Domestic Violence – Let’s Look at the Local Statistics!

Domestic Violence – Let’s Look at the Local Statistics!
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domestic violence artemis centerDomestic Violence – No More Silence

The number of reported domestic violence cases has dramatically increased over the years since the domestic violence statute went into effect in Ohio in 1978. These numbers shocked me, even as a Dayton divorce lawyer who entered the practice back in 1978.

Chief Montgomery County Magistrate Keith Hall recently reported the following:

  • In 1978 there were 35 Civil Domestic Violence Filings
  • In 1979 there were 50 Civil Domestic Violence Filings
  • In 2016 there were 1,400 Civil Domestic Violence Filings
  • In 2017 there were 1,710 Civil Domestic Violence Filings

Believe it or not, this number of Civil Domestic Violence Filings in 2017 EXCEEDED the total number of divorces and dissolutions combined that year!

To try to help put this in context, I interviewed Jane Keiffer, MSW, LISW, the Executive Director of the Artemis Center in Dayton.  Ms. Keiffer explained that she did not interpret these numbers to mean necessarily that MORE domestic violence was occurring, but that there was much more awareness in our society. She told me that in addition the #metoo movement “has allowed individuals to speak up when they … Read More... “Domestic Violence – Let’s Look at the Local Statistics!”

Blast From The Past: Tips on How to Select a Divorce Lawyer!

Blast From The Past: Tips on How to Select a Divorce Lawyer!
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PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: This is a blast FROM WAY BACK in time! It is a merger and update from a two part series on selecting a divorce lawyer, which we posted on December 20, 2007 and January 2, 2008! The information rings as true now as it did then. We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

Key Considerations When Selecting The Right Divorce Or Family Law Lawyer

divorce lawyer family lawSelecting the right attorney for a divorce is an extremely important and personal decision. Take the time to properly pick your attorney. The outcome of your family law case will impact your future dramatically!

The following are some key considerations in selecting the “right” divorce lawyer:


Most attorneys these days have narrowed their practice to one or a few areas of the law. Divorce law is a very specialized field. It is important to find a lawyer that concentrates his or her practice in the particular area of law that you need – whether it’s divorce, child custody, … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Tips on How to Select a Divorce Lawyer!”

Divorce: New Sesame Street Videos Help Kids Deal with Trauma

Divorce: New Sesame Street Videos Help Kids Deal with Trauma
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sesame street traumatic experiences helping childrenFor decades, Sesame Street has played on TV’s across the country, teaching children their ABC’s and 123’s, while also broadening their vocabulary, and increasing other academic skills. But now, Sesame Street is focused on another issue: helping children cope with traumatic experiences.

Children and Traumatic Experiences

A study conducted in 2016 found that nearly half of the children in the United States have experienced at least one traumatic or stressful event, including the death of a loved one, abuse, and divorce. The study also found that 1 in 5 of these children has experienced these events on more than one occasion. Click here to read the study.

How Can Sesame Street Help Children With Traumatic Experiences?

Children who experience traumatic experiences are more likely to develop posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and even substance abuse. Early exposure to traumatic events affects the neurodevelopment of a child, which changes the way that they respond to stress and other experiences. According to the Department of Psychiatry at Saint Vincent’s Hospital in New York, “exposure to trauma also affects children’s ability to regulate, identify, and express emotions, … Read More... “Divorce: New Sesame Street Videos Help Kids Deal with Trauma”

Talking to Children about School Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers

Talking to Children about School Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
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What To Tell Your Kids About The Florida High School Shootings – Tips On School Safety For Children And Resource Links For Violence Prevention

school safety violence childrenPUBLISHER’S NOTE: Yesterday, February 16th, Psychotherapist Donna F. Ferber entered the world of Facebook with her first Facebook post. The subject was a horribly depressing but a timely one: What to tell your kids about the Florida High School shootings. Donna ALWAYS shares terrific advice in her blog columns. I thank her for sharing this valuable public service by providing a link for both parents and teachers (which was posted in 2016) by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).

Here is what Donna concisely posted, “My first post on Facebook. Helpful information in troubling times. I look forward to a time when we don’t need to have these difficult conversations”.

Here is the link she provided as a resource to our teachers and parents:

Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers

The information, in my mind, warrants posting it in full. Here it is:

“High profile acts of violence, particularly in schools, can confuse and … Read More... “Talking to Children about School Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers”

Why are Kids so Afraid of Being Real with their Parents?

Why are Kids so Afraid of Being Real with their Parents?
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kids afraid parents realSomething I say to kids typically strikes terror in their hearts—“maybe that’s something you should discuss with your mom and dad.” My advice is often met with fear and rejection.

Within the emotional security of my office, children learn to trust and reveal what they are really thinking and feeling. They don’t have to worry about being punished or hurting my feelings.

They freely talk about their perceptions of not being good enough to live up to the expectations of their parents.  Others discuss their resentment towards siblings or intense feelings of loneliness.  Kids are acutely aware of marital problems, and they share the terrible anxiety of wondering if and when their parents will separate.

Adolescents typically discuss their fears about fitting in and figuring out relationships. Self-doubts overwhelm them, even if they appear well-adjusted and confident. Their outer persona rarely matches their inner life.

I’m glad that these kids feel safe to discuss such issues in therapy, but my job is to make myself unnecessary. I coach kids how to get support from others rather than to develop a dependency on a therapist.

Why are kids … Read More... “Why are Kids so Afraid of Being Real with their Parents?”

Blast From The Past: Divorce: 6 Reasons Hiring A Therapist May Help Your Case!

Blast From The Past: Divorce: 6 Reasons Hiring A Therapist May Help Your Case!
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PUBLISHER’S UPDATE: Here is one of my favorite divorce posts from back on December 19th, 2015! The advice rings as true now as it did then…We have a ton of interesting articles in our archives of the Ohio Family Law Blog. Use our Search tool and enjoy a few oldie but goodies!

divorce therapistObviously going through an unexpected or difficult divorce can be one of the most stressful experiences in an individual’s life.  While many clients can navigate the process unassisted without professional help, others really cannot.  Some people think that they can talk with family members or friends to help pull them through.  Typically, however, those who are deeply distressed really need professional help by a therapist to guide them through the entire process and transition to their life post-divorce.  Many people view having a therapist or counselor as a sign of weakness.  It certainly is not.  My experience as a divorce attorney for over 35 years is that when the attorney and therapist work together, it can often eliminate years of paralysis for a client.

How Hiring a Therapist Can Have A Profound Effect On The

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Safe Haven’s Law in Ohio – Teens Should Take Advantage

Safe Haven’s Law in Ohio – Teens Should Take Advantage
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Publisher’s Note: Attorney Charles “Bill” Morrison in our office posted this article on our Ohio Criminal Defense Law Blog on January 9, 2018. The topic of Safe Haven’s Law certainly has both criminal law and family law relevance warranting posting here as well. It is indeed a shame that this legal option is not better publicized! Click here to read more of Bill’s excellent posts.

safe haven's lawThere has been another high-profile case involving a pregnant teen accused of killing her newborn baby. Now, it needs to be made absolutely clear that this blog is NOT claiming that the teen caused the death of the child. The defendant in this case is claiming the baby was still-born. As we are not privy to the evidence, and she has not been convicted after the state has been put to its proof at a trial, we will presume that the young lady is innocent, as required under our constitution.

However, the linked article mentioned a little-known provision under Ohio law that allows parents of a newborn to effectively give up their child and face no adverse consequences. The theory behind “Ohio’s … Read More... “Safe Haven’s Law in Ohio – Teens Should Take Advantage”

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