Gray Divorce Rates Continue to Rise!

Gray Divorce Rates Continue to Rise!
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Rate Of “Gray Divorce” More Than Doubled For Couples Age 50 And Over

gray divorceWhen it comes to divorce, could gray be the new black? The divorce rate in the United States of couples age 50 and over has more than doubled. According to research conducted by I-Fen Lin and Susan Brown, in 1990 1 out of 10 people that went through a divorce was over 50 years or older. Presently 1 in 4 people who get divorced fall into the age bracket of 50 or over. The research showed that gray divorces aren’t just for older couples who have been married previously. In fact greater than half of gray divorces are with husbands and wives who have been married 20 years of more.

Tipper and Al Gore are a classic example of a gray marriage. Married for 40 years, and with 4 children, they had grown apart and decided to part ways. According to Tipper, there was no abuse or infidelity. Their marriage no longer brought them joy and they felt they were better apart.  Like the Gores, today people are just not willing to put … Read More... “Gray Divorce Rates Continue to Rise!”

The Ohio Supreme Court Gives a Win to Surviving Spouses Over Creditors

The Ohio Supreme Court Gives a Win to Surviving Spouses Over Creditors
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Ohio Supreme Court Rules That A Creditor Must Look At The Deceased Spouse’s Estate Before Pursuing A Surviving Spouse For Debt Payment

surviving spouse creditor supreme courtIn a somewhat surprising decision, the Ohio Supreme Court on December 12, 2018, in Embassy Healthcare v. Bell provided some relief to surviving spouses for the debts of their deceased spouses under certain situations.  Now, a creditor must look to the deceased spouse’s estate first before pursuing the surviving spouse for payment.

To understand the argument on both sides, one must first look to the existing statutory law.  Under current existing Ohio statutory law, any creditor looking to be paid by a debtor’s estate must present a claim to the estate of the decedent within 6 months of the decedent’s death or the claim is banned forever.  However, there is also the “necessaries statute” that states every spouse is directly responsible to care for his or her spouse if they are unable to do so.  This has always been interpreted to mean that the surviving spouse is directly responsible for the funeral bill or last medical bills of the deceased spouse. Under R.C. 3103.03, the … Read More... “The Ohio Supreme Court Gives a Win to Surviving Spouses Over Creditors”

How Attorneys and Expert Witnesses Can Effectively Manage Each Other in Domestic Violence Cases

How Attorneys and Expert Witnesses Can Effectively Manage Each Other in Domestic Violence Cases
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Communication Crucial Between Attorneys And Experts in Domestic Violence Cases

The Trust Between Attorneys And Expert Witnesses Essential To Successfully Litigate A Domestic Violence case

domestic violence expertIf the lawsuit necessitates that an expert be retained, the attorney and expert need to have a relationship built on trust. This is particularly important so they can each manage the other’s expectations. How can this be accomplished?

It’s a slogan we all know: Customer satisfaction is priority number one. No different than a customer-salesperson relationship, a client embroiled in a domestic violence case who hires an attorney is looking for a positive result. Nonetheless, the attorney needs to manage the client’s expectations by properly informing the client of the intricacies and unpredictability of the legal process, and the client needs to understand the realistic potential outcomes.

If the lawsuit necessitates that an expert be retained, the attorney and expert need to have a relationship built on trust. This is particularly important so they can each manage the other’s expectations. How can this be accomplished?  Generally, managing is a proactive, continuous effort that will change depending upon new information and developments in … Read More... “How Attorneys and Expert Witnesses Can Effectively Manage Each Other in Domestic Violence Cases”

Blast From The Past: Thoughts about Your Divorce Day

Blast From The Past: Thoughts about Your Divorce Day
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PUBLISHERS NOTE: Here is a classic from Connecticut Psychotherapist Donna Ferber, first published on the Ohio Family Law Blog on July 10, 2010. Her advice about surviving your final divorce court date is still right on target! Also, check her books and her website out at

Survival Tips For Preparing For Your Day In Divorce Court

divorce dayJust as each marriage is unique, so is each divorce. Your reaction to the final legal decree will vary from that of others going through this process. Your feelings will be based on your own special circumstances and will depend upon a number of factors:

  • How reconciled you are to the divorce.
  • How much time has passed between the filing of the original papers and the final day.
  • How much acrimony still exists with your spouse.
  • How much rebuilding of your own life you have already done.

