Does an Unequal Allocation Household Chores Lead to a Divorce? Studies says yes…and no!
To have a successful marriage there are several factors that need to be considered such as being honest with your spouse, being respectful of your spouse, being loyal to your spouse, and, a more recent trend, splitting household chores with your spouse. This last one may seem out of place, but according to research from Pew Research Center Religious Landscape Study more than half of married individuals feel that sharing household chores is important for a successful marriage. Another study, led by Michael Rosenfield, Associate Professor of Sociology at Stanford University, discovered that women are more likely to seek a divorce due to their frustration when their husbands do not “pull their weight.” Read the study here.
Historically, gender roles in our society have dictated how men and women act. For example, women have been the ones to do the household chores while men went out into the workforce and were the “breadwinners.” However, we now live in a time where both men and women work; thus, it would only make sense … Read More... “Divorce: Does an Unequal Allocation Household Chores Lead to a Divorce?”