Filing For Divorce? Break The News To Your Children With These Recommendations
Having been a divorce lawyer for over 40 years, I am asked this question frequently. I always appreciate the question. It shows appropriate concern and insight about the importance of handling this matter correctly.
My advice is to spend time reading materials from counselors and psychologists on the subject more qualified to address it. There are a ton of resources available online or books on the topic. Planning ahead is important – don’t just drop this “bomb” in an off-hand nonthought-out manner.
Here are some suggestions the professionals often recommend:
- Both Parents Tell the Kids Together
While this may not be possible in many situations, it certainly is usually the best approach if you and your spouse can present a civil “united front”. That will hopefully show your children that both parents will continue to be in their lives going forward. Also, doing it together prevents one parent from unintentionally (or intentionally) placing blame.
- Plan What You Will Say
Avoid the thought that you need to explain EVERYTHING. Sharing the “truth” is not important. The