Blast From The Past: Custody Wars: My Lawyer Suggested that I Fabricate a Child Abuse Allegation!

Blast From The Past: Custody Wars: My Lawyer Suggested that I Fabricate a Child Abuse Allegation!
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PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorites posts written by custody expert Judianne Cochran from back on September 18th, 2010! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Using False Allegations In Family Law Custody Cases. Will I get A Better Position?

custody false allegations family lawIn recent years there has been a steady and alarming increase in the use of false allegations of vague, unsupported claims of domestic violence and even vaguer claims of child abuse, used solely in an attempt to find a shortcut to a presumed better position in custody cases.

What is more alarming is the observation that more often than not the attorneys of record for the litigants making these claims have been those unschooled in and relatively new to the family law arena, who have chosen to step outside their actual specialty and add a minor “division” of family law to their practices. Often, a new, young, unskilled associate is added to the practice to handle these family law issues.

Some of these practitioners use … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Custody Wars: My Lawyer Suggested that I Fabricate a Child Abuse Allegation!”

Can I Change my Mind After Signing Divorce Papers in Ohio?

Can I Change my Mind After Signing Divorce Papers in Ohio?
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Second Thoughts? Dismissal May Be Permitted Based On How Far The Divorce Case Is Along

divorce dismissal

The answer to this question likely depends on how far along your divorce case has progressed, as well as the reason to dismiss it. The earlier in the preceding you decide, the more likely the answer will be “yes”.

  • Withdrawal of Complaint: If you have just filed the complaint for divorce and no answer has been filed by your spouse, you may dismiss your complaint without permission of the Court. No problem!
  • Dismissal After Your Spouse Has Filed an Answer/Counterclaim:  At this point both parties have requested a divorce. Even though you had initiated the case, you do not have the option of dropping the whole case. If you dismissed your complaint, your spouse could proceed with his/her request for a divorce. The simple solution is for both sides to file a joint agreed upon dismissal entry signed by all parties and the lawyers. The Court would allow that as long as all Court costs have been paid.
  • Dismissal After Trial (But before a Decision). So, this point would arise very
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Are Married or Single Women Happier?

Are Married or Single Women Happier?
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A New Book From Happiness Expert Raises Questions About The Longevity Of Married Women

Do Married Women Feel Happy In Their Marriage? Maybe Not Says Happiness Expert

happiness single women married womenAs little girls, many of us dream about that wedding, the white picket fence, babies, and living the perfect life. Who knew that same studies have shown that the happiest in the subgroup of women in the population is actually women who are unmarried and childless?

According to happiness expert, Paul Dolan, a professor at the London School of Economics, studies support that women who are unmarried and childless are the happiest. He says that marriage and raising babies which are the traditional markers associated with success do not correlate with happiness. ln his book Happy Ever After he reported on a study from the American Time Use Survey.

They studied levels of misery and levels of pleasure in separated, divorced, windowed married and unmarried individuals. Dolan says that “the study found that the level of happiness reported by those who were married was higher than the unmarried, but only when their spouse was in the room”. Unmarried … Read More... “Are Married or Single Women Happier?”

Common Law Marriage in Ohio – Does it Still Exist?

Common Law Marriage in Ohio – Does it Still Exist?
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Ohio No Longer Recognizes Common Law Marriage After 1991

common law marriage ohioI’m sure most, if not all, have at least heard of the term “common law marriage“. By legal definition, a common law marriage is a marriage that doesn’t quite rise to the level of a legal, formal marriage, but is created by the two parties, who co-habit together and hold themselves out to their community as married. A legal marriage has a licensing component, and a certain level of solemnization requirement that might not be met by a common law marriage.

While common law marriages aren’t scarce, they are less common than they used to be. Prior to the widespread availability of easy transportation and the internet, people in remote areas of the country, especially out west, would need to wait around for the circuit-riding pastor to arrive in order to officially wed. Without a formal schedule, people began to pair off and held their own ceremonies before their family and friends and would hold themselves out in the community as married, even without all of the official paperwork being filed. After so long, no one … Read More... “Common Law Marriage in Ohio – Does it Still Exist?”

Blast From The Past: Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children

Blast From The Past: Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children
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PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Here is a great post about the impact of divorce on your adult children. It is written by psychotherapist Donna F. Ferber from back on May 29th, 2010! We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

How Much Personal Information Should You Share With Your Adult Children? Confiding To A Child Of Divorce Puts The Child In A No-Win Situation

adult children divorceIt’s a misconception that when parents divorce it doesn’t affect adult children. It is important to remember that our children may be adults (and even may have experienced divorce themselves), but they are still children of both parents. In going through divorce, many parents “lean” on their children, making them into confidantes and, sometimes, surrogate spouses. Children, even adult children, are uncomfortable with details of their parents’ personal life. Confiding to a child about a parent’s indiscretions puts the child in a no-win situation.

Many of the adult children I have spoken with say that they are shocked and angry by their parents’ behavior. But … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Consider the Impact of Divorce on Your Adult Children”

Parenting Styles: Helicopter Versus Snowplow Parenting. [Trouble Ahead?]

Parenting Styles: Helicopter Versus Snowplow Parenting. [Trouble Ahead?]
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The 50 people charged In Varsity Blue Scandal Practiced Snowplow Parenting

Overparenting Styles: Helicopter Vs. Snowplow. Which Parenting Style Are You?

parenting snowplow parentThe helicopter parent is the one who hovers over their child, worrying about all the horrible things that could happen to them. They try to monitor their child’s activities and warn them of dangers lurking ahead. In contrast the snowplow parent works hard to clear any thing in the way of their child’s success. They work hard to be sure their child does not encounter frustrating life experiences or have to deal with failures.

This type of parenting has definitely been in the spotlight with the college bribery scandal that has rocked the news. In this investigation dubbed Operation Varsity Blue, the 50 people charged were acting as snowplows. They were shielding their children from any of the risks, difficulties and possible failure of the process of attending prestigious colleges. Basically they forged ahead as a snowplow would, clearing the path ahead.  Some of the allegations were bribing SAT proctors and paying university coaches to make sure their child was accepted to the college of their … Read More... “Parenting Styles: Helicopter Versus Snowplow Parenting. [Trouble Ahead?]”

When a Child Discloses Abuse

When a Child Discloses Abuse
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The First Steps You Should Take When Child Abuse Is Suspected With A Child Under Your Supervision

How To Conduct An Interview With A Child That May Have Been Physically Or Sexually Abused And When To Call Law Enforcement

child abuse Law enforcement forensic interviewYou are a teacher, a daycare worker, a babysitter, or any other person who has contact with children. One day, you observe a child engaged in highly abnormal sexual play; for example, putting a doll’s head close to the child’s genital area, or “humping” another child. You know from your experience working with children that this is not normal. Perhaps a child infer that they may have been physically or sexually abused. What should you do?

First, keep calm. Do not display exaggerated facial expressions. This may cause the child to shut down. Children often “test the waters” when they disclose abuse. If the adults around them are calm, the child is more likely to tell about what happened. If the adults around the child react emotionally or forcefully, or blame the child, the child may clam up. You may never find out what happened, and if the child is … Read More... “When a Child Discloses Abuse”

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