PUBLISHERS NOTE: We have blogged about this situation twice before. First, on May 12, 2018, in Teen Marriages and the Push for Reform in Ohio and then on January 12, 2019, shortly after Ohio Governor John Kasich signed the new law abolishing underage marriage in most all cases. Click here to read that post. That new law just became effective on April 8, 2019. We have kept our readers up-to-date on this because underage marriage and human trafficking are important issues in society. So, here is the latest update…
Minimum Age To Marry In Ohio Is Now 18. Underage Marriage Permitted Only With Juvenile Court Consent
Children under age 17 will no longer be permitted to marry in Ohio as a new child marriage law took effect on April 8, 2019. This issue was investigated by the Dayton Daily News in 2017 when it found that 4,443 girls age 17 or younger were married in Ohio between 2000 and 2015, including 59 who were 15 and younger. State records show three girls age 14 were married. This included a Montgomery County case in which a Juvenile … Read More... “LEGAL ALERT: New Ohio Minimum Age to Marry is 18 Absent Court Order”