Tips to Avoid Exhaustion After Your Divorce

Tips to Avoid Exhaustion After Your Divorce
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divorce litigation tipsI tell new clients to prepare themselves at the start of their divorce. My warning – A divorce is typically not a sprint but is usually a marathon! So, prepare yourself accordingly! So, how does one go about avoiding that “marathon”?

Here are my top tips to help you avoid total exhaustion after your divorce.

Tip One: Establish Your Top Priorities

I can’t tell you how critically important this truly is. Contested divorce litigation moves slowly and is very expensive! Some individuals come to the initial conference with a warrior’s mindset. They are often “hurt” and want to lash back by fighting everything. Please understand that there is really no “winner” or “loser” in divorce litigation. That “fight at all costs” approach is a mistake for most people. Why? Because litigating all the small issues will take forever and likely cost a fortune!

Some divorce lawyers may not agree with me on this. Many are willing to champion every fight their client wants. Others seem to have a form “checklist”. They start with the first item on the top of their checklist and won’t move … Read More... “Tips to Avoid Exhaustion After Your Divorce”

Blast From The Past: Dealing with the Holidays if You Are in Divorce Transition [2022]

Blast From The Past: Dealing with the Holidays if You Are in Divorce Transition [2022]
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Going through a divoce transition? Tips for the holidays

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Donna F. Ferber, LPC, LADC is a psychotherapist in private practice since 1986 in Farmington, Connecticut. She is a licensed professional counselor, a licensed alcohol and drug abuse counselor and an educator. In her private practice, Donna specializes in issues related to life transitions. These include but are not limited to divorce, remarriage, chronic illness, loss, relocation. Donna has been a guest contributor to the Ohio Family Law Blog since 2010. We have enjoyed collaborating on several articles over the years.

Make The Holiday Season One That Is Meaningful

holidays divorce transitionEvery major life event, whether joyful or sad, brings on a period of transition as we adjust to the “new normal.” Even though these periods of transition occur throughout our lives, each requires us to discover a new and unique path as we struggle to move through uncharted waters. The death of a loved one, a divorce, a family estrangement, an illness, or sudden unemployment are some of the changes that shake us to our core. We are challenged in ways we could not imagine.

And in … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Dealing with the Holidays if You Are in Divorce Transition [2022]”

10 Happy-Life, Motivational Quotes To Help You Move On After Divorce

10 Happy-Life, Motivational Quotes To Help You Move On After Divorce
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Sources of Encouragement: Happy life, motivational quotes that can Empower your Heart and Mind.

happy life divorce motivational quotesEvery now and then, when you’re down in the trenches of ugly emotions, a good dose of happy-life, motivational quotes is in order. Sure, it can seem a little sappy. But there’s good reason these positive musings still make the rounds.

So, if you’re facing the long road ahead after a divorce>, take a little encouragement from these wordsmiths.

Here are 10 happy life, motivational quotes to help you move on with a positive outlook after divorce:

  1. It always gets worse before it can get better. But it will get better. Like everything else, and like our past struggles, at some point we win, but before that win, there’s always that loss that spurs us on.

    – Dolores Huerta

    What a beautiful, pensive place to start. A reality check coupled with an assurance of hope. Surely the intensity of pain, grief, and adjustment can be managed when there is light beckoning you to the other side of loss. You can, of course, focus on the loss. Or you can focus on

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What Do I Do if My Ex Refuses to Follow the Terms of Our Final Decree of Divorce?

What Do I Do if My Ex Refuses to Follow the Terms of Our Final Decree of Divorce?
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Filing a Contempt Motion Against Your Ex: The Pros and Cons

Your Ex Could be Held in Contempt Motion for Failure to Comply with a Divorce Court Order

contempt motion parenting time divorceDivorce cases can often continue to create headaches for the parties long after the Final Decree of Divorce has been issued. Sorry to perhaps be the bearer of bad news! Some individuals will refuse to follow Court Orders no matter what the issue or how clearly it is stated in the Court Order.

