Ohio Wills Cannot Be Completed Through Remote Technology, But What About Other Ohio Estate Planning Documents?
More individuals are focusing on estate planning during the pandemic, but people are also more concerned about venturing out during these unusual times. A question that is coming up often is whether one can complete their Ohio estate planning documents remotely through Zoom or some other software. The answer is yes and no. Some ohio estate planning documents only need to be notarized to be valid and remote notarization is now available here in Ohio.
A general durable power of attorney in Ohio only needs a notarization to be valid. Ohio health care documents (livings will and durable power of attorney) need either two disinterested witness signatures or a notarization to be valid. A document related to the transfer of real estate such as a deed or transfer on death affidavit needs to be notarized. However there is a fair amount of a technological learning curve if one wants to try to get documents notarized remotely. There is also a separate charge involved for the service.