Divorce Day can bring about a myriad of feelings, ranging from extreme sadness to exuberant joy to calm indifference. By knowing yourself and your own feelings about your situation, you can predict, to some degree, how you will feel.

Here are some

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Ohio Alimony Revisited Under the New Tax Law

Ohio Alimony Revisited Under the New Tax Law
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Existing Alimony Deduction Repealed Under New Tax Law

alimony new tax law divorceUnder Ohio divorce decrees, alimony (spousal support) payments have been typically deductible to the payor and taxable to the recipient. The income tax treatment of these payments has been a significant factor in negotiating the amount of alimony. For new divorce cases not completed before January 1, 2019, these payments are now "neutral" per the new Tax Cuts and Jobs act. The existing alimony deduction has been repealed. This means that newly divorced individuals will not enjoy the benefits/burdens of alimony taxability (unless there was a executed separation agreement preserving such previous tax treatment signed prior to the end of last year).

A New Frontier For Operating Under The New Tax Law And Divorce In Ohio

What does this mean for individuals now in the process of divorcing or who get divorced after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2019? Essentially, we are now in the infancy of operating under the new tax law and divorce Courts are evaluating a fresh and starting to formulate new positions/practices. In Ohio, there is not a statutory guideline for setting … Read More... “Ohio Alimony Revisited Under the New Tax Law”

How Would an Ohio Court Deal with Alleged Adultery in a Bezos Type Divorce?

How Would an Ohio Court Deal with Alleged Adultery in a Bezos Type Divorce?
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PUBLISHERS NOTE: Neither Jeff or MacKenzie Bezos live in Ohio. They live in Washington (where Amazon is headquartered).  Nor, do we truly know all the facts of their highly publicized divorce.  This article is hypothetical in nature assuming Jeff Bezos has committed adultery and an Ohio Divorce Court had jurisdiction.

Is Adultery Grounds For Divorce In OhIo?

divorce adultery bezosIn the aftermath of Jeff Bezos recently announcing that he and his wife MacKenzie will be divorcing, I was asked if the divorce was in Ohio, how his purported affair would affect his divorce. In addition, I am assuming that there is no prenuptial agreement in my answer.

In Ohio, Adultery is a Ground for Divorce.

Under Ohio Revised Code Section 3105.01 (c) adultery is a ground for divorce.  It is one of 6 statutory grounds recognized for divorce plus there is also the no fault basis of incompatibility. If the grounds were contested in a trial, the wife would have the burden of proving the adultery. In the vast majority of Ohio divorce cases, grounds are not contested and the case proceeds based on incompatibility and both parties … Read More... “How Would an Ohio Court Deal with Alleged Adultery in a Bezos Type Divorce?”

LEGAL ALERT: Ohio Raises the Minimum Age to Marry to 18 in Most Cases

LEGAL ALERT: Ohio Raises the Minimum Age to Marry to 18 in Most Cases
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Ohio Bans Underage Marrriages Putting An End To Child Marriage

underage marriage child marriage teen marriagesOhio has banned underage marriage between underage boys and girls. In addition, for the first time the law treats both genders the same. Previously, the law in Ohio had permitted boys at age 18 but 16 for girls to marry.

On January 7, 2019, Gov. John Kasich signed into law a measure that protects Ohio children against underage marriage. This new law was initiated in part as a result of a Dayton Daily News investigation that found 4,443 girls age 17 or younger were married in Ohio between 2000 and 2015, including 59 who were 15 and younger. Ohio records showed that three girls age 14 were married, including one pregnant girl who married a 48-year-old man! Prior to this law change, pregnant girls under age16 could marry if they had parental consent and juvenile court approval.

80% Of Teen Marriages End In Divorce

On May 12, 2018, we published “Teen Marriages and the Push for Reform in Ohio” on the Ohio Family Law Blog. Click here to read it and more about teen marriagesRead More... “LEGAL ALERT: Ohio Raises the Minimum Age to Marry to 18 in Most Cases”

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