Some Ohio Courts are becoming more sensitive to that reality and are channeling “high conflict” post decree cases to a different docket so that they receive greater attention including scheduling periodic review hearings (especially if the issue pertains to parenting time).

But, let’s go back to the basics first.


The Court speaks through its Court Orders and Entrys. For example, the Final Judgment and Decree of Divorce sets out the specific terms the parties are Ordered to follow on each and every issue from parenting time to division of assets and debts. Technically,” contempt” is a disregard, or disobedience … Read More... “What Do I Do if My Ex Refuses to Follow the Terms of Our Final Decree of Divorce?”

Protect Your Credit Score if You are Going Through a Divorce!

Protect Your Credit Score if You are Going Through a Divorce!
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Your Credit Score Could Drop During Divorce

protect credit score divorceIf you are going through a divorce, most likely there are lots of things on your to do list, and lots of details to attend to. One of which is, protect your credit score. According to a 2019 survey conducted by with, 38% of respondents saw their credit score drop by more than 50 points after separating from their partner. If you are going from a 2 income house to a one income, yours, your financial situation could change quite a bit.

The first thing you want to do is to run your credit report. You may not like what you see, but it is not one of those things you want to ignore. Hiding your “head in the sand” and ignoring what is there won ‘t help matters. By running your credit report you will find out what your credit score is. You can run it by going to this website. or call this number to request it. (1-877322-8228)

In addition to getting your score, you can also see all of your accounts. It … Read More... “Protect Your Credit Score if You are Going Through a Divorce!”

Blast From The Past: Don’t Create Halloween Horrors for your Child! [2022]

Blast From The Past: Don’t Create Halloween Horrors for your Child! [2022]
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PUBLISHERS NOTE: “Halloween can be very tricky for divorced parents. Here is some great advice from Psychotherapist Donna Ferber from way back in 2010 and 2018. If you enjoy this article, you would love her book, “From Ex-Wife to Exceptional Life: A Woman’s Journey Through Divorce” available on Amazon and Kindle. Also, check out her website,”

Make Your Child’s Halloween A Positive Experience Post Divorce

halloween divorceFor many kids, Halloween is one of the most important holidays of the year. The child of divorce is faced with choices and concerns. Who will take me treat-or-treating? Who will get my costume and dress me? Where will I trick-or-treat?

Then, of course, there logistical problems for the divorced parents. By addressing these issues in advance, parents can reduce stress and not distract from the child’s positive experience. These include:

  • In two-parent homes, often one parent gives out candy while the other parent takes the child trick-or-treating. Now there is only one parent in the home. Do you stay and give out candy or do you go with your child?
  • Parents often do not specify in their divorce decree
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LEGAL ALERT: Sealing a Divorce Court Case File in Ohio May Now be a Bit Harder

LEGAL ALERT: Sealing a Divorce Court Case File in Ohio May Now be a Bit Harder
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Clear And Compelling Evidence Must Be Presented To Obtain An Order To Seal Records In Ohio

divorce case sealGoing through a contentious divorce can be a horrible experience! In addition, the Courts require that lots of personal information be submitted as part of the process. But who wants all that “dirty laundry” to be online for anyone to view? There may be a lot of reasons why it could be harmful to the parties to allow public access to the filings, pleadings, decisions and Court Orders.


The typical remedy is to file a motion requesting the Court to seal the entire file (or at a minimum the very sensitive ones) — meaning that the public cannot access the contents of the Court proceedings. In Ohio, as in most states, that decision comes down to the Judge’s view on the merits of your request. Typically the Judge almost has unlimited discretion to decide to seal or not seal a case file.


In Ohio, as in most states, the court systems are “open” proceedings. [That is not true … Read More... “LEGAL ALERT: Sealing a Divorce Court Case File in Ohio May Now be a Bit Harder”

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