Abbreviations Kids Use on Cellphones That Parents Should Know!

Abbreviations Kids Use on Cellphones That Parents Should Know!
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Texting Lingo That A Teenager Might Use On Their Cellphones, A Parents Guide To Emojis!

teenager emojisWhen you think about the stereotypical teenager, what comes to mind?  A pimply twig that enjoys blaring bubble gum pop music while their face is stuck in a cellphone screen? Or perhaps you thought of a certain smell attached to the essence of a teenager such as molding pizza. Whatever your stereotypical teenager looks like (or smells like) in your mind, they probably had a cellphone in their hand.

Cellphones have been around for a while now, journeying from a car phone to a screen the weight of a brick. Most adults know what a flip phone is, and how sending text messages were a time consuming process. To combat the time consuming process of sending a friend a quick message, cell phones acquired their own texting lingo made up by young people to communicate faster.

However as time progressed, it seems that the only ones using texting lingo/abbreviations are the same ones who created it back in the day. After coming across many articles of “This is the Text Slang … Read More... “Abbreviations Kids Use on Cellphones That Parents Should Know!”

Same-Sex Marriage Alert: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Birth Certificates

Same-Sex Marriage Alert: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Birth Certificates
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Supreme Court Rules States May Not Treat Same-Sex Marriage Couples Differently From Others When Issuing Birth Certificates

same-sex marriage supreme courtOn Monday, June 26, 2017, the United States Supreme Court reversed a decision from the Arkansas Supreme Court. The decision that was just overruled by the United States Supreme Court was monumental in that the Supreme Court reaffirmed its 2015 decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, recognizing constitutional rights to same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court ruled that states may not treat married same-sex couples differently from others when issuing birth certificates. The case in question, Pavan v. Smith, concerns an Arkansas law that treated same-sex couples differently than opposite sex-couples.

In Pavan, married lesbian couple had jointly planned their child’s conception by means of an anonymous sperm donor. However, when the parents went to list both moms as parents on the birth certificate, Arkansas state officials would only allow the biological mom to place her name on the certificate. Unfortunately, under Arkansas law, same-sex couples were unable to have a same-sex spouse listed as a parent, whereas an opposite-sex couple could automatically have a non-genetic father listed on … Read More... “Same-Sex Marriage Alert: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Birth Certificates”

Blast From The Past: The Red Ones Are the Best!

Blast From The Past: The Red Ones Are the Best!
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“The Ohio Family Law Blog has continuously been posting information about divorce and family law topics since 2007. We are frequently asked about articles in our archives. So that got us thinking, perhaps it might be fun to occasionally repost a “Blast From The Past”…SO, IT’S BLAST OFF TIME!

4th Of July FamilyIt seemed appropriate that I should write something for the family law blog geared towards the “Birthday of America”. In the past, I liked to reflect upon the holidays and tried to find some correlation between the specific holiday and my family law practice. Not always an easy task without becoming repetitive in discussing how to celebrate the day in the aftermath of a traumatic divorce.  So, as I pondered possible themes, I considered offering a bit of a twist on “Independence Day”. Or, perhaps, writing a patriotic post about America and the importance of family values.  In the end, I decided to go in a different direction.

As I think about this holiday, it brings back many fabulous memories. As a child, it was in my top two or three yearly holidays. I loved that it was … Read More... “Blast From The Past: The Red Ones Are the Best!”

Gender Equality: U.S. Supreme Court Rules for Unwed Mothers and Fathers

Gender Equality: U.S. Supreme Court Rules for Unwed Mothers and Fathers
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Supreme Court Rules Federal Citizenship Rules Unconstitutional, Gender Equality Prevails

gender equality supreme courtRecently the Supreme Court has made a ruling that has progressed society forward and upheld gender equality. On June 12, 2017, in the case of Sessions, Attorney General v. Morales-Santana, the Supreme Court ruled that the current federal citizenship rules were unconstitutional. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote for the majority. This decision is a major victory for the justice, who for 20 years battled unsuccessfully for equal treatment of men and women seeking to pass citizenship on to their children.

The current federal citizenship rules state that a child born to an unwed mother automatically becomes a citizen of the United States if the mother previously lived in the United States for at least one-year. However, if a child was born to an unwed father, that child could not become a United States citizen unless the father had lived in the United States for at least five continuous years and two of which the father had to be over the age of 14. In essence, an unwed mother’s child was given preferential treatment over an … Read More... “Gender Equality: U.S. Supreme Court Rules for Unwed Mothers and Fathers”

Prenuptial Agreement: How to Ask for a Prenuptial and Avoid a Break-Up!

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prenuptial divorcePrenuptial agreements are daunting to bring up to one’s significant other and many individuals fear bringing up the topic. Many individuals worry that the prenuptial discussion will cause problems, such as making their significant other feel as if they are not trusted or as if there is an anticipation of a divorce in Ohio via a lack of commitment. However, research has shown that having a prenuptial agreement may in fact strengthen a relationship. Did you know that According to a survey of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), 63 percent of divorce attorneys say they’ve seen an increase in prenuptial agreements  over recent years? This is NOT just a male thing either.  Forty-six percent of these lawyers also noted an increase in the number of women initiating requests for prenuptials.

Moreover, there are benefits that may arise from having a prenuptial such as:

  1. A prenuptial can simplify a divorce by addressing the subjects of spousal/child support, the division of debts and assets, and so on…
  2. A prenuptial can also reduce the cost of a divorce simply because it hopefully removes almost all costs associated with
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3 Ways to Raise Empathetic Children

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empathetic childrenIt seems as though many discussions with our kids or friends morph into mindless debates rather than genuine conversations. The goal is to win an argument rather than to understand another’s viewpoint.

This has been evident within the political arena. Moderation and compromise have become synonymous with selling out or giving in. We pay a high cost for this extremism — the loss of empathy.

Relationships are based on understanding another’s viewpoint. This means listening carefully and striving to appreciate another’s thoughts and feelings without inserting our perspective. During my graduate studies, a professor told me that establishing empathy with our patients is the most difficult skill psychologists had to learn. She was right.

It’s hard to listen. Many kids and their parents express outrageous thoughts and feelings that seem so misguided, illogical, and just plain wrong. Even so, I can’t begin to influence families in a positive direction until I emotionally and intellectually understand their worlds.

Empathy doesn’t mean condoning or agreeing with another. When kids tell me their parents hate them, I don’t agree with their feelings. I simply try to understand the basis of … Read More... “3 Ways to Raise Empathetic Children”

Divorce: Does an Unequal Allocation Household Chores Lead to a Divorce?

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Does an Unequal Allocation Household Chores Lead to a Divorce? Studies says yes…and no!

divorce household choresTo have a successful marriage there are several factors that need to be considered such as being honest with your spouse, being respectful of your spouse, being loyal to your spouse, and, a more recent trend, splitting household chores with your spouse. This last one may seem out of place, but according to research from Pew Research Center Religious Landscape Study more than half of married individuals feel that sharing household chores is important for a successful marriage.  Another study, led by Michael Rosenfield, Associate Professor of Sociology at Stanford University, discovered that women are more likely to seek a divorce due to their frustration when their husbands do not “pull their weight.” Read the study here.

Historically, gender roles in our society have dictated how men and women act. For example, women have been the ones to do the household chores while men went out into the workforce and were the “breadwinners.” However, we now live in a time where both men and women work; thus, it would only make sense … Read More... “Divorce: Does an Unequal Allocation Household Chores Lead to a Divorce?”

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