Should You Make Your Health A Priority After A Difficult Divorce?
Did you know that June is Men’s Health Month? During a difficult separation and divorce, men often do not make their health a priority, however they should. Here are some ideas on how to do that.
Be sure to get enough exercise. It doesn’t mean you have to take out an expensive gym membership. If you do have a gym membership and enjoy it, by all means go. If the gym isn’t your thing there are lots of ways to incorporate exercise into you daily routine. Playing with your kids at the park, going for a walk, doing jumping jacks or push ups, taking the stairs instead of the elevator are just some simple ways to incorporate exercise. Any type of movement will help both your body and mind. Just get moving!
Definitely pay attention to what you are eating. It is easy to resort to fast food because you are busy and it is quick, but try to limit how often you do this. Be mindful of what you are eating, and try not … Read More... “June is Men’s Health Month – Don’t Forget to Take Care of Your Health During a Divorce!”