Blast From The Past: The New Economics of Marriage: More Men Marrying Wealthier Women

Blast From The Past: The New Economics of Marriage: More Men Marrying Wealthier Women
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PUBLISHERS NOTE: “This post and my comments from 2010 were dead on! Society has seemingly accepted this household incomes reversal perhaps due more to gender equality acceptance. Not shocking, but women are no happier now paying alimony than men were back in the 1980’s.”

Modern Household Incomes: More Men Marrying Wealthier Women

household incomes wealthier womenIn a recent analysis of census data, the Pew Research Center found that the institution of marriage has undergone significant changes in recent decades as women have outpaced men in education and earnings growth. The study examined American’s 30 to 44 years old, a stage of life when typical adults have completed their education, have gone to work and gotten married. “Men now are increasingly likely to marry wives with more education and income than they have, and the reverse is true for women,” said Paul Fucito, spokesman for the Pew Center. “In recent decades, with the rise of well-paid working wives, the economic gains of marriage have been a greater benefit for men.” Clearly, these unequal gains have been accompanied by gender role reversals in both the spousal characteristics and the economic benefits of … Read More... “Blast From The Past: The New Economics of Marriage: More Men Marrying Wealthier Women”

Teen Marriages and the Push for Reform in Ohio

Teen Marriages and the Push for Reform in Ohio
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80% Of Teen Marriages End In Divorce, Teenage Brides At Risk For Abuse And Life Of Poverty

Are Teen Marriages Doomed To Fail?

teen marriages divorce teenage bridesIf you ask someone the percentage of marriages that end in divorce, it’s likely that they will tell you 50%.  If this is true, and 1 in 2 unions will eventually end, then clearly couples that get married have an uphill battle to make it last.  On top of the typical hurdles that a marriage will have to overcome, a couple that chooses to marry while teenagers face an even more daunting task.

Dayton Daily News Investigation

In a study conducted by College of William and Mary law school, 80% of teen marriages ended in divorce. Click here to read the study.  In the face of such sobering statistics, Ohio has seen a recent push to change the age that teens are allowed to legally marry.  Currently, the law requires that females be at least 16, while males must be 18 to marry without judicial consent.  That being said, there are exceptions made for younger, pregnant teens, if they have parental consent … Read More... “Teen Marriages and the Push for Reform in Ohio”

Divorce: Study Finds That Being Promoted May Double a Wife’s Chances of Getting Divorced

Divorce: Study Finds That Being Promoted May Double a Wife’s Chances of Getting Divorced
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Divorce Rate Increases With Reassignment Of Responsibility According To Study

divorce studyThere are many reasons why a couple may file for divorce. According to a new study, marriages with “traditional” gender roles – meaning the woman’s job takes a backseat, and the man is the breadwinner of the house – tend to fall apart if the woman finds herself in a more successful career.

This study used 30 years of data from the Swedish register, which followed job seekers before and after promotions. They also used divorce rates among women who were elected to a public office, and those who lost, compared with that of elected men. Could it be that the wife’s promotion is more unexpected in a relationship that values the husband’s role? Maybe the wife’s promotion causes more stress in the relationship due reassignment of responsibility? Or possibly women chose to leave a relationship that doesn’t offer flexibility and support for her career development?


This study took place over the course of 30 years, with the average … Read More... “Divorce: Study Finds That Being Promoted May Double a Wife’s Chances of Getting Divorced”

Blast From The Past: Why One Should Not Postpone Post-Divorce Estate Planning

Blast From The Past: Why One Should Not Postpone Post-Divorce Estate Planning
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Post-Divorce Estate Planning Should Not Be Postponed

PUBLISHERS NOTE: Nine years ago we posted this article to the Ohio Family Law Blog. It has been a popular one and has stood the test of time. For more information, Attorney Joseph E. Balmer’s free Ebook “The Four Basics of Ohio Estate Planning” is available to download on our website here.

