, having some basic and simple estate planning documents prepared can help one achieve peace of mind, as well as making things much easier for one’s loved ones upon death or incapacitation. A simple will, general power of attorney, health care power of … Read More... “August is National Make a Will Month”

How Divorce Can Impact Children’s Financial Accounts

How Divorce Can Impact Children’s Financial Accounts
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Children’s financial accounts during a divorce process..should you be concerned?

How Your Children’s Financial Accounts Might Be Impacted From Your Divorce

childrens financial accounts divorceNavigating the divorce process can be particularly challenging for families. While dividing assets is rarely easy in any scenario, determining how to divide accounts you started for your children during your marriage can raise additional questions and concerns.

Types of children’s financial accounts

There are several types of accounts parents open for their children. Some of the most typical accounts are 529 plans for education-related savings, joint checking accounts, trust funds, interest-earning accounts, and custodial accounts.

Education savings accounts (529 plans)

These plans are named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, are not deductible, and offer other tax advantages. 529 plans help families pay for future qualifying education-related expenses like tuition or post-secondary training.

In most cases, the custodial parent in a divorce should be the 529 plan account owner. Because these plans are considered assets of the account owner, how the courts handle these accounts during the division of marital assets is sometimes difficult to predict. In some cases, a judge will exclude … Read More... “How Divorce Can Impact Children’s Financial Accounts”

Blast From The Past: A Post-Divorce Checklist

Blast From The Past: A Post-Divorce Checklist
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PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts about moving forward with a post-divorce checklist from back on August 1, 2020! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Move Forward With These Important Transition Tips

divorce estate planning social securitySo you have are about to finish your divorce case. Now what? While there is a lot of information about divorce and the process itself online, there is much less about the “afterlife”. Presumably you have been considering this day for a long time, and have maybe even obtained some psychological counseling/therapy to help with the post-divorce transition.

Here are some suggestions to help you get moving forward in a positive manner and avoid divorce  paralysis that occurs in many cases.

  1. REVIEW ALL YOUR DIVORCE DOCUMENTS – Don’t just throw the divorce decree and orders in a drawer after the case is over never to see the light of day again. Be sure to make a checklist of all loose ends that are mentioned in the Decree that need to
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Has Your Ohio Driver’s License Been Suspended in Montgomery County Because Of Missed Child Support Payments? If So, Read About This Special Reinstatement Program in August Only

Has Your Ohio Driver’s License Been Suspended in Montgomery County Because Of Missed Child Support Payments? If So, Read About This Special Reinstatement Program in August Only
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August brings special program for Child Support Awareness Month


August is “child support awareness month.” On August 6, 2022, we alerted our readers about this special limited-time opportunity. It appears that the only new updates from last year are that more people are taking advantage of it.

In 2021, 44 people took advantage of it and $12,000 was collected. In 2022, 119 people took advantage of the reinstatement opportunity, resulting in more than $32,139 being collected. This is noteworthy opportunity to take advantage of if your driving privileges have been suspended for non-payment of child support!

Special License Reinstatement Program to Run Through August

child support awareness monthParents in Montgomery County who have had their drivers privileges suspended for not paying child support can take advantage of a special reinstatement program that is being offered during the month of August. August is Child Support Awareness Month, and the Montgomery County Child Support Enforcement Agency is giving parents with suspended licenses an opportunity to have the suspension lifted if the parent pays one month of back support. Usually in order to get the suspension lifted, the parent … Read More... “Has Your Ohio Driver’s License Been Suspended in Montgomery County Because Of Missed Child Support Payments? If So, Read About This Special Reinstatement Program in August Only”

Advocating for Your Mental Health as You go Through a Divorce is Really Important!

Advocating for Your Mental Health as You go Through a Divorce is Really Important!
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Is A Contentious Divorce Impacting your Mental Health?

Do This To Safeguard Your Mental Health During Your Divorce Process

divorce mental healthTo put it mildly, divorces are a difficult period for most people. It can definitely be a challenge to manage your mental health while going through a separation or a divorce. However taking care of yourself is so very important. It is a stressful time and dealing with family, friends, and the rollercoaster of emotions while working through the legal process can be overwhelming. The best thing you can do for yourself is take care of yourself. In turn, taking care of yourself will be the best thing you can do for your children or anyone else who is depending upon you. Many people feel that putting their needs first in selfish, however it is anything but. Maintaining positive mental health  is crucial most importantly for you, but also for those you love.

A divorce brings a range of emotions that can be uncomfortable. Feeling frightened, angry, or overwhelmed are all normal emotions as you transition through the divorce process. You may experience a strong … Read More... “Advocating for Your Mental Health as You go Through a Divorce is Really Important!”

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