Tips to Maintain Good Communications with Your Spouse During a Divorce

Tips to Maintain Good Communications with Your Spouse During a Divorce
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Divorce with your spouse not going well? Good communication plays important role for a happier outcome

good communication divorce spouseIt would seem to go without saying, that good communication between a couple is an essential part of a good marriage. However, did you know that good communication between the two spouses is just as important when navigating the often turbulent waters during a divorce? As a married couple you may have had good communication, or perhaps your lack of communication was one of the reasons for the divorce.

No matter what has happened in the past it is important to be able to communicate with your soon to be ex. You may be experiencing sadness, anger, stress, frustration, among other emotions, but by establishing an effective means of communication is an important part to help the process move on more smoothly.

You might be tempted to minimize contact with your ex, however this is not the way to go. If children are involved you will have to communicate with your spouse for many years to come. However, if you were married to an abusive person or if … Read More... “Tips to Maintain Good Communications with Your Spouse During a Divorce”

Effects of Divorce on Children – Some Interesting Statistics

Effects of Divorce on Children – Some Interesting Statistics
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Financial Statistics Reveal Compelling Divorce Data

The Financial and Emotional Impact for Kids of Divorce – What do the Statistics Really Say?

divorce child support kids statisticsI have always found statistics and research studies quite interesting. I like to look at them to see how they compare to my own perceptions and life experiences.

As a divorce lawyer for 40 plus years, and publisher of the Ohio Family Law Blog since 2009, keeping on top of divorce trends is something I enjoy doing. In searching the internet recently, I came across the website I found this website to have an amazingly broad aggregation of divorce related information and statistics  (including footnotes to their sources). I spent a fair amount of time reading it and thought sharing the link might be worthwhile to our blog readers. Here is a sample section. Perhaps it will pique your interest!


  • Divorced spouses evade over 30% of child support payments, with less than 50% paid in full. (Leefeldt, 2019)
  • Moreover, only 43.5% of custodial parents receive full support from their former spouses. (Leefeldt, 2019)
  • In addition, more than $10
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Estate Planning Reminder During American Heart Month

Estate Planning Reminder During American Heart Month
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How Important Can Estate Planning Documents Be For Your Loved Ones? Don’t Let The Courts Decide Who Will Get Your Assets!

estate planning health care last testamentFebruary is often most associated with love, hearts, and Valentine’s Day – it’s lesser known for being American Heart Month – and it’s the perfect time to revisit the importance of estate planning when it comes to preparing your loved ones for the inevitable.

Do you already have estate planning documents? If you do, but it’s been a while since you’ve reviewed or updated them, it may be a good time to visit an attorney to help make sure everything is in order. If you’re new to estate planning , here are the important basic documents you should have prepared to ensure that your wishes are set forth in writing and upheld:

Last Will and Testament

The COVID-19 pandemic generated some of the more recent interest in estate planning, but according to a 2021 Gallup poll, less than 46% of adults in the U.S. have a will, and a majority of those Americans that do are 65 years of age or older. A Last Will Read More... “Estate Planning Reminder During American Heart Month”

Blast From The Past: Coping with Difficult Behavior

Blast From The Past: Coping with Difficult Behavior
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How to Cope with Difficult Behavior and Difficult People in a Divorce

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This blog from guest contributor, Donna F. Ferber, LPC, LADC, is as meaningful today as it was when we originally posted it on May 1, 2010! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

difficult behavior divorceThroughout life, we sometimes encounter difficult people. We may argue with them, fall silent, comply or take distance. In a divorce, particularly an acrimonious one, difficult behaviors abound. No one is on their best behavior under this amount of stress. Figuring out how to cope with difficult behavior  is a bit easier once you can identify why a person behaves in a certain way and what he/she hopes to accomplish.

Here is a list of the most common behaviors that frustrate us all and suggestions for dealing with them:

The Bully – uses temper tantrums to overwhelm you; makes insulting and cutting remarks. Needs to feel superior and not lose control of the situation. Wants to get his/her Read More... “Blast From The Past: Coping with Difficult Behavior”

Don’ts if You are Considering a Divorce

Don’ts if You are Considering a Divorce
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Contemplating a Divorce? 5 things NOT to do!

divorce lawyersHere are 5 things NOT to do if you are contemplating a divorce:

Number 1: Don’t Tell Everyone the News…

As much as you might want to discuss the news that you and your spouse may be headed for a divorce, bite your tongue. Do your best to try to stay calm, and not talk about it with all your friends and family. I can’t tell you how many folks I see to discuss a “possible” divorce that manage to resolve the impending crisis and remain married. By sharing the “dirt” at the thought of divorcing, you may end up poisoning your spouse’s relationship with others and damage your relationship if things are patched up.

Number 2: Don’t Retaliate…

Emotions can run very high when a person learns that a divorce may be in the near future. Do your best to curb those emotions! If you can’t sleep and the anxiety is overwhelming, be sure to go see your family doctor. I had one client who believed her husband was having an affair at work, so she … Read More... “Don’ts if You are Considering a Divorce”

Did You Receive Child Tax Credit Money? Check For This Important IRS Letter Before Filing!

Did You Receive Child Tax Credit Money? Check For This Important IRS Letter Before Filing!
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Internal Revenue Service Issues Letter 6419 for Those Who Received Child Tax Credit Money Last Year

advance child tax credit letter 6419The tax season began January 24, 2022, and you may be thinking you’re ready to go ahead and file your 2021 taxes. Well, there might be one more document coming from the Internal Revenue Service if you and your family received advance child tax credit money last year – Letter 6419.

The IRS began issuing these important letters in December, but according to USA Today, many people still hadn’t received their letters as of January 19, 2022. Still, it is important that, if you believe you’re going to receive that letter, you keep an eye out for it.

So, who is going to receive a Letter 6419 from the IRS?

Letter 6419 will be sent to any qualifying family that received payments from the child tax credit from July 2021 to December 2021.

The advance child tax credit payments were a temporary expanded program where families would receive half of their child tax credit over the course of six months in 2021 – July to December. The payments included … Read More... “Did You Receive Child Tax Credit Money? Check For This Important IRS Letter Before Filing!”

Funny, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Happiness

Funny, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Happiness
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How Funny Inspirational Quotes About Life and Happiness Can Be a Subconscious Source of Positivity

Funny Inspirational Quotes – We all need a little perspective now and again.

funny inspirational quotes happinessWe’re all guilty of taking ourselves too seriously at times. And, while we’re wallowing in the heaviness of our thoughts, the motive for our pursuits is often tiptoeing out the back door. We lose the moment, our sense of humor, and often our sense of purpose in life. Sometimes having little reminders in the form of funny, inspirational quotes about life and happiness can reel us back in.

Yes, those journal-cover, greeting-card, sappy, quippy niblets of wisdom and encouragement can actually help keep our lives on track. We may “blah blah blah” with an eye roll when we hear familiar quotes dropped like original thought, but our brains are actually paying attention. We stash those funny, inspirational quotes about life and happiness like free candy. Their big-truths-in-a-few-words are part fortune cookie, part motivational psychology, part “ain’t life ironic?”

Quite frankly, sometimes we all need to step back and revisit those mantras that help us focus on what’s essential. … Read More... “Funny, Inspirational Quotes About Life And Happiness”

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