Blast From The Past: Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children

Blast From The Past: Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children
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PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Here is a great post about the impact of divorce on your adult children. It is written by psychotherapist Donna F. Ferber from back on May 29th, 2010! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

How Much Personal Information Should You Share With Your Adult Children? Confiding To A Child Of Divorce Puts The Child In A No-Win Situation

adult children divorceIt’s a misconception that when parents divorce it doesn’t affect adult children. It is important to remember that our children may be adults (and even may have experienced divorce themselves), but they are still children of both parents. In going through divorce, many parents “lean” on their children, making them into confidantes and, sometimes, surrogate spouses. Children, even adult children, are uncomfortable with details of their parents’ personal life. Confiding to a child about a parent’s indiscretions puts the child in a no-win situation.

Many of the adult children I have spoken with say that they are shocked and angry by their parents’ behavior. But … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children”

Parenting Styles: Helicopter Versus Snowplow Parenting. [Trouble Ahead?]

Parenting Styles: Helicopter Versus Snowplow Parenting. [Trouble Ahead?]
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The 50 people charged In Varsity Blue Scandal Practiced Snowplow Parenting

Overparenting Styles: Helicopter Vs. Snowplow. Which Parenting Style Are You?

parenting snowplow parentThe helicopter parent is the one who hovers over their child, worrying about all the horrible things that could happen to them. They try to monitor their child’s activities and warn them of dangers lurking ahead. In contrast the snowplow parent works hard to clear any thing in the way of their child’s success. They work hard to be sure their child does not encounter frustrating life experiences or have to deal with failures.

This type of parenting has definitely been in the spotlight with the college bribery scandal that has rocked the news. In this investigation dubbed Operation Varsity Blue, the 50 people charged were acting as snowplows. They were shielding their children from any of the risks, difficulties and possible failure of the process of attending prestigious colleges. Basically they forged ahead as a snowplow would, clearing the path ahead.  Some of the allegations were bribing SAT proctors and paying university coaches to make sure their child was accepted to the college of their … Read More... “Parenting Styles: Helicopter Versus Snowplow Parenting. [Trouble Ahead?]”

When a Child Discloses Abuse

When a Child Discloses Abuse
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The First Steps You Should Take When Child Abuse Is Suspected With A Child Under Your Supervision

How To Conduct An Interview With A Child That May Have Been Physically Or Sexually Abused And When To Call Law Enforcement

child abuse Law enforcement forensic interviewYou are a teacher, a daycare worker, a babysitter, or any other person who has contact with children. One day, you observe a child engaged in highly abnormal sexual play; for example, putting a doll’s head close to the child’s genital area, or “humping” another child. You know from your experience working with children that this is not normal. Perhaps a child infer that they may have been physically or sexually abused. What should you do?

First, keep calm. Do not display exaggerated facial expressions. This may cause the child to shut down. Children often “test the waters” when they disclose abuse. If the adults around them are calm, the child is more likely to tell about what happened. If the adults around the child react emotionally or forcefully, or blame the child, the child may clam up. You may never find out what happened, and if the child is … Read More... “When a Child Discloses Abuse”

Divorce and Digital New Age Communications and Technology

Divorce and Digital New Age Communications and Technology
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The Serious Impact Social Media May Have On Divorce Case

Social Media And E-Mail Correspondence May Impact Divorce Case

divorce social mediaOkay. I am showing my age. But I remember when the practice of domestic relations law was so much simpler in many ways. How many of you even remember the old IBM Selectric typewriter or even carbon paper! I do. In my 40 years of practice I have seen the advent of word processing, the internet, Fax machines, copy machines, computers (that network together), cell phones, email, texting, an explosion of software applications not to even mention Google and all the social media platforms!

Those times are in the past. Life has changed dramatically. We are now bombarded with voice messages, texts, emails, Facebook posts, Tweets, LinkedIn, IM’s and many more technological advances. Some folks have literally become “hooked” on their devices and these social platforms. Their lives seem to revolve around personal information that they post on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Tumblr and many others too numerous to list.

Going Through A Divorce? Take A Break From Social Media

If you think the posts are secret, … Read More... “Divorce and Digital New Age Communications and Technology”

Blast From The Past: Why Selecting One Court Over Another Could Be Important In Your Dissolution

Blast From The Past: Why Selecting One Court Over Another Could Be  Important In Your Dissolution
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PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Here is one of my favorites posts about dissolution of marriage and residency requirements in Ohio, from June 4th, 2011! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Are There Residency Requirements To File A Dissolution Of Marriage In The State Of Ohio?

dissolution marriageIn order to terminate a marriage in the State of Ohio via a divorce proceeding, the party seeking to terminate the marriage must meet certain requirements as to residence of the parties.  By law, if a party is seeking a divorce from the other party in Ohio, one of the parties must have been a resident of the State of Ohio for more than six (6) months and a resident of a particular County for more than ninety (90) days preceding the filing of the Complaint for Divorce.

By contrast, if the parties in a marriage seek to terminate their marriage by a dissolution proceeding, one of the parties must have been a resident of the State of Ohio for more than six … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Why Selecting One Court Over Another Could Be Important In Your Dissolution”

Some Advice on How to Raise Happy Children

Some Advice on How to Raise Happy Children
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Effective Parenting Leads To Happy Children

When it comes to raising happy children, some parenting approaches are more effective than others. Well adjusted and happy adults tend to be raised by parents who were caring and engaged, but also set and enforce high expectations for behavior.

A research study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology by Mai Stafford and her colleagues assessed the relationship between parental behaviors and youth well-being beginning when the kids were teens and conducted follow-up assessments when the youth were 36 and 43 years of age.

It’s difficult to conduct research over 30 years, but these scientists discovered a clear relationship between what parents did when their kids were young, and how they turned out as adults. Effective parents had two characteristics.

First, they were attentive and engaged in their children’s lives. They praised their children, were affectionate, and showed a genuine interest in their activities.

There was an open expression of feelings in these families and mutual communication. This isn’t a surprising result. Love matters.

Second, effective parents had a somewhat authoritative parenting style.

Parents Ineffective Style Can Be Damaging

Read More... “Some Advice on How to Raise Happy Children”

Grandparents Adopting Grandchildren: The Darlings Are in the Details

Grandparents Adopting Grandchildren: The Darlings Are in the Details
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Can Grandparents Have Legal Adoption Rights Over Their Grandchildren?

Grandchildren Adoption Not Always Automatic. Grandparents Not Always First Choice; Best Interest Of The Child Is Also Considered!

grandparents adoption grandchildren

Deciding to adopt a child into a family is a serious undertaking, one that hopefully will bring great happiness for many years. While adoption laws vary from state to state, the process is always a lengthy one, with the applicant needing to meet many detailed requirements before being qualified to adopt. Among them are:

  1. Providing a thorough family and social history;
  2. Being physically and mentally healthy;
  3. Demonstrating financial stability;
  4. Showing moral integrity, with no significant criminal background history;
  5. Demonstrating other factors that the state or agency believe are relevant to the adoption.

At an increased pace, grandparents are petitioning courts to adopt their own grandchildren. This is occurring as result of the incarceration of one or both parents, substance abuse issues the parent(s) are dealing with, or as a consequence of domestic violence, etc. In fact, more than 2.6 million children are living with grandparents, relatives, or close family friends without either of their parents in the home.… Read More... “Grandparents Adopting Grandchildren: The Darlings Are in the Details”

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