A Reminder to All for National Estate Planning Month…
With October being national estate planning awareness month, this is as good a time as any to reflect on why estate planning is so important. It is part of being a responsible adult and showing that we care about our family and other loved ones. We do it to make things easier for our loved ones if and when unfortunate events occur. We don’t like to talk about or even think about these issues, but life happens. Let’s take a few minutes to talk about what happens when you don’t have any estate plan in place.
If you become physically or mentally incapacitated to such an extent that you can no longer manage your financial or legal affairs, what do you do? Who can pay your bills? Who can execute legal documents? Without proper estate planning well in advance, a loved one would have to petition the probate court to be appointed a guardian over you.
Here in Ohio that would involve guardianship training, continuing guardianship education, a background check, acquiring a financial bond from a … Read More... “Why Basic Estate Planning is so Important!”