My Ex Won’t Let Me Have My Kids Because of the Coronavirus. What Can I do?

My Ex Won’t Let Me Have My Kids Because of the Coronavirus. What Can I do?
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Is Parental Time Affected By The Coronavirus Essential Travel Order In Ohio?

coronavirus parenting time divorce essential travelI have been practicing family law and divorce in Ohio for over 40 years. Coronavirus is a novel situation, but I will do my best to share some insights into this topic. The COVID-19 situation is a very fluid situation. In addition, each case and the analysis would be dependent on the facts of the specific case as well as the Court and Judge.

Pursuant to both of the Ohio’s Stay at Home Orders, travel has been reduced to only essential travel. Under these Orders, essential travel  is defined based on specified travel purpose, including “travel required by law enforcement or court order, including to transport children pursuant to a custody agreement.” Individuals falling under any of the essential travel purposes must still “comply with all Social Distancing Requirements.” (See, Section 12 (e) of the Ohio Order of April 2, 2020). So, to be clear, Court Ordered parenting time is NOT altered by the shelter-in-place Orders.

Although many Courts are presently working with limited staff, that is not the case in the … Read More... “My Ex Won’t Let Me Have My Kids Because of the Coronavirus. What Can I do?”

[REPOST: Exclusive 20% discount!] Estate Planning For Seniors In The CORONAVIRUS Era

[REPOST: Exclusive 20% discount!] Estate Planning For Seniors In The CORONAVIRUS Era
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Due to all the challenges upon each of us, the Dayton, Ohio law firm of Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues is offering a 20% discount for new clients on all estate planning documents and services during the month of April.

We are reprinting below Attorney Joseph Balmer’s blog from last Saturday addressing the urgency for everyone (but especially for seniors) to review and update their healthcare documents, financial power of attorney and wills and trusts.

Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues has been providing exemplary legal services to the Dayton area community since 1941. Please call us at 937 293-2141. Quality estate planning doesn’t need to be confusing or expensive! Our staff will gladly schedule you with an initial phone conference with Attorney Balmer to answer your questions and address your estate planning needs – all in plain English.

Mr. Balmer has been certified as a specialist by the Ohio State Bar Association in Estate Planning, Trusts and Probate Administration since 2006.

Please mention this discount offer when scheduling your phone conference. On behalf of everyone at … Read More... “[REPOST: Exclusive 20% discount!] Estate Planning For Seniors In The CORONAVIRUS Era”


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What Is The Most Important Thing A Senior Should Do Amidst The Corinavirus Pandemic? Start With Estate Planning.

estate planning coronavirusWhat should seniors do regarding estate planning in the Coronavirus era? We have all seen some of the research and statistics. Those over 60 and those with underlying medical conditions are considered high risk for developing the Coronavirus . The mortality rate for those ages 80-89 who contract the virus is over 14 percent, and for those ages 70-79 it is over 13 percent.

What should seniors do? The most important thing is to have an estate plan in place. It can be a basic plan, but a basic plan is much better than nothing. Most people would be surprised how many seniors lack basic estate planning documents. Make sure you have basic health care documents. If you get sick, it is critical that you have a Durable Power of Attorney for health care. Otherwise, your loved ones will have to petition the Court to establish a guardianship over you. If you don’t want life support, if you are permanently unconscious, or terminally ill, you also need a Living … Read More... “ESTATE PLANNING FOR SENIORS IN THE CORONAVIRUS ERA”

Parenting Issues and Tips in the Age of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Parenting Issues and Tips in the Age of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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How Does The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Affect Divorce And Domestic Relations In Ohio Courts?

coronavirus divorce parentingOhio is under a state of emergency declared by Governor DeWine. Life will be very different for all of us for the foreseeable future. The ramifications of the viral nightmare are significant and changing by the hour.  Not only do we need to practice social distancing but schools are closed – jobs and business are changing and many being lost.

While not trying to be glum, there are huge consequences for divorced individuals with shared parenting or other parenting schedules. In addition, divorce courts now generally have skeleton staffing in place and are only holding only emergency type hearings/trials such as on Domestic Protection Order matters. Further, there is really no caselaw or precedent that Judges and lawyers can cite that is instructive as to how Court’s will likely deal with Coronavirus related parenting  disputes.


  1. Communicate More with Your Ex-Spouse: No matter how cordial your communications have been with your Ex, now is the time that you BOTH need to improve them and minimize any squabbling.
Read More... “Parenting Issues and Tips in the Age of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)”

Tips for Divorce Lawyers Dealing with Grey Divorce Matters

Tips for Divorce Lawyers Dealing with Grey Divorce Matters
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Grey Divorce Matters

How Should Divorce Lawyers Tackle Grey Divorce?

grey divorce retirementMore and more couples over age 50 are divorcing these days. Today about one in four people are going through “grey divorces.” I have witnessed this trend expand exponentially over the last 30 plus years.

Assisting divorce clients who are over 50 has some unique challenges. It seems that in the majority of these cases one spouse perceives the divorce request as coming out of “left field”. Most are long term marriages and most often it is the wife who decides she wants out. I have written about this topic previously. Click here to read a blog article I wrote in 2010 with psychotherapist Donna Ferber LPC. LADC, “Sudden Divorce Syndrome: Reality or Myth?”  This 9-year-old post is worth rereading today because it sheds light on some of the challenges individuals over age 50 face post-divorce.

Divorce can certainly be difficult for individuals of any age. However, it can be especially paralyzing to those divorcing in later life. An interesting study abstract has been published in June 2019 in The Journal of Health and Social Behavior titled … Read More... “Tips for Divorce Lawyers Dealing with Grey Divorce Matters”

LEGAL ALERT: Can your failure to pay child support impact your right to withhold consent for the adoption of your child in Ohio?

LEGAL ALERT: Can your failure to pay child support impact your right to withhold consent for the adoption of your child in Ohio?
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Ohio Courts Rule On Adoption Case Involving Consent And Child Support

child support adoption petition justifiable causeOn February 26, 2020, the Ohio Supreme Court came out with the decision, In re Adoption of A.C.B., Slip Opinion No. 2020-Ohio-629, where the Court held a non-custodial parent’s consent to the adoption of his child is not required when the parent failed, without justifiable cause, to comply with the child support obligations of a judicial decree.

What happened in the case with child support?

A.C.B.’s parents’ settlement (separation) agreement awarded sole custody to A.C.B.’s mother and ordered the father to pay $85 per week in child support. After leaving the United States to return to Kosovo, the father made sporadic child-support payments that diminished over time.

Two years later, A.C.B.’s mother reached out to the father, asking for his consent for her new husband (“stepfather”) to adopt A.C.B., but the father refused. A couple years later, the stepfather filed a petition to adopt A.C.B., arguing that the father’s consent was not required because the father failed to provide support as required by the judicial decree for the year prior to adoption petitionRead More... “LEGAL ALERT: Can your failure to pay child support impact your right to withhold consent for the adoption of your child in Ohio?”

Blast From The Past: FOMO: Does it Impact Decisions to File for Divorce?

Blast From The Past: FOMO: Does it Impact Decisions to File for Divorce?
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PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is another great post about the role FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) plays out in daily and family life It is written by Donna F. Ferber from back on February 28th, 2015! Donna is a psychotherapist in private practice for 30 years in Farmington, Connecticut. She is a licensed professional counselor, a licensed alcohol and drug abuse counselor and an educator. In her private practice, Donna specializes in issues related to life transitions and has been a guest contributor to the Ohio Family Law Blog since 2010. We have enjoyed collaborating on several articles over the years. We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

The Role FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Plays Out In Daily and Family Life

fomo divorceTechnology has created a glut of new words and expressions. It also has “repurposed” old words; a mouse is no longer just a rodent in my basement. A crash is not a vehicular accident, a chip is not just used for scooping up onion dip and … Read More... “Blast From The Past: FOMO: Does it Impact Decisions to File for Divorce?”

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