estate planningMany individuals first think about estate planning when they get married. They realize that, at a minimum, they should have a will, general power of attorney and power of attorney for health care. They may later amend these documents due to life changes or changes in their financial position. However, one might be surprised to know that a recent survey by PNC Wealth Management disclosed that 30% of adults with financial assets of $500,000 or more did not have a will! A recent Harris Interactive survey of the general population found that 58% of all adults had no will. One might be even more surprised that if he or she had a will and became divorced, he or she may be no better off than if he … Read More... “Blast From The Past: Why One Should Not Postpone Post-Divorce Estate Planning”


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Marriages In Ohio Can Be Ended In One Of Two Ways, Dissolution Or By Divorce

Ohio dissolution divorce differenceA dissolution and divorce in Ohio is different than most states. In most states, those terms can be used synonymously, but they are alternate proceedings with different statutory regulations in Ohio. Marriages in Ohio can be ended in one of two ways – by divorce or by dissolution.


A dissolution proceeding is the quickest and easiest of the two methods to terminate your marriage, but in order to proceed with a dissolution there are certain considerations that must be met. Primarily, there must be a total and full agreement signed by both parties as to ALL terms of the dissolution. This means that both parties have to have a full agreement on all issues, including alimony, custody, child support, division of assets, debt allocation, division of household goods and furnishings, etc. There is no subpoena power available, which means both parties must exchange all financial information voluntarily.

If such an agreement cannot be reached on ANY issue, then a dissolution proceeding is not appropriate. In addition, restraining orders are not available … Read More... “WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DISSOLUTION AND DIVORCE IN OHIO”

Served with Divorce Papers in Ohio? Tips From Experienced Dayton Divorce Lawyer

Served with Divorce Papers in Ohio? Tips From Experienced Dayton Divorce Lawyer
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divorce lawyer restraining ordersList of What To Do When Served With Divorce Papers According to Experienced Dayton Divorce Lawyer Robert L Mues

You go answer the door and there’s a big guy on the other side. You slowly open it. He puts his foot in the door and asks your name. Before you open your mouth he hands you an envelope containing a fat stack of papers. He announces “You’ve been served!” which is often followed by “Have a nice day!”  BAM! Whether expected or not, this is the “kick off” of your divorce case.

Your reaction will no doubt vary depending on your feelings about your marital situation and your level of happiness. Some individuals will be blindsided, hurt and even physically sick. Others may actually be relieved and welcome a fresh new start. No matter where you fall in this spectrum, here are some tips of what to do and not do.


  1. Read the documents
  2. As difficult as this may be, try to read through them. On the SUMMONS (which should be the first page), note the deadline to file your Answer. In Ohio, it
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Blast From the Past: Bitcoins and Hiding Crypto and Digital Assets in a Divorce Action

Blast From the Past: Bitcoins and Hiding Crypto and Digital Assets in a Divorce Action
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PUBLISHERS NOTE: The ownership of digital currency including cryptocurrency and Bitcoin has increased exponentially since my first Ohio Family Law Blog article “Bitcoins and Hiding Assets in a Divorce Action” on the subject on October 4, 2014. In that ”Blast From the Past” we provided an overview of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and we geared it primarily towards my fellow divorce lawyers. Today, I want to update legal developments in this exciting area of Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency Divorce Issues and focus more towards spouses who may be having marital issues and who own bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

Finding Hidden Assets During Divorce: Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency

Current Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Tidbits

bitcoin cryptocurrency divorceBitcoin and cryptocurrency has been in the news a great amount since the start of this year.  In 2017 it soared in value to almost $20,000 per bitcoin, but this January it fell to below $8,000. It appears that it is on its way back up until Twitter joined Facebook and. Google banning cryptocurrency ads on March 26, 2018.  At this point, the most popular coins are bitcoin, ethereum, and ripple. Lots of new merchants now … Read More... “Blast From the Past: Bitcoins and Hiding Crypto and Digital Assets in a Divorce Action”

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