Would My Ohio Living Will Block My Being Placed on a Ventilator if I Contracted Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Would My Ohio Living Will Block My Being Placed on a Ventilator if I Contracted Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
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What Does a DNR Order in Ohio mean?

A DNR Order (Do not resuscitate Order) Cannot Be Executed Unless Signed By A Physician

dnr order permanently unconscious coronavirusI received a telephone call a week or so ago from a client who was concerned that, based upon some things that he had recently heard, he may have executed some estate planning documents that would prevent him from being put on a ventilator if he contracted the coronavirus. I am sure that he is not the only one who has had that concern, so I believe that this is a good time to explain this issue in greater detail.

First, here in Ohio a DNR Order (Do not resuscitate order) form states that health care providers will not perform CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation), will not administer resuscitation medications with the intent of restarting the heart or breathing, will not insert an airway adjunct, will not de-fibrillate, cardiovert or initiate pacing and will not initiate continuous cardiac monitoring.

A DNR Order  may be DNR Comfort Care (effective immediately) or DNR Comfort Care-Arrest (effective upon cardiac or respiratory arrest). A DNR Order must … Read More... “Would My Ohio Living Will Block My Being Placed on a Ventilator if I Contracted Coronavirus (COVID-19)?”

Tips on Applying for Student Loans if Your Parents are Divorced

Tips on Applying for Student Loans if Your Parents are Divorced
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The FAFSA application (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

Publishers Note: On June 8, 2013, we published “College Expenses: The Impact of Student Loan Debt On Your Child”. College loans are problematic. This seemed like an excellent time to update and address applying for school aid for kids whose parents are divorced. Click here to read the original blog article.

Applying for College? How to complete the FAFSA application (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) if your parents are divorced or unmarried

fafsa application custodial parent collegeSelecting and applying to a college or university can be really tough and daunting. After doing that, unfortunately, you are likely not finished. Next ahead is completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application. This can be complicated especially if your parents are divorced (or your parents are unmarried).

Custodial Parent Determination:

The “custodial parent” designated in your parents divorce paperwork does not control for FAFSA consideration purposes. If your parents are not married but living in the same household, you must include the information for both parents. If, on the other hand, your parents are not married and do not live together, … Read More... “Tips on Applying for Student Loans if Your Parents are Divorced”

LEGAL ALERT: Ohio Domestic Relations Courts will Reopen Monday, May 4, 2020, in Southwestern Ohio but with Restrictions?

LEGAL ALERT: Ohio Domestic Relations Courts will Reopen Monday, May 4, 2020, in Southwestern Ohio but with Restrictions?
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Waiting To Proceed With Divorce? Domestic Relations Court Reopens Across Miami Valley On May 4, 2020

domestic relations court facial coveringDespite the extension of the shelter-in-place Order now until May 29th issued by Governor DeWine on Thursday, most of the local Miami Valley Domestic Relations Court have decided to reopen on Monday morning, May 4, 2020.  Most have been closed (or with limited staffing) hearing only emergency matters such as domestic violence cases.

Other “routine” scheduled matters, including pretrials, hearings and trials have been postponed (much to the frustration of the litigants and their lawyers). Many of these Courts have essentially “been dark” for over a month! Of course, this Court action was necessitated by the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

All Courts going forward seem to be incorporating the CDC guidelines to protect the health of the public and Court staff.

To Face Mask Or Not Face Mask – A List of Local Miami Valley Domestic Relations Court Facial Covering Rules

– Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court  is not specifically requiring folks to wear a facial covering to enter the building. Click here to read their Order filed … Read More... “LEGAL ALERT: Ohio Domestic Relations Courts will Reopen Monday, May 4, 2020, in Southwestern Ohio but with Restrictions?”

Wondering About Domestic Violence in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Shelter-in-Place Era?

Wondering About Domestic Violence in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Shelter-in-Place Era?
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Dayton’s Artimis Center Ready to Provide Help for Domestic Abuse Survivors Affected by the Coronavirus Stay-At-Home Order

coronavirus domestic violence artemis centerRecently I have read several articles online regarding the effect the various coronavirus shelter-in-place orders are having on domestic violence cases. Some places have seen a spike in those filings/incidents and others have not.

Logically, one might think that the quarantine orders along with the stress and financial hardship of COVID-19 would naturally result in a much higher number of domestic violence  incidents. To get a better handle on this situation locally, I reached out to Jane Keiffer, MSW, LISW, and the executive director of the Artemis Center in Dayton.

Interestingly, Ms. Keiffer shared with me that there has not been a spike in calls at Dayton’s Artemis Center since the stay at hone order went into effect on March 15, 2020. She said, “We believe that this is due to the abuser being at home, monitoring the victim, close quarters so calls are not private, phones are being taken away or broken. We do not believe it is because violence is not occurring.” Neither the Dayton Police or … Read More... “Wondering About Domestic Violence in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Shelter-in-Place Era?”

REPOST: Estate Planning For Seniors In The CORONAVIRUS Era [Exclusive 20% discount during April!]

REPOST: Estate Planning For Seniors In The CORONAVIRUS Era [Exclusive 20% discount during April!]
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As we near the time that some of the shelter-in-place restrictions are being lifted, many of us will feel a bit more comfortable doing some of the important things we have not yet done. As you evaluate those items, please don’t ignore creating or updating your estate planning documents!

The Dayton, Ohio law firm of Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues is offering a 20% discount for new clients on all estate planning documents and services during the month of April. We are reprinting below Attorney Joseph Balmer’s blog from April 1,2020, addressing the urgency for everyone (but especially for seniors) to review and update their healthcare documents, financial power of attorney and wills and trusts.

Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues has been providing exemplary legal services to the Dayton area community since 1941. Please call us at 937 293-2141. Quality estate planning doesn’t need to be confusing or expensive! Our staff will gladly schedule you with an initial phone conference with Attorney Balmer to answer your questions and address your estate planning needs – all in plain … Read More... “REPOST: Estate Planning For Seniors In The CORONAVIRUS Era [Exclusive 20% discount during April!]”

BEWARE: Cybercriminals are Trying New Scams In this Coronavirus (COVID-19) Era

BEWARE: Cybercriminals are Trying New Scams In this Coronavirus (COVID-19) Era
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Coronavirus Pandemic Brings Out Scam Artists Who Prey On People’s $1200 Stimulus Checks

coronavirus pandemic scam artists scammersCybercriminals, slimy marketers and scammers are hard at work during the Coronavirus pandemic.  They are hard at work trying to pry on frightened consumers, steal personal information and even blackmail folks. In addition, they are devising ways to try to fraudulently obtain peoples $1200 stimulus checks.  We all need to be vigilant and be on “high alert”. “This is a breeding ground for scam artists. It’s kind of the perfect storm with all of the tragedies that we have going on across the country and across the world,” said John North, president and CEO of the Dayton and the Miami Valley.

Fear and confusion surrounding the coronavirus pandemic  as well as people’s desire to help others, creates a fertile ground for scammers , said Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost. Yost warns Ohioans to ignore all the online advertisements hawking cures for the coronavirus and emails claiming to be from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or other expert sources with special advice or information about the coronavirus. To download … Read More... “BEWARE: Cybercriminals are Trying New Scams In this Coronavirus (COVID-19) Era”

Better Understanding the Importance of Ohio Health Care Documents During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Better Understanding the Importance of Ohio Health Care Documents During the Coronavirus Pandemic
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Health Care Decisions During The Coronavirus (COVID-19).

PUBLISHERS NOTE: Due to these most difficult times, Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues is offering a 20% discount to new clients on all estate planning documents/services during the month of April. To read more about this offer, click here.

Coronavirus: Health Care Durable Power of Attorney Covers All Health Care Decisions

health care decisions estate planningThese are scary times.  These are stressful times.  These are uncertain times.  However, this is a time, more than ever, that we have to be prepared and educated as best we can for whatever the next few weeks or months have in store for us.  We have seen preparation in full force in the form of people stocking up on basic supplies in their neighborhood stores.  Hopefully, everyone is practicing social distancing.  We hope that, through social distancing and good hygiene (Remember to wash your hands often!), neither our loved ones nor us will get sick and this will pass.  However, we need to be prepared for the worst, which includes us or our loved ones becoming ill.  With that in mind, it is important to be educated … Read More... “Better Understanding the Importance of Ohio Health Care Documents During the Coronavirus Pandemic